Mods lock
Archive: 8 posts
Sorry guys! just trying to help. MODS LOCK. | 2010-08-31 02:44:00 Author: kiwidog ![]() Posts: 72 |
There is really no point in this except this 'research group' is explicating your save for themselves. There is no way to study files on a flash drive and no real point of studying it in LBP as it'll get you no where. The most likely reason is corruption in the model files of your game data. I am sorry to say that I don't think anybody here at LBPC would give their save file, nor anywhere else, so don't get your hopes up. | 2010-08-31 03:31:00 Author: tanrockstan34 ![]() Posts: 1076 |
There is really no point in this except this 'research group' is explicating your save for themselves. There is no way to study files on a flash drive and no real point of studying it in LBP as it'll get you no where. The most likely reason is corruption in the model files of your game data. I am sorry to say that I don't think anybody here at LBPC would give their save file, nor anywhere else, so don't get your hopes up. Yes i agre, but, some people are realy desprite to get rid of it and with the save file you can test it to find a cure. | 2010-08-31 03:45:00 Author: kiwidog ![]() Posts: 72 |
Yes i agre, but, some people are realy desprite to get rid of it and with the save file you can test it to find a cure. This isn't a "desease" you know? This is corrupted data, as simple as that. There is no "cure" other than a future patch, Mm IS aware of the Naux and is working to fix it, so there's your cure. Now please don't try to trick people with Naux into giving you their profiles, that's just weak m8... :/ | 2010-08-31 07:17:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I read this and I don't have the Naux Glitch! MWHAHAHA!![]() | 2010-08-31 08:22:00 Author: trip090 ![]() Posts: 1562 |
I think the best idea, as Spaff_Molecule said here (http://www.plagachef.com/littlebigplanet/blog/2010/08/27/tiny-sackboy-nuax-glitch/#comment-72) is that if you have a save file with the Naux glitch contact hello@mediamolecule.com, where they can actually do something about it rather than this research group who probably think it's quite cool and want to mess around being small. Also, offering a creator heart is kinda like H4H which is against the rules. | 2010-08-31 10:17:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Oh and may I take this chance to remind you you can't just give away inf. XP? Aye, XP given has to be taken from the one who's offereing it, seeing you only have 500 you would only be able to pay 2 if them. . (Not that anyone should consider it as doopz already gave a link to where to send them anyways. ![]() | 2010-08-31 10:20:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Ok guys,I see wheare your going MODS LOCK THREAD. | 2010-08-31 18:22:00 Author: kiwidog ![]() Posts: 72 |
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