The Temple of Bubbles: Part I
Archive: 3 posts
The Temple of Bubbles: Part Ievilwuun http://www.glowfoto.com/static_image/31-101429L/9371/jpg/08/2010/img6/glowfotoJourney through dark and dangerous caverns as you make your way upwards to the Temple of Bubbles! My first attempt at a visually pleasing platformer, this is best played solo or two player...enjoy! OH! I'm new to this whole forum thing, so if someone could give me a hand getting screens up here, I'd be REALLY thankful! http://www.glowfoto.com/static_image/31-101824L/2031/jpg/08/2010/img6/glowfoto | 2010-08-31 18:24:00 Author: EvilWuun ![]() Posts: 152 |
It looks good so far, I enjoyed playing it ![]() | 2010-09-02 18:26:00 Author: PodBroadCastingNet ![]() Posts: 9 |
+ Light sections were nice. I had to wait for the slow fire creatures to light up the top-left path though. -+ The sound effects of the platforms hitting the ground was rather jarring, not sure if this was intentional or not. - Hard to see sackboy on the large rotating sponge. Possibly because he was in the back two layers? + Non-zipline zipline was interesting - Random falling rocks pushed me into gas, hard to avoid, cheap death. - Can skip the sponge section at the same point by jumping from the rock to the point of the cave roof. Nice length. Could use some decorations/stickering, creatures, expand the light gameplay, more sound effects, etc. More polish overall. Another thing to consider (just my personal preference btw) is to keep sackboy in the front layer. In the front layer, there are less shadows (so visibility is improved), and the jumps are eaiser to judge for the player. The front layer is also enjoyed by costume/multiplayer focused players. | 2010-10-12 05:31:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
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