Psp Creator Spotlight?
Archive: 51 posts
Is there a way to have a creator spotlight for the psp? most of the spotlight team don't have psp,so they can't spotlight the psp creators.We have many creators worthy of a spotlight.Anyways,l don't know how the whole spotlight thing works or if we can have a psp creator spotlight and that leads to this question:A psp creator spotlight is it possible or impossible? | 2010-08-28 02:19:00 Author: Balgarino ![]() Posts: 377 |
This woul be soo cool Im Sure its possable we already have Taffey, Jeffcu, valcrojonze and coxy over at psp spotlighted levels they should do it. | 2010-08-28 02:30:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
The only problem I see would be a shortage of creators by the end of the year. | 2010-08-28 02:35:00 Author: HappyGreenCactus ![]() Posts: 247 |
Happy green cactus is right, there just aren't too many great psp creators... But I was going to start a thread about this too! It is a good idea. | 2010-08-28 02:50:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
With PSP we have a smaller amount of creators but a large amount of levels per creator. So as HappyGreenCactus already mentioned we would unfortunately run out of spotlight worthy creators. | 2010-08-28 02:55:00 Author: kitcheninja ![]() Posts: 211 |
It'd be nice if we had at least a couple spotlights though... | 2010-08-28 03:00:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Yea we should still do creator spotlight even if it was just for a while, it would be nice. and i like how they talk to the person and ask them questions. | 2010-08-28 03:31:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
This is a great idea! I know for a fact that the current creator spotlights cannot involve PSP levels (well... at least footage, and none of the spotlight team has LBP PSP from what I've been told). I think that the biggest issue is that we don't have enough authors to keep it going on an every-other-week basis without running out of authors very soon, but we could easily fix that by having a monthly PSP Creator Spotlight, or we could even go crazy and have it on a every 6 week or every two month basis. I think it would still be great to have, and we have a nice PSP community here :-) I would love to have really extensive interviews with some of the amazing authors! Heck, I may even sign up for the team ![]() | 2010-08-28 03:38:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Im Sure its possable we already have Taffey, Jeffcu, valcrojonze and coxy over at psp spotlighted levels they should do it. I'd have to say we have our hands full playing all the levels in the spotlight and still trying to find time to create, so we wouldn't be able to do this ![]() I'd love to see this come to life though, all it would take is a dedicated team of 2 or 3 people. I'd say one every month would be quite cool, and give plenty of time. That would end up as 12 creators per year ![]() | 2010-08-28 11:41:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
You wouldn't have to have good levels on it. You could have ones that need to earn the recognition they deserve. Or ones that are simply enojyable. Not brilliantll like AFP's levels just so you can play them and have a good time. I know I certainly wouldn't mind being in the spotlight. ![]() | 2010-08-28 12:03:00 Author: CheezeBo ![]() Posts: 832 |
Once every month sounds like a great idea! And a small dedicated team of 2 or 3 would be awesome,but who will sing up for the team?AFP?Taffey? we just need a small team to start with and maybe with a little time more people will get motivated to join in or something.We could have a nicer community here.Anyone in for the job? | 2010-08-28 15:43:00 Author: Balgarino ![]() Posts: 377 |
I'll do it only after I get a spotlight ![]() | 2010-08-28 15:55:00 Author: The Forgotten ![]() Posts: 316 |
AFP stole the words out of my mouth. No really, I was thinking about a monthly basis (or more) for a PSP Creator Spotlight. I don't read the PS3 spotlight's often because it's a different community of people I don't even know. After reading one, it's so interesting. Also, reading an interview of one of my community friends on PSP is interesting. I would like to see some sort of PSP involvement. I think I can see only one problem. When one of the recorders of the spotlight team record "Behind the Scenes" like footage of a level. It's not necessary, but I like to see the mechanism's of creator's levels. It amuses, and it may teach others new switches. | 2010-08-28 21:15:00 Author: Spark151 ![]() Posts: 801 |
I think the best way to explain this is to look back at LBP (PS3). LBP didn't have too many great Creators at first, so we didn't have a Creator Spotlight until a year after its release. LBP PSP has yet to reach its one year mark, so it's still developing great Creators. In other words, we'll have to wait a few more months before we see a PSP Creator Spotlight. ![]() | 2010-08-28 21:23:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Great idea guys! I'm still workin on a level. But the PSP is starting to crash more and more often...It's disturbing me. I've gotten more Red Screens of Death in the last week than I have in the whole year of having the game. | 2010-08-28 23:49:00 Author: eagerneph ![]() Posts: 1536 |
