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First week of DC

Archive: 4 posts

So, we all know that we get the t-shirt and spacesuit within the first week of the release. Is that still so with the US getting it before the EU? As we may not get it untill two weeks or so, and the Americans get it alot sooner will we still be able to get those downloads? Do you need the game to get them? What happening? I dont really want to miss out on these.2008-10-23 13:03:00

Posts: 43

One way or another, the UK will be able to get them. Either you'll be able to download them from the UK store before release, or they will be available on the UK store a different week to the US store (US and UK store items aren't intercompatable with LBP, so a shirt downloaded on the UK store a week later in the UK won't work for a US copy), so it'd still be a first week of release item.2008-10-23 13:14:00

Posts: 1084

well hope we get the astronaut costume i'm concerned2008-10-23 13:21:00

Posts: 1576

I'm sure us Brits will get the DLC.2008-10-23 16:39:00

Posts: 473

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