Funky jumps - cluelesspuzzle
Archive: 1 post
So i was searching for jump levels to test my *ahem* skills, and i came across this little level. Funky jumps has a kind of cute monster theme with a black backround and plenty of hazards. It starts off as a race , and appears to be your average kind of jump level - glass jumps, plenty off lethal gas, that kind of thing. You zoom down a slope, and have to time your jump well to swing across, dodging daggers and so on. Then comes the hardest point in the level - an obstacle course of electric cubes. Took me 15 goes (yes, i counted) to get halfway! Anyway, you'll have to try it out to see the rest of the level! This level appears to have a simple theme, but as you progress through the level you see some nice touches : the bats were a particular favourite of mine, very original! So, give it a try and tell me what you think! It might not have a plot , or extremely detailed characters, but its a good little one-life survival/jump level ![]() | 2010-08-30 17:57:00 Author: whippet21 ![]() Posts: 29 |
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