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Creator Spotlight 21 - rtm223

Archive: 134 posts


Killin' Them Logics-ly
Interview conducted by Teebonesy (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?3340-Teebonesy)

"Nobody notices the details, they just notice the lack of them." So goes the reasoning behind spending numerous hours fine-tuning and detailing and tweaking micro-details. The reasoning behind planning and laying out clever bundles of hyper-efficient logic to do things wondrous and innovative. The reasoning behind the months of tweaking and turmoil that form rtm223's short but luminous body of work: It's all there so that you won't notice it.

And it's true. Put the average LBP player or a non-LBP player into Subterranean Setbacks, and ask them what they thought of it. They'll likely tell you about their experience. How hard it was - how they couldn't figure out the generator room - how they got past the rat - but what you probably won't hear is "Oh my GOD, how did he manage to make ____? That should be impossible!" The truth is, it's absolutely full of amazingly clever tricks. And perhaps the best trick of them all is how all this cleverness manages to stay appropriately hidden behind the curtain.

And that's because Rich isn't here to show off his fine skills (and they are fine, but we won't tell him that because his head is conspicuously large as it is). He's too busy utilizing that unbelievably oversized, overstuffed, shockingly proportioned, likely-unbearably-heavy cranium in crafting an experience, where countless hours of careful planning and building go into the subtlest of nuances to enhance the trip. In other words - he's here.

The rest of us are down here.





All right, this one isn’t really a question, but if you would be so kind, please list the levels you’ve published to date and any statistics you’d like to share with us, i.e. plays, hearts, how many rocket animals per level, etc. Whatever you feel like sharing.

Well, for proper levels, I only really have Subterranean Setbacks. It is pretty good, if I say so myself. It was nominated for Level of the Year (2009) by the lovely folks here at LBPC, but that's the full list right there.

Now, tell me... of these levels, which is your favorite? And why?

What do you mean, "Of all these levels"? But... OK. Well, I suppose I have to say Subterranean Setbacks.

What was the first full level you ever built? And what was it like?

.... Ummm ... Subterranean Setbacks? Look, I really don't think these questions are working out so well, are they?

Oooh kay. I can see SOMEONE'S not taking this seriously. Now I have to come in here and mess with our perfect formula. We wrote these questions to cover everyone we might spotlight, they're universal to great creators. Here's a question for your little interview: Would we even spotlight someone with only one full level published?

I don't know, you were the one who asked me to come here but didn't bother to think the questions through!

Oh, I guess we're better at making jokes than answering questions. How about I field that last one myself since you're not having such an easy time of it: No. No we wouldn't spotlight a "creator" with only one level.

Hang on there, I'm not letting you field any more questions. You've had your spotlight (which, by the way, is all rather suspect, seeing as you're part of the team who chooses the spotlightees) and I'm not about to let you hijack mine with your kooky, incomprehensible babble, just to cover up the fact that you haven't done your research. As I said, I only have the one level, so all the questions so far have had the same answer: "Subterranean Setbacks". Are you even paying attention? Or just reading questions off those cards?

Oh, so you're going to bring up the cards now. We're taking this all the way into the gutter. You're going to play the "cards" card.

Whatever man, just read what's on the next card and let's get this over and done with, for everyone's sake.


You know what. No. I don't need the cards. The kid gloves are coming off. *Checks card* So how long have you been playing LBP, then?

A little over a year, properly. I only own the game because it came with my PS3 and in honesty, I was planning on selling it on as I just thought it was some silly kiddy game (please don't hurt me). Sheer laziness meant that it never got listed on eBay and curiosity got the better of me. I played story mode for a few months as a casual thing whenever friends were round, but it took me until April '09 to start realising that the creation tools actually had some potential. So I was actually quite late to the LittleBigParty, but in many ways I think the community was still finding its bearing. It would certainly be very daunting turning up now, with 3,000,000 levels published and so much skill, knowledge and expertise knocking around everywhere you look.

A little over a year? And only one level. I'm not calling you a liar. I'm just saying, it isn't polite to lie.

I'm not lying - I've only published one full, playable level! But there are are a few other things I've published or been involved with creating that are worth a mention, I guess:

Demitters, Remitters & Dissolve Everything: An early Tech Demo from way back. It's a very simple concept but one that hadn't occurred to most creators at the time.
The Ordered Inputs Tool: Quite a unique bit of tech when published, it was a very lightweight solution to a problem that was being posted around the forums and was based on some pretty original methods.
Wheeley Good Switches: Another Tech Demo which was pretty innovative and still has some interesting techniques for various types of speed / motion detection logic. It'll be interesting to see how this translates to the microchips of LBP2.
TechnoLegs: My winning entry for the 7th contraption challenge. This was pretty much born out of insomnia and at it's core is a really simple mechanism, but it evolved into a logic monster!
Cap'n Sackbeard's Booty: A level co-created by myself, comphermc, GrantosUK and OmegaSlayer (published under comphermc's PSN) and originally built in a single week for a very tight deadline in the water beta. The version published now was overhauled and extended from that original, but most of what is now uploaded was created in that week, which is quite insane and I'm really proud of what we achieved in that level.
The LBPCentral Logic Pack: It certainly wasn't the first logic tutorial out there or the most advanced, but it's gotta be one of the most famous of LBP's community creations. I just happened to be lucky enough to be involved.