I think the best way to explain this is to look back at LBP (PS3). LBP didn't have too many great Creators at first, so we didn't have a Creator Spotlight until a year after its release. LBP PSP has yet to reach its one year mark, so it's still developing great Creators. In other words, we'll have to wait a few more months before we see a PSP Creator Spotlight. ![]() Really? I thought we had a bunch of really good creators. When I finally release my level series everyone will notice how awesome I am ![]() | 2010-08-28 23:56:00 Author: napero7 ![]() Posts: 1653 |
This happened to us. It was awful, we decided to get a new (huge!) memory stick, just for LBP, and that seemed to fix it. On Topic: It would be great to have our own Creator Spotlight, but I agree that maybe the PSP needs some more time to get some more great creators. Not that I'm saying that the current ones aren't amazing! ![]() | 2010-08-31 13:31:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
I'd love to see a PSP Creator Spotlight - once a month seems about right to me. I'd even settle for once every two months. This has actually come up with the PS3 Creator Spotlight crew, and for my money it makes the most sense that they would take care of it. They have the writing ability, video editing ability, and an established media outlet here on LBPC, but the problem is that but none of them have a PSP nor any ability to record video from one. More than that, however, none of them know anything at all about the PSP community aside from what they see in the Community Spotlight every 2 weeks. This is no fault of theirs, of course - it's simply a version of the game that they don't play. The solution? I think that the PS3 Creator Spotlight crew should simply add someone from the PSP community to their ranks. Videos could be obtained a number of different ways, including sending someone with video equipment a copyable version of the level to fly through in create mode. The original level author could then narrate that video and viola, there's your creator rewind. I think it would be a fantastic way of integrating the two different communities together, and would be a fun change of pace for the PS3 people as well. As for having the PSP Community Spotlight crew do the work, well... I'm with Coxy on that one. As much as I'd love to take on the role (and believe me, I would really love it), there's simply not enough hours in the day for me to get that done along with all of the other things I need to accomplish on a daily basis. ![]() If you guys really feel passionately about this (as I do), then we should come up with a plan of action and propose that to ConfusedCartman. Those of us already "on the inside" could run the idea up the flagpole and see what happens. | 2010-08-31 20:23:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
I would actually be quite interested if we decide to have a new team for the spotlight... there are just some minor problems... I don't hang around too much in the PSP section, I only know people by name... I'm not really that good at writing... I am not able to do videos or take good pictures so that is out of the question. I think other people would suit better for the job... So yeah, maybe not something for me... but good luck if we some day have a PSP spotlight I also am planning on releasing a level series, it would be a little stupid to be on the team and be spotlighted at the same time... ![]() | 2010-08-31 20:35:00 Author: napero7 ![]() Posts: 1653 |
I wish we had multiplayer, it would be more fun to create a spot light like that. Two people could be narrating though. ![]() ![]() | 2010-09-05 14:47:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
I liked the idea, we have some great creators on the PSP side. | 2010-09-07 23:41:00 Author: Random ![]() Posts: 673 |
Hmm i forgot about the videos (weird because i love the vids) and thats not going to be quite the same as being in my level telling people about how i made it. If i did get a spotlight that is ![]() | 2010-09-08 06:05:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
I think the video idea would be really cool. If you could just get someone willing to do this who had the time, I'd gladly read every episode ![]() | 2010-09-08 19:39:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Same, I already look forward to the PS3 ones, even though I don't own the console. ![]() | 2010-09-08 20:38:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
I think the video idea would be really cool. If you could just get someone willing to do this who had the time, I'd gladly read every episode ![]() ![]() Problem #2 is recording the videos in Create Mode, but we have that figured out as well. I won't go into excruciating detail about the process, but the Spotlighted creator would need to extract a handful of system files (5 to be exact) from their PSP and send them to me via e-mail. It sounds scary but is really quite an easy process that anyone can do. Problem #3 is how to transfer the (very large) video files, and I can take care of that as well. I'll just upload the raw vids to my webspace for later download by the crew. Problem #4, and the last one I can think of, is the narrating of videos. If the creator wants to narrate the videos, and I assume that they probably would, they would need to download the video and edit it using a simple editor like Windows Movie Maker to overlay an audio voice track. I'll have to mess with this a little but I don't think it's a very difficult process at all. Alternately, they can just record a separate voiceover track, capture it as an MP3 file, and forward that on to the Creator Spotlight crew to overlay instead. The only other thing to address would be getting someone on the Spotlight crew that's involved in the PSP community. And, of course, the crew will have to want to do all this in the first place. | 2010-09-08 20:45:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
