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Got an idea...

Archive: 11 posts

I think if you record your own music with your mic you can use any song!!

I know about the music sequencer and I mean you can get music you don't know how to play so don't say
"But we have the music sequencer its pointless"

I'm watching you -_- ;o
2010-08-30 12:24:00

Posts: 409

Wouldn't this infringe on copyright though?

Sure you could do it, but would you be able to get away with it? I dunno.
2010-08-30 12:32:00

Posts: 2431

looks nervously and runs out of room
2010-08-30 12:33:00

Posts: 409

looks nervously and runs out of room

Haha that actually made me smile.
I'm sure lots of people are going to do this once LBP2 comes out. I think it would actually be more fun creating my own music, I have no idea if I'll be any good at it but I'm sure it'll still be fun. Plus I quite like songs without any lyrics so that makes things easier
2010-08-30 12:41:00

Posts: 2431

Wonder how much quality will be lost with a mic recording and how many attempts will pick up unwanted background noise.2010-08-30 12:50:00

Posts: 6728

Wonder how much quality will be lost with a mic recording and how many attempts will pick up unwanted background noise.

I would assume the quality would be of a pretty decent standard. I can also foresee a lot of happy gadders becoming not so happy because of background noise. Unless your PS3 is placed in a fairly open plan area it shouldn't be too hard to block out unwanted noise though.
2010-08-30 12:54:00

Posts: 2431

But isn't the whole thing this thread is about obious? OC you can record music with your mich since you can record voices as well.2010-08-30 13:14:00

Posts: 2462

Well yes and no. It's obvious for some, maybe most, but I doubt it would have crossed everyone's mind.2010-08-30 13:20:00

Posts: 2431

Haha that actually made me smile.
I'm sure lots of people are going to do this once LBP2 comes out. I think it would actually be more fun creating my own music, I have no idea if I'll be any good at it but I'm sure it'll still be fun. Plus I quite like songs without any lyrics so that makes things easier

thanks!! puts pistol behind back

I play the piano very well so I will easily be able to make great music I will no doubt make levels with giveaway musi....

Wait we can give away music I see home made level kits on the horizon which is cool YAY!
2010-08-30 14:56:00

Posts: 409

Well yes and no. It's obvious for some, maybe most, but I doubt it would have crossed everyone's mind.

O rly?

Those people must create very unique levels.
2010-08-30 18:48:00

Unknown User

This seems like a longshot2010-08-30 20:07:00

Posts: 3

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