Plus there are some tech demos and other miscellanea published and I have so much stuff unpublished, or simply deleted. Then there were the logic blogs and my brief stint on the spotlight team. I have kept myself busy, despite my paltry portfolio of one!

What creators and levels (if any) have inspired you to create?

I think I'll be copping out a little on this one because I don't like to make lists of favourite creators or anything - I'd just miss people off by accident or in some way or another upset someone by accident and I don't like doing that. So instead, what I will do is answer a question you didn't ask and pick out the very first level that really struck a chord with me. Now that was mrsupercomputer's Zephyr Valley, which was published just after I arrived in the LBP community and was very much still is a perfect blend of gameplay and visuals with really nice flow, all culminating in a boss that shows that paintinator gameplay doesn't have to be an R1 spamfest (a lesson that the bulk of the community could do with learning).

Aside from drawing inspiration from other creators and levels, is there anything in the world outside of LittleBigPlanet that inspires you? This could be a hobby, profession, or even a particular movie or type of music. Pretty much it can be anything in your personal life that has contributed to your experiences as well as inspired you as a creator.

Oh, just about everything. After spending so much time playing the game, thinking about it and planning things when I'm away from my PS3 and also dreaming - literally dreaming - about it, I'm now at that point where just about anything that catches my attention begs the question "how might I achieve that in LBP?". So films, games, novels, architecture, art, weird bits of engineering theory, machinery, anything... Occasionally it gets quite worrying, but then I tell myself that I'm not really addicted and remember that denial is such a wonderful, wonderful thing. Yep, I could stop obsessing over LBP any time I wanted... I just don't want to right now.

Weirdly, probably the one thing that doesn't have any influence on me is music. I pretty much always create with music on, but it's just background, it does absolutely nothing for me as a muse, which is in stark contrast to most people's experience of listening to music during creative activities.

What are some of your favorite video games (excluding LBP) - new and old?

I've been gaming since I was really little and there were quite a few from my early childhood that I can't even remember the names of (except Flashback, oh my God, Flashback was awesome), but slightly later than that I remember Mario Kart, Donky Kong Country and Street Fighter 2 as some of my favourites on my SNES.

From the original Playstation era onwards is where I've done most of my gaming though and the following are just some of franchises that have really stood out for me over the years: Odd World, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Doom, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Quake, Unreal, wipE'out, Grand Theft Auto, Tekken, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Assassins Creed - the list goes on... Sadly, looking through that list, there are quite a few that I haven't found time to play the latest installments of, due to a certain game rinsing all of my free time. Also, most of them are very violent... Make of that what you will...

However, my all time favourite game franchise is Legacy of Kain. It's just... soooo good.

If you could list your favorite things about LittleBigPlanet, what would they be?

Everything! And LBP2 will be better, because there is just more, more of everything.... *sigh* I don't think I'll ever live down those words. Though, in my defence, I'd been conscious for over 30 hours when Alex cornered me for soundbites, of course I was just spewing nonsense!

Although, in a way, that's kinda true. I think most gamers have, at least at some point, wanted to make games. That's just the way of the world and as LBP really is far more sophisticated than just a map editor, and brings the concept of making games that little bit closer to reality for the average person. The sophistication can be a double-edged sword though. For some people, it means that you are required to fully implement the art, the direction, the gameplay, the control systems... Nothing is done for you. For me, that's a plus. It's an opportunity to take full control of your creation, and that is a wonderful thing.

It's also a closed system with far more complexity than MM ever really let on, so the community has taken it upon themselves to discover the rules that govern it, break the system down and each time we find out new bits of info about the subtleties of the engine (or find a way to break it with glitches), people can start adding that knowledge into their toolset and the community takes a big leap forwards. It's fascinating seeing how the community has come along and being able to be a part of that is probably the thing that keeps me involved the most. I genuinely love experimenting with the tools to find out what the limitations are.

And your least favorite thing(s)?