When did we decide it had to be someone on the spotlight crew? In fact, I think it would be better to choose someone in the PSP community who's NOT tied up already. Hinthinthinthint. | 2010-09-08 20:50:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
I think you should do it Bill!! And thanks Taffey, your dedication to this site is unmeasurable!! ![]() | 2010-09-08 20:55:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Problem #3 is how to transfer the (very large) video files, and I can take care of that as well. I'll just upload the raw vids to my webspace for later download by the crew. FTP is a more private way of sending the video files... Problem #4, and the last one I can think of, is the narrating of videos. If the creator wants to narrate the videos, and I assume that they probably would, they would need to download the video and edit it using a simple editor like Windows Movie Maker to overlay an audio voice track. I'll have to mess with this a little but I don't think it's a very difficult process at all. Alternately, they can just record a separate voiceover track, capture it as an MP3 file, and forward that on to the Creator Spotlight crew to overlay instead. A few of the PS3 Creator Closeups have the creators speaking over skype because they either don't have a headset for the PS3, OR the quality isn't good enough on LBP anyway. The only other thing to address would be getting someone on the Spotlight crew that's involved in the PSP community. And, of course, the crew will have to want to do all this in the first place. I don't think the spotlight crew have PSP's, and I imagine they are really busy with the PS3 spotlights as it is! When did we decide it had to be someone on the spotlight crew? In fact, I think it would be better to choose someone in the PSP community who's NOT tied up already. Hinthinthinthint. That's probably a good idea! | 2010-09-08 21:00:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I've put some more thought into this and I don't think it would be much time at all to record the raw videos for the Creator Spotlight team to edit later. So, then, I hereby volunteer my time to record HD-quality videos. ![]() I would love to do something like this, though it involves more work than what you have listed. Each of our current videos contain a storyline where we create sets and act out the story which then leads into the spotlight, both Rewind or Closeup. After that section, the story finishes for the punchline / story completion of sorts, credits and the final gag or whatever. I'm just not sure how something like that could be accomplished with a single player PSP unless we did that in PS3 like normal. That would mean we would still be doing quite a bit of the work. Each spotlight takes around a month or more of work from first inception to completion. This involves story conception and writing, set building, recording the acting both from PS3 as well as on Skype for the voice stuff, the interview questions, the interview intro, spotlight pics, video editing and writing the final thoughts. There is just a whole bunch to it and our storylines and antics get more complicated and bolder for each one. ...though that is a good thing right?! ![]() We appreciate the offer to record the PSP functions, but we would still need one or two gifted and thoughtful writers from the PSP side that could offer up suggestions of talent, write the interviews, including the lead in and final thoughts. We also would need up to 3 screen captures to show off the creators levels in the interview. The good news is we already have our own private FTP server where we upload our raw recordings, voice and associated file documentation text files for the benefit of our amazing editors. Trust me.. there is a lot to it and keeps me for one horribly busy almost 100 percent of my LPB time. That in itself is enough to scare most away!! My question is what is the highest resolution you can capture from a PSP? I have the same capture device, but I don't own a PSP nor am I really interested in going there personally. I do think a special PSP spotlight every so often would be quite nice to have running on the LBPC community. So Taffey.. feel free to PM me and discuss a bit. So sometime down the road.. we might be posting an ad for some help from the PSP community. Just maybe not this month.. we are swamped!! lol Best regards! jww | 2010-09-08 21:07:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
