Polygon Puzzler Planet (UPDATED)
Archive: 10 posts
Polygon Puzzler Planet (UPDATED)Aspherex http://i28.tinypic.com/19y4nr.jpgThe best puzzle level in LBP just got better! A series of tricky shape-based puzzles awaits! "One of the best puzzle levels I've ever played" - not my words, but the words of a commenter on my level. ![]() ![]() Published a while ago, but I just updated this level so it's even better! Now if you get stuck on some of the longer puzzles, you can skip them to have a go at the other ones. I realised that I was cutting people off from puzzle goodness. ![]() Here's a video of one of the puzzles, note that this is old and has been updated! It now uses grab switches, breaks less often, and it is possible to bypass this puzzle altogether if you get stuck (it is quite hard). This puzzle was so good I decided to make a seperate level out of it, called "Coin Puzzle (Hard)". I may update this other level at a later date. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EyYWdLi9W0 Here are some screenshots in SD: http://i26.tinypic.com/28cpp9u.jpg http://i28.tinypic.com/19y4nr.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/nfjv9f.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/34nnl93.jpg http://i29.tinypic.com/v6hzpj.jpg http://i31.tinypic.com/1e2hpi.jpg I can give F4F for a couple of weeks. ![]() | 2010-08-29 16:37:00 Author: thor ![]() Posts: 388 |
Interesting level. First thing I want to point out is that mascot freaks me out. I hate it when people don't put work into their characters, in this case, I wasn't even interested in what that triangle guy had to say. Anyway, the level is pretty big, I liked some of the puzzles such as the red triangle one thingy, but some of them were pretty "eh". I wasn't a fan of the visuals either. :star::star::star: I understand how it is to have an underplayed level. Can you leave feedback on Farewell Ruins of the Moon: Chapter Two (leave feedback on https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32039-Farewell-Ruins-of-the-Moon-Chapter-Two)? Thanks. I recommend playing the first one before since it is a heavy story based level. | 2010-08-29 17:37:00 Author: AbstractSam ![]() Posts: 332 |
Hey, just played your level. I liked it a lot, but i have a lot of suggestions. Suggestions: -The second puzzle, make the winch that resets the 3 way switch on the car invisible. On the same puzzle, the man is in the way so I cant see what the number and symbol on the cubes are. Same puzzle again, its hard to get back to the jet pack after taking some cubes over and coming back, you have to climb over the giant mound of cubes. Again on the same puzzle, on the side where you put the boxes after you get them across, one of mine got serverely stuck! so i couldnt get it out which meant I couldnt take it back to the other side to complete the puzzle!! I only had to make one more trip too, so I skipped :| -Polygon head seams to spurt all his dialogue bubbles at once, which means I always miss what he says first. -on the puzzle with the blue key, the doors close to sensitvely, which means that its too easy to get the key stuck and start all over again. Too many visible pistons and stuff too. -on the puzzle with the hexygons, maybe bring them to the front layer, at the moment they are a liitle unresposvie to grab. -the one with the circles broke a couple of times. It looks pretty complex, not sure how you could fix it. Dont be fooled by the amount of suggestions, the puzzles were pretty great, and I dont even want to think about the logic behind them. Some of the puzzles did take a bit long to solve though (because of the amount of back and forthing), but thats not necessarily a bad thing. I give you 4 :stars:s. very clever puzzles but a few complaints bought it down a tad. Well done! F4F: The Mystery of Mystery Island in my sig. The puzzles in my level are meant to be quick and easy, so dont compare them to your ingenious ones ![]() | 2010-08-29 17:55:00 Author: Joburg87 ![]() Posts: 56 |
-The second puzzle, make the winch that resets the 3 way switch on the car invisible. -Too many visible pistons and stuff too. I think when I first made this level you couldn't make connectors invisible ![]() -the one with the circles broke a couple of times. It looks pretty complex, not sure how you could fix it. I trust that the reset button managed to work properly on this puzzle though? Before it would fail and not reset. I can tell you the issue - it's a bug with the collision system. I run into it all the time, you probably do as well. When two objects are touching, even if they have been created using the grid, even very slight fluctuations can cause them to behave erratically. In this case, it is that the whole mechanism rotates slightly on the piston, even though the piston is stiff, and even though I have added guide rails and stabilising pistons. I hope this is fixed with LBP2, but then again, it seems like a limitation with the collision algorithms used. | 2010-08-29 19:02:00 Author: thor ![]() Posts: 388 |
You mean on the claw? Because Ive made some claws too and get the exact same problem. I think its something to do with the rotating bolts, they have trouble working out what the should be rotating with reference to. Luckily my claws have never had to be very precise, so I can just hang them on a winch And yep, the reset button worked each time ![]() | 2010-08-30 03:58:00 Author: Joburg87 ![]() Posts: 56 |
TIME FOR ME TO PLAY. Lol. Pros - The beginning looks nice. - Cool contraptions! I like the red triangle thing! - Confusing puzzles. (They made me happy when I figured them out.) - There's some nice platforming in there. Cons - The look of the environment overall... I liked the look at the beginning, but you kept changing the looks of the level throughout. - Confusing puzzles. (Yes... it's a good and bad thing.) People who give up easily would HATE this level. You would get low ratings from the immature ones. - A few things break every now and then. On the one with the key box, orange boxes, and the doors, the thing you grab to get up top got stuck up there... Had to restart the level. Overall, I'm giving this 3.5 stars... I'll round it up to 4 stars on LBP for ya... Oh yea. If you haven't played my level, please check it out in my sig below. I'd like your feedback. | 2010-08-30 05:29:00 Author: ShamgarBlade ![]() Posts: 1010 |
i'm not going to be as nice as the others here ![]() First, you have a lot of gut to claim this as the best puzzler in LBP. IF it actually is, 2012 is close... For starters, the visuals are just barely 3 star. Your Dark Matter is showing in multiple places, an the plethora of materials just made it look more messy. The Polygon Man didn't look much better. The puzzles themselves weren't THAT bad, it's just the presentation that bugs me off the most. Soz, NOT Teh Best Puzzler in LBP. :star: :star: :star: | 2010-08-30 14:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i'm not going to be as nice as the others here ![]() First, you have a lot of gut to claim this as the best puzzler in LBP. IF it actually is, 2012 is close... For starters, the visuals are just barely 3 star. Your Dark Matter is showing in multiple places, an the plethora of materials just made it look more messy. The Polygon Man didn't look much better. The puzzles themselves weren't THAT bad, it's just the presentation that bugs me off the most. Soz, NOT Teh Best Puzzler in LBP. :star: :star: :star: Okay thanks for the feedback, this was the second level I made and it was really make puzzles first, decorate second which is why there are different materials used all over the place... my more recent levels are a lot more polished. | 2010-08-30 15:44:00 Author: thor ![]() Posts: 388 |
Nice Level. it took me a while i didnt like the visuals so much it was bland in the eyes but the platforming and puzzles were great. :star::star::star: | 2010-09-05 22:04:00 Author: nowblink ![]() Posts: 105 |
I couldn't get passed the wacky walking triangle. I hated having to respawn at the glass triangle in the box thing, and I timed out of it. I think it would be better with an infinite check point so noobs like me can eventually get on to finishing it. I'd gladly look at the rest of the level if I could, but that part was a bit off-putting for me. Still I loved the walking triangle puzzle. Just wish I had a few more cracks at it before having to restart. I also put by-pass devices in my F4F level Flying Saucers From Mars, which I'd love to get your take on. Thanks. I'll try this again soon when I have more time. Good luck. | 2010-09-05 23:31:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
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