This one is a tough one. Most of the irritations with the editor are things that I've learned to work around, to the point that the button presses to avoid certain issues are subconscious. Part of me wants to say the community, but I think a lot of the issues there stem directly from the community system. Between the abuseability of it (spam publishing, auto-moderation) and the "one-size-fits-all" ethos of finding levels, the system is just so unsuitable for what the community has become. Although saying that, H4H has never bothered me. I'm happy for people to trade hearts if they want that trophy, or if they simply want more hearts and I'm sure very few people would care that much if it wasn't for the spam that goes with it. But all the criticisms are so easy to say with hindsight - I don't think most of what we have seen could have been predicted in advance and I fully welcome the complete overhaul we will see in the new game. It can't change the nature of people, but it could at least be a viable tool for finding levels that are suitable for each individual as a player and that will be a massive leap forward for this game.

Oh, that and the time demands... I love that create mode is so deep, but it practically sucks your soul away if you really want to create anything beyond mediocre! And to think that I quit WoW after I decided it was taking too much of my time!

What’s the worst thing that’s happened while creating?

Loss of work is the most obvious thing and thank God for the improvements in saving and backing up that MM have provided us with over the last year. There have also been some nasty experiences with levels simply being too freakin' awesome for the game to handle (or at least that's what I put it down to). For a while I couldn't bring anyone into OC in Setbacks because it would freeze both machines and finishing off the boss in Cap'n SackBeard was freezing my PS3 in solo, offline create every few minutes while I was trying to solve a really tough problem. Stuff like that is not good for your blood pressure!

On a sort of similar subject, have there ever been any great ideas you had that failed or for any other reason you never implemented?

Oh loads, but most of them have never been finished simply because I stopped work on them, or never found the time. There haven't been many ideas that I've tried to create and been unable to find a solution, it's just me not bothering to complete them, or getting bored, or deciding that I don't have that much interest in them - I really am my own worst enemy in that regard.

If you worked for Media Molecule, what would your first order of business be? This could be anything from adding materials or tools to eradicating H4H.

I don't even care about H4H in honesty. To my mind, the only problem with it is the spam that comes with it. Ideally, H4H could just exist without any bother if there was some in-game method for the H4Hers to find each other without pestering the rest of us - basically like how you have the kiddie table in the corner at dinner parties, so the adults can just have a little bit of peace! That would be just lovely. Anyway, back to the question: if you'd asked me a few months ago, I'd be listing a whole bunch of improvements to the community system, but what's the point? MM have that covered. They also have so many more tools on the way that it's hard to pick anything significant in game that isn't already coming, although there are a ton of tweaks I'd love to get into the new tools. I think I'd probably just pull up a beanbag and a laptop, get my geekface on and browse through the LBP source code while the other guys finish of what will undoubtedly be the game of the year. Then try to find some way to take credit for all their hard work!

Oh, and just to earn me brownie points with the community, I'd make is so the creatinator has a couple of alternative meshes!



I'm taking this baby to the moon.


What's up? ...Wait, why am I getting deja vu (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24133-Resuming-the-Creator-Spotlight&p=420846&viewfull=1#post420846)? Hm. Anyway, what's up?

What? Why don't I remember that other interview? Did you just make that all up? I'm not like that at all!

[at this point rtm223 punches Teebonesy in the face and screams at him for several minutes for no reason at all]

Hey, what's that you're writing on the card? Are you adding a new question?

Oh, nothing. I was just... I was writing a description of your handsome haircut. Don't worry your sweet little hairs about it. Down to business: You're known as a logic and gadgetry wizard in LBP. You have far more behind-the-scenes inventions than full levels. Could you explain the road to this unique LBP throne of yours?

Well, it probably won’t surprise anyone that it was the logic that drew me into LittleBigPlanet create mode and of course, for everything else I can do in this game, that is by far what I do best (apart from sucking at platforming, reputedly). But there are a lot of people who make awesome logic and I’ve actually never built a boss or a calculator or anything impressive like that - although no one seems to have fully clocked that yet, so keep it on the QT, yeah? What I did do, however, was to approach logic design in slightly different ways to what most other people we doing when I arrived on the scene. I was far more interested in digging around in the subtleties of how the game engine works and deriving new techniques and alternative ways to solve problems than building systems out of standard gates and the well-established methods. Really reinventing the methods and approaches to logic design, rather than using the same building blocks over and over. I’d like to think that it was that about me that grabbed people’s attention more than anything – a lot of what I was creating was slightly unique and, of course, I have that weird obsession with thermo efficiency, which is something that every creator can understand the benefits of.

Saying that, I don’t doubt for a second that there are others out there who could have come up with these things, and probably did. So more than anything what led to this "throne" that you speak of is that I was sharing these techniques and methods on the forums, so I was simply more visible than others. That and I always speak in strange technical jargon that makes me look cleverer than I am!

A true story, I've noticed how much you frequent the Help forums. You always seem eager to extend your technically-savvy brain tendrils to aid those in technical need. I've utilized your remitting/demitting concept, and you also helped me wrangle the Seagull Crane on the old Banana Peeler. You may just be the most-thanked creator in level descriptions everywhere. What gives, are you some kind of helpful jerk or something?