When did we decide it had to be someone on the spotlight crew?We didn't! ![]() In fact, I think it would be better to choose someone in the PSP community who's NOT tied up already.That, I think, is exactly what needs to happen. ![]() I don't think the spotlight crew have PSP'sYes, but the good news is that they don't need them! I would love to do something like this, though it involves more work than what you have listed.Thanks for your thoughts on this jww. And yes, undoubtedly there is a TON more work that would need to go into something like this than just what I listed. I can only imagine what your workload is like - the production values of your Spotlights and accompanying videos is extremely high! So Taffey.. feel free to PM me and discuss a bit.Will do. ![]() | 2010-09-08 21:25:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
To be honest... it might not be necessary to have the storyline. That would give us on the PS3 side a breather or give the person on the PSP side a chance to flex some creative muscle and see where the new format for PSP videos takes us. We obviously didn't start where we are now.. We would be around to help, advise and insist on high quality work, but if it was done well, it might help earn us a bit of a break!! pant pant pant.. lol | 2010-09-08 21:29:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Couldnt somebody get the equipment to hook up the psp to the tv, and then somebody does some mumbojumbo to be able to record? | 2010-09-08 21:33:00 Author: Random ![]() Posts: 673 |
Couldnt somebody get the equipment to hook up the psp to the tv, and then somebody does some mumbojumbo to be able to record? That is what Taffey has and how we do the PS3 recordings. Actually you hook the psp or ps3 to a Happauge HD PVR and THEN to the tv. ![]() | 2010-09-08 21:40:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I know I don't do nearly enough writing in most cases, but I would be happy to contribute some words where needed. | 2010-09-08 21:41:00 Author: SalieriAAX ![]() Posts: 421 |
I don't come in here much because I don't really play lbp for psp, but I want to put my two cents in about this. This is a GREAT idea that I want to see happen. ^___^ We work extremely hard on the regular spotlights, but it's hard for us to make a video in two weeks with our jobs and lives. This would be a good way to keep the spotlights spread apart far enough, and it would also keep the psp people and us from running out of creators. ![]() | 2010-09-09 13:08:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I think it may be best if we start with just a simple interview, and then later see about videos. I'm very willing to write up an interview for someone - I suggest we start with Taffey or AFP. Anyone else want in on this? I'm (begrudgingly) willing to share the spotlight. (pun intended) | 2010-09-09 13:16:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
I think it may be best if we start with just a simple interview, and then later see about videos. I'm very willing to write up an interview for someone - I suggest we start with Taffey or AFP. Anyone else want in on this? I'm (begrudgingly) willing to share the spotlight. (pun intended) Hi guys, can I just interject here and request that we don't jump the gun on this. I appreciate this is all very exciting, but to do this properly it's going to need to co-ordinate with the PSP Community, the PS3 Creator Spotlight and the rest of the site. That way we can get it set up as an official site feature, with all the benefits that that entails. Hopefully we'll be able to get something worked out soon ![]() | 2010-09-09 13:40:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
As rtm says, we don't want to jump the gun. However, we have already taken some huge first steps towards this being a reality. ![]() So look for some more info asap!! I would say soon, but everyone hates that word.. lol | 2010-09-09 13:47:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I would say soon, but everyone hates that word.. lol Try: anon, any minute now, before long, betimes, by and by, coming down the pike, directly, early, ere long, expeditiously, fast, fleetly, forthwith, hastily, in a little while, in a minute, in a second, in a short time, in due time, in short order, in time, instantly, lickety-split, on time, posthaste, presently, promptly, pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, short, shortly, speedily. "expeditiously" is my favourite, although "lickety-split" is a close second ![]() | 2010-09-09 14:09:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I'm a fan of "posthaste" ^__^ | 2010-09-09 14:18:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
quam celerrime | 2010-09-09 14:49:00 Author: SalieriAAX ![]() Posts: 421 |
PDQ As rtm says, we don't want to jump the gun. However, we have already taken some huge first steps towards this being a reality. ![]() I just wanted to (publicly) say thanks to jww and the rest of the Creator Spotlight team for opening a dialog on this. It is indeed a huge first step, and we're headed in the right direction. There's still quite a lot of things yet to figure out of course, and it's fantastic that the team is willing to take the time to talk this through over and above everything else that they need to get done. So... Thanks! :hero: I don't come in here much because I don't really play lbp for psp, but I want to put my two cents in about this. This is a GREAT idea that I want to see happen. ^___^ We work extremely hard on the regular spotlights, but it's hard for us to make a video in two weeks with our jobs and lives. This would be a good way to keep the spotlights spread apart far enough, and it would also keep the psp people and us from running out of creators. ![]() ![]() ![]() In any case, thanks for the words of encouragement - it's great to hear that a PSP-centric Creator Spotlight makes at least a little sense. ![]() | 2010-09-09 17:13:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
