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Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk

Archive: 2 posts

23222Well, this is my UH-60A I tried :/... Sorry i only got one photo, i dont like using flashdrive alot... Tell me what you think though ^.^ (reguarding size, its realistic, as the sackboy will fit inside the cabin, and the Helicopter is for display only, i dont know hot to make it fly...2010-08-31 23:10:00

Posts: 95

Looks cool
I think the rotor at the back should be a little bigger but hey! i ain't the designer!

I know a way you can make it fly:

- make tiny thrusters on each of the main parts of the bottom of the heli and link them to a speed switch in the cotpit (real word is censored). You want to play SSB24's aircraft carriers to see what I mean. You then want to link them up to the sensor and make them all just have enough thrust to their part upwards. Then with the switch it will be possible to steer/tilt the helicopter forward and backwards from inside the cotpit.

Hope that Helped!
2010-09-01 07:08:00

Posts: 715

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