I think there's probably as much showing off, ego stroking and self-congratulation as any genuine desire to be helpful when I'm spending time helping people around the forums.

Realistically, I guess it comes down to a few factors. Often I already have the solutions, or at least something close, knocking about in the dark recesses of my mind, or on my moon, and in those situations it seems rude to not help out a fellow creator. Other times I have absolutely no idea how to solve it and it's just an intriguing challenge. I've find that just messing around with the tools will teach you a considerable amount, but when you have an application - a problem to solve - that's when you start to push back the boundaries. Necessity really does drive innovation more than anything else and as I only have a certain number of my own applications, taking on other people's is actually quite useful.

Also, one of the things I love about these forums is the level of technical discussion you find around here. The sharing of ideas and techniques in our Help and Object Showcase forums is unmatched anywhere else in the community as far as I'm concerned, so it's always fun to get involved with that.

Subterranean Setbacks, until recently, was the only level you've single-handedly authored. It is also the most popular level thread to date on LBPCentral and was named one of the best levels of the year by Media Molecule. What secret formula is in place here? Does it involve voodoo magic?

Actually it still is the only level, remember? I assume you wrote these questions a while back assuming I'd get Resonance finished and didn't think to update them before meeting me? Also, if you check, gevurrah22's Azure Palace holds the honour of most fed back showcase thread on LBPC, by a long, long way.

Jeez, I was told you guys were pros!

What? Who told you that? And what do you expect me to do, ACTUALLY research stuff? Nah, I'm just kidding, we're professio--OH NO MY SOUP IS BURNING

Thinking back, a lot of what went into that level was me attempting to fill what I saw as gaps in the LittleBigPlanet "market", if you like. I think in the past year those gaps have been well covered and there are plenty of great levels in the same bracket. But back then, it was quite unique in the community. So whilst it only really had niche appeal, that particular niche was very much wanting and I made sure it got to the right people. In addition, there was a fair bit of natural hype surrounding the release - I'd been on these forums for 5 months showing off with my create mode skills, and giving quality feedback in the level showcase threads but never actually publishing anything of my own. People were curious what I'd come up with after all that time so it instantly got a lot of attention. After that it all kind of snowballed, a spotlight here and then a long, quiet period whilst the level gathered a bit of a cult status. I suppose I was very much lucky with that Sackie though - if that hadn't been done partially on votes from this community at LBPCentral I don't think I would have stood a chance of getting a nomination.

But I digress.... on top of the niche appeal that is all the fancy logic that is going on behind the scenes. I have this ethos that logic should be there to drive the player experience and that is very much what I did in this level. For non-creators, I'd hope that the technical aspects of the level are transparent enough that they would never, ever realise what was going on. Even to experienced creators, who will appreciate the complexity in some places, I think there are plenty of bits of tech in there that aren't obvious, but my view is that while people might not consciously notice these details (and they shouldn't), they would notice its absence. I don't care if they understand that the magic mouths subtly change, depending on which path you take first in a certain area, or that in places there is complex logic controlling camera angles, or that half an hour of my life and a tiny piece of my soul was eaten away, setting up each of those minuscule details. The overall experience is improved ever-so-slightly and I believe that people do notice this. Even if they don't know why. Often it's the undefinable qualities of a level that really make it stand out.

But why so few full levels?

There are a number of reasons for this. If we take out the time to create the Logic Pack and Cap'n SackBeard's Booty, along with my time on the creator spotlight and producing logic blogs (which take a lot longer than you might imagine), a whole chunk of time has been taken out of what could have been spent on creating. I've also had a lot of real-world commitments this year that have made it difficult for me to get much create mode time, especially when you consider that I'm not one of those people who can grab a spare hour and create - to actually get anything worthwhile done I need a good 4-10 hours straight, to gather momentum.

The other main issue, bar time, is the stupid projects I've attempted to undertake. After Setbacks, I wanted to do something different, so I started on a puzzler. The logic was a nightmare, the puzzle design was a nightmare, the failure-safety and the various gameplay issues were also a nightmare.... And the visuals caused me way too much of a headache before I finally arrived at something that worked for me. The biggest issue really is that the entire thing needed to fit the same mechanic and I've found that incredibly frustrating. It's incredibly stifling to your creativity and motivation to work for so long on such a limited project and I found myself, more than once, believing that the concept was crap. I had spent so much time on it that what was once an idea that I loved had become old and boring. So motivation was a massive issue there. I'd still like to get that level done, but I may have to "dumb down" a couple of bits and loosen the boundaries a bit to get it done before LBP2 comes out.

Walk us through the rtm223 experience of creating a level. What's the approach? How do you begin, develop, and craft a whole level?