PDQ I just wanted to (publicly) say thanks to jww and the rest of the Creator Spotlight team for opening a dialog on this. It is indeed a huge first step, and we're headed in the right direction. There's still quite a lot of things yet to figure out of course, and it's fantastic that the team is willing to take the time to talk this through over and above everything else that they need to get done. So... Thanks! :hero: KAPPA!! Hey, there! ![]() ![]() In any case, thanks for the words of encouragement - it's great to hear that a PSP-centric Creator Spotlight makes at least a little sense. ![]() Trust me, it makes a LOT of sense! To quote kappa, this idea makes her "More exited than a thousand boxghosts dancing in unison"! I'm pretty psyched too! | 2010-09-09 17:22:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
KAPPA!! Hey, there! Long time no talk - but I take responsibility for locking myself in a closet here on the PSP side and never stopping by on the PS3 side to say hello. Of course I thoroughly enjoy each and every Creator Spotlight and accompanying media, so in a way I feel like we've been in touch. In any case, thanks for the words of encouragement - it's great to hear that a PSP-centric Creator Spotlight makes at least a little sense. I see you around Taffey. ^__^ But I do miss my gamefaqs buddies! Most of em are gone. ![]() Anyway, yeah... It makes ALOT of sense. You guys are sort of the forgotten part of the community, but you're still here and you're still chugging away and making quality levels. I am completely on board for this. Not only because I'm about to explode from the stress that the spotlights cause (it's very hard to turn out quality stuff once every two weeks) but also because it will give you guys a chance to shine and show everyone that the psp version has some awesome creators, too. Win/Win as far as I'm concerned. I look forward to working with you guys to make this possible. ^__^ | 2010-09-09 17:41:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Sounds like a fabulous idea! I believe I used to do something similar (Though a lot more basic) on my blog. Creator of the Week. Although I'm not interested in taking part, I'd definitely read it! | 2010-09-09 19:00:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
I really hope this happens, its nice to see some of the wheels are in motion. I am sad I can't help to much since I have nothing to record with and no HD either, but I don't think you will need a less experienced player like me on the team anyway. ![]() Also: Its some of the PS3 Spotlight team! I feel suddenly shy...gotta get out of my PSP hidey hole more... ![]() Its great to see you all here taking interest! ![]() | 2010-09-09 19:26:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
I think it's really important to have creator spotlights. I know how much work goes into making a level from a ps3 standpoint, at least. I tried using the editor on the psp version and I couldn't even make a square block. So the things you guys do are probably MORE impressive in many ways. I just could never get the hang of create in the psp version. this was something that had been kicked around in the beginning of the creator spotlights, and then things just got completely insane and I forgot about it. I don't know any specifics on things just yet, but I hope we can make this happen. ^_^ And don't be shy, dizzyzebra. We all are just normal people who happen to like to gad about in the world of lbp. Your world just happens to be a bit more portable than our world. ![]() | 2010-09-09 19:46:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Thanks kappa, I am still a little new to LBPC, so I haven't quite got my head around the fact I can actually talk to all the amazing creators. I have been playing the game for quite a bit now, but never realised there was such a great community out here on the internet. ![]() You'll have to excuse me if I get somewhat starstruck from time to time. ![]() | 2010-09-09 20:04:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
You'll have to excuse me if I get somewhat starstruck from time to time. ![]() ...that's another reason I wear a custom blue helmet. I think you will find that amazing creators put their gold sequined pants on one leg at a time just like anyone. ![]() | 2010-09-09 21:03:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
JW! Are you a mind reader?! I was just going to say the same EXACT thing about the gold sequined pants! LOLOL | 2010-09-09 21:14:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Do they give away free gold pants when you win a crown?!! I so want one now! ![]() I was going to suggest something for the spotlight, but I was forced to do my hideously long essay and now I have forgotten it ![]() *edit* Oh yeah, will we have story in the spotlights? A bit of a pointless point but spotlights wouldn't be spotlights if they weren't didn't have some comedy hiding around there somewhere! ![]() | 2010-09-10 21:09:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
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