Well Setbacks was just a mishmash of gameplay concepts to begin with, largely logic-driven, and as I started to piece them together a plot (if you can refer to such a flimsy narrative as a "plot") began to develop. Then at some point I turned off the grid and started making these free form caves and found it was a blast creating gameplay directly out of the scenery. It's also quite challenging to create interesting gameplay out of almost completely static objects as well. As I got towards the end of the level I realised I had designed in some backtracking and it occurred to me that this was never going to work - all of my gameplay involved moving sideways or upwards... I needed to lose a lot of height, and quickly. So I shoehorned in a few vertical drop gameplay elements to balance it a bit! In short, I winged the entire thing from start to finish!

The other two levels I began work on, and Cap'n SackBeard, were all different as they were born out of specific concepts that were to be developed and I think, realistically, I find that less fun than just bodging it together and making the whole thing up as you go along.

The one thing that Setbacks did have that wasn't bodged was The Rules, which went something along the lines of:

Everything must make sense in its environment.
Everything will be fair - no sneak deaths and all puzzle elements will be visible.
Platforming will be hard and in line with rule 1 & 2.
Puzzles will be relatively simple, but in line with rule 1.
Bubble combos are not to be obtained lightly.
Things that break unexpectedly means win.

Having a set of rules like that at the core of a creation you create is a fantastic way to tie the gameplay of a level together without tying you down to limited mechanics (the error I made with other levels). For me, #1 was the most important, even if I broke it quite a bit (there are arbitrary smashers under the generator? And also, why is there a lift going up to the generator, when there is no door on that side of the building) but you know, rules are there to be broken. Which is especially true when you are the one making the rules!

You were integral to the creation and development of the logic pack, which has endured as a permanent staple of the LittleBigUniverse since its release. How was it working on the dream team of Ccubbage, comphermc, mrsupercomputer, and ConfusedCartman? Did you set those misbehaving kiddies straight?

It was quite a dream team. Honestly though, when ConfusedCartman first contacted me with the idea, I had no idea how it was going to turn out - especially the scale of the thing. I think he had the game plan in the back of his mind from the start, he just didn't let on straight away so he could sucker me in, the tricky devil! My main role was obviously just putting together a (rather large) shortlist of devices, including multiple designs for most of them and a few original designs. So the vast majority of my work got cut, but that's part of the deal when you're trying to find the best solutions. The rest of the team was really well balanced - mrsupercomputers visuals and polish are sublime, CCubbage/Cuzfeeshe really does have great ideas for the little puzzles and anyone who knows of comphermc understands that the boy is a creating machine - it's scary, it really is.

Overall though, if anyone kept the "kids" in line it was ConfusedCartman. Managing the team and directing us, keeping the commonality and flow between the various components and stopping us rushing off all excited about ideas that probably wouldn't have worked. Ironically, he is the youngest of the group.

You were one of the Chosen Ones tasked with being whisked away to Mm Towers on Sony's magic carpet in order to play LittleBigPlanet 2 before anyone else, including the press. You wrote up a great deal of impressions right after the fact, but what about now, a few months later? What are your lingering thoughts on those wacky few days, and are there any sordid new details you'd like to divulge?

It was all a bit crazy to be honest. Everyone was so excited and possibly the Molecules more so than us. They'd been working on this stuff for a year and not been allowed to tell anyone about it. I think finally being able to put the tools properly in someone else's hands was a really exciting moment for them. You literally couldn't go 10 minutes without someone coming over to see what you were doing, or just wanting to show you something cool that they had done! It was great though, they all genuinely have a lot personally invested in the product and the community and that was really cool to see first hand.

As for "sordid" details, I think we've had quite enough of that from jackofcourse and FULLGORR, don't you?

It may be just a matter of time before Media Molecule extends an invitation to you to work in their lofty castle. Is this something you might agree to? Could we possibly someday see you posting as Mm_Rich?

Haha, I don't know if that's something that's liable to happen any time soon, the Molecules seem to be getting along just fine without me! It would be rather flattering to be on the receiving end of such an invitation though! Weirdly though, I'm probably one of the very few people who love creating but wouldn't actually want a full-time job doing it. That said, MM Towers does seem like a wonderful place to work, and if I'd probably jump on the chance to work on the software and the design of the creation tools, so if Media Molecule were to offer me the right job then how could I possibly say "no"?

You've mentioned the varying inspirations you utilize in Create mode, and you've talked a bit of create-philosophy. But where in the world did all this technical know-how come from? How did you replace your brain with logic goo?

It was a Master's Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering, where I mostly specialised in software and digital system design, which has directly led into my career and obviously has much to do with LittleBigPlanet Logic systems. However the course also covered a lot of other topics: analogue electronics, signal processing and comms, human-computer interaction and cognitive theory, artificial intelligence (which was the core of my thesis)... The list goes on.

I think it's fair to say that I've drawn upon all of that in LittleBigPlanet to varying degrees and with the improvements to the tools in LBP2, I can only see this knowledge becoming even more useful. There are also the mental processes and problem solving / analytical skills that go hand in hand with that and probably make the biggest difference though - no matter how much knowledge you have of real-world hardware or software, the concepts will never properly translate to LBP and, at some point, sticking to those paradigms will only hold you back.

Even in LBP2, where the devices are being described as 'electronic' and some of them do directly mimic real-world components under certain conditions, there is a lot in there that doesn't really conform to anything real. Personally, I think this is wonderful - whilst the game is taking a huge leap forwards by having better tools, the community will be dropped back into the position where we have no concept of the scope of the tools. People were blown away when we announced the basic, simplest functionality and the possibilities seemed amazing, but give us a year and we will have achieved so much beyond what anyone currently believes possible.

Let us in a wee little bit: What are some of your sapling ambitions for LBP2, and in a broader sense, what do you feel about the future of custom content creation in videogames?

I do have quite a few ideas and I think when the game does come out, I'll be starting with a clean slate. It's likely that I'll push any unfinished LBP1 projects into a corner of my moon and never return to them. I might also do some collaborative work, as it completely changes my work ethic if I know that other people have a stake in the project. But I'll still be attempting to carry out projects on my own and I just hope that I don't get myself stuck in a rut again. One thing you can count on is me continuing to work on ways to push the tools given to us beyond their obvious uses - I've already got a few tricks up my sleeve in that regard, but you'll have to wait until release for those!

I'm not sure what to expect of the future of custom content in games. LBP wasn't the first, but I think it's probably the most accomplished game to feature user generated content and has obviously influenced a couple of other titles that follow the Play-Create-Share paradigm, which I think is a good thing. LBP is not for everyone (if nothing else, for the sheer amount you have to put in) and the alternatives offer a very different creation and playing experience. I'd hope that it stays this way though - as a relatively niche corner of the games market with a few, varied titles - and the rest of the gaming world carries on regardless. We don't need 20 LBP2 clones, that simply spread the creative community thinner.

On a lighter note: Are the rumors true that you keep comphermc in a cage in your basement and give him work to do in LBP in exchange for food pellets? Inquisitive minds want to know.

I don't really see how that's a light-hearted question, about forced human captivity and slave labour!? Also, I really think you need to stop listening to rumours on the internet... He sure as hell doesn't get food pellets! Occasionally I throw a prize bubble in his face, but that's not for sustenance - I just like throwing things in his face.

Finally, is there anything you, as a creator, would like to add to this? Or any other experiences you’d like to share? If not, I’d like to ask one more question of you: If you could give any bit of advice to new creators out there who are thinking about entering the wonderful world of creating, what would it be?

I mentioned earlier that coming into the community at this stage would probably be a bit daunting, but it really shouldn't be and I have two very good reasons why, and both link into what this creation thing is.

Firstly, this is a game. It's the number one thing to keep in your mind. LittleBigPlanet is a game and the absolute, sole purpose is to have fun - you don't need to compete with anyone to have fun and creation itself can be a joy. If it isn't, then possibly the create part of the game isn't for you. You don't have to create to play this game, you could just be a player and in this game, players have the luxury of other people delivering brand new content, free of charge, every single day. Which is a pretty fantastic thing, when you think about it.

Secondly, creation is art. Video games struggle to be taken seriously as an interactive art form, even in the modern world, but I look around at other creators and I see artists. As a parallel, consider painting. There have been people painting for thousands of years and there are some awesomely talented painters out there. Should that make it daunting the first time you pick up a brush? Of course not. And do amateur painters get upset if they don't get 100,000 views of their painting? Again, no. Yet for some reason, most LBP creators want to get those thousands of plays and hearts, because they have bought into the mindset that creating should have some reward at the end. Sure it's nice to know people like your art, but really... what is a play count vs actually enjoying creating art?

But that's all a bit serious. Just stick to the first point and have fun. Find some people to mess around with in create mode, play with the tools, learn from the other creators and play through their levels for ideas and just enjoy yourself

Oh, and one final piece of advice: if anyone tells you I have beta codes, do not believe them!!



Here's a photo of rtm223's basement, or something.


They say there's a logic master out there somewhere. Elusive. Wise. He resides in a fantasy world called the "Logic Lodge" where the laws of the cosmos can be bent to your will, if only you can learn to control them. Swathed in lavender-hue'd ninja garb, he waits, and he constructs, and he plans.
Yes, they say he's out there, alright.

(Link to Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwf7FgtO5SA))


There you have it folks. The man is clearly a robot with no soul, and should continue to be feared as per the status quo. Sorry, I originally wrote this before actually reading the answers. Rich is human after all, it turns out, laying down some downright valuable philosophy. So the next time you create a level, give a thought to what your logic is REALLY there for. And the next time you PLAY a level, you might spare a thought for the details - but if you can't, that's alright - your subconscious will take care of that part for you. And if the level was made by someone from the RTM school of creation, you'll reach the end and feel full, satisfied, sated... but somehow craving... just... more. More of everything.

Well, that's all, folks! We hope you have enjoyed this installment of the Creator Spotlight. For past spotlights, please visit this link (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?100-Creator-Spotlight-Archive). See you in two weeks!
2010-08-27 23:13:00

Posts: 2870

An awesome interview. great job spotlight team! 2010-08-27 23:17:00

Posts: 5208

I'm excited to see this spotlight published. Mainly because the original fake rtm spotlight is what landed Teebonesy on the Creator Spotlight crew in the first place. lol. It seems fitting that he got to interview him for real this time. This one was great fun to be a part of. Rich is a very nice guy and he was very patient with our ... erm... less than professional methods of doing things sometimes. So a big thanks to him for being a great sport and making sure that this spotlight had more... more of everything!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one! ^__^
2010-08-27 23:22:00

Posts: 2569

Cool story bro 2010-08-27 23:23:00

Unknown User

We had a great time putting this one together. The video's by far the most epic of all of our videos to date. Rich really dug into the interview too, so this is one heaping feast of a Spotlight, about as jam-packed with insight and entertainment as you're likely to find. Hope everyone can take the time out to enjoy it all, as it's a lot of content!2010-08-27 23:32:00

Posts: 1937

Bwhahahahaha I loled at the logic at the beginning!!! xD
Even I can do better logic than that and im terrible!!! xD
2010-08-27 23:35:00

Posts: 2345


Most hilarious spotlight so far, amazing job with the video too!

2010-08-27 23:41:00

Posts: 3871

Absolutely enjoyed every word of this spotlight, thanks for bringing this to us!2010-08-27 23:54:00

Posts: 562

As Thom and Sara said, this one was a ton of fun to do. Rich was absolutely a most gracious, understanding, and cooperative creator to work with. I was also truly honored to be able to follow him around and get him talking about his creations. Thanks so much Rich!

I have to say, this one might be one of my favorite videos so far. We were laughing so darn hard that you can even tell at times during the video how much of a struggle it was to contain ourselves, especially during the mountain climbing adventure. Someday we need to do an outtakes video, just because some of what must have landed on the cutting room floor was hysterical.

Great job on the interview as well as the editing Teeb!! ..oh and Rich.. wonderful wonderful responses as well as an awesome Closeup. Congrats on the spotlight!

Hope you all enjoy!!
2010-08-28 00:04:00

Posts: 11383

Wonderful, fantastic spotlight and video. I really have no complaints other than Rich's mic quality. You sound like you're talking to us from 60 years ago, which leads me to only one possible conclusion... you've mastered time travel!

Great stuff, guys. "That's Funn-eh"
2010-08-28 00:05:00

Posts: 5338

Erm... lolwtf? Best spotlight ever! Seriously I usually skim through them but mainly come to watch the video, this time I read (almost) every single word, it was hilarious. And I loved the references to the fake rtm spotlight..

Ah what the hell, Teebonesy, I love you. <3

Out of curiosity, where do you interview people? Over PM's? In a secret thread in a secret forum? Just wonderin'.

As for rtm, you're a great creator, I was surprised to see you hadn't been spotlighted yet, even if you do have 1 level. xD

Since I'm kind of tired you'll have to excuse the fact I don't remember the name of the level, but I was absolutely amazed at those legs that walked up the wall. The logic pack has helped me soo much, so thanks a lot for that too.

Still can't stop laughing...

Edit: I love you too rtm! <3
2010-08-28 00:09:00

Posts: 5592

Brilliant is the word for this spotlight.

Brilliant creator

Brilliant video

Brilliant interview

I'm still smiling after watching that vid. 80's montage ftw..... paint the fence really made me loose it.

Congratulations Rtm! Very much deserved spotlight! You need to use your mic more.... there's just something about a man with that accent saying such intelligent things. Oh, and can you let comph out now? I need a favor from him.
2010-08-28 00:21:00

Posts: 5983

This was bound to happen eventually. A master of logic such as rtm truly deserves to be spotlighted, even if he ony has one level
He really has accomplished a good bit of logically based feats that others would be troubled to try and reproduce.

Now if only he could learn how to summarize!
2010-08-28 00:31:00

Posts: 1800

Good job m8!2010-08-28 00:42:00

Unknown User

Uuughh... *wipes eyes* I cried with laughter. Then clicked in the other Teebs spotlight and cried some more... I can't stop laughing... I'm not sure whether I love or hate you guys for doing this to me... D:

One thing I do know, is that that is the best darn spotlight I've ever read. I usually skim read the whole thig and play the video, but this time... Wow. I can't see the video until I click reply with quote and extract the link, but even without it this spotlight is undoubtedly my favourite... It's so good I want to cry... Oh wait, right...

EDIT: Well after some URL routing, a PowerPoint presentation and some sticky back plastic glue removal, I finally watched the video. It was absolutely fantastic. Well edited, well (written? Idk but the lines were brilliant either way), well shot and well done. Well done
2010-08-28 00:49:00

Posts: 1436

Woohoo! Great interview as always, rtm, you never cease to amaze us...

Once again team, THANK YOU soooo much! It's great to read these interviews, brings out the human side out of a creator
2010-08-28 00:53:00

Posts: 1712

Out of curiosity, where do you interview people? Over PM's? In a secret thread in a secret forum? Just wonderin'.

It's a super-secret process that we can't reveal or it'll spoil the magic!

We normally do them through PMs, but with Rich being a mod he had full access to our super secret extra special Spotlight Crew forum, where he was able to collaborate on the interview with a bit more give-and-take than is usually possible in PMs.

But I'm not going to tell you any of that because it would spoil the magic!
2010-08-28 01:09:00

Posts: 1937

Worth watching, I glad to see even logic gods have to deal with things randomly exploding and flying apart it's not just me!2010-08-28 01:15:00

Posts: 445

Brilliant is the word for this spotlight.

I couldn't agree more. Amazingly insightful and humorous spotlight! Thanks to the crew for putting it together and thanks to Rtm for your awesome skillz!
2010-08-28 01:17:00

Posts: 1335

The spotlight was a great read. I loved the interaction between rtm and teebonesy in the spotlight. I also loved the interaction between rtm and jww in the closeup. Rtm is very interesting and engaging, and the closeup allowed us to see him as the human he is, and not the machine most would believe him to be. This felt like a real conversation between friends. Well done by everyone.2010-08-28 01:27:00

Posts: 537

It made me cringe when I saw that wheel with the un-centered bolt.2010-08-28 01:55:00

Posts: 62

It made me cringe when I saw that wheel with the un-centered bolt.

You talking about the wheel controlling the lighting in Setbacks? You do see that it's off-center for a very good reason, right?
2010-08-28 02:00:00

Posts: 1937

It's about time. Rtm223 was past due for a spotlight. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have learned how to make a proper waterfall. Way to go you purple ninja.

Also, I loved the video spotlight team. 15 mins of goodness. ^_^
2010-08-28 02:14:00

Posts: 444

You talking about the wheel controlling the lighting in Setbacks? You do see that it's off-center for a very good reason, right?

Yes, I understood what it was doing but my creator instincts wanted to slap rtm.
2010-08-28 02:22:00

Posts: 62

Awesome spotlight! Congratulations rtm! 2010-08-28 02:24:00

Posts: 837

Finally, a spotlight for my favorite creator

One who not only creates amazing things that push the boundaries of the level editor, but has the kindness to share his knowledge with the community. (Through logic blogs, more tutorials than levels, and being an absolutely valuable asset to LBPCentral (and my LBP experience as a whole.))

As always, great interview! I loved the perfect balance of funny conversation and thorough answers. I got to learn more about the logic pack process and the way rtm creates. The video and its contraptions are beyond brilliant. I'd like to think I'm someone who notices detail rather than the lack of it, and I notice all the editing, blood, sweat, and tears that must have went into that video. The plot was fantastic.

Still, even an amazing person like rtm has no excuse if he doesn't finish Resonance and send me an LBP2 beta code while he's at it
2010-08-28 02:26:00

Posts: 3251

intro and outro had me dying. jaeyden, centurion and i were just trying to make the worst and most inefficient on/off debo switch we could to give away in lvls (somehow i got something useful out of it). i enjoyed the montage

rtm's work style puts my mind at ease, that OCD and alzheimers is a good thing
2010-08-28 03:09:00

Unknown User

Exellent spotlight. The video was hilarious and the interview interesting and clever. Keepidup! <32010-08-28 03:15:00

Posts: 531

I noticed the creator's name appears under the Creator Spotlight banner! Very nice.2010-08-28 03:24:00

Posts: 3251

Never realised that was the ony RTM level. It was so goood!! One of my favorite levels of all time actually (if not THE one). I was amazed through and through and there's still stuff in there that I don't even know how to make.

Anyhow, great spotlight! I lolled so much at the first part of the video with the exagerated logic!
2010-08-28 03:36:00

Posts: 3901

Fantastic spotlight! It definitely was a brilliant creator spotlight, one of my favorites to date! I couldn't stop giggling throughout me reading it, if you all could have seen me watching the Close-up!

Keep up all the amazing, and wonderful things you do for the community Rtm! Who knows what it would be like without you here! You too the spotlight crew!
2010-08-28 03:40:00

Posts: 1076

wow congratulation man you deserve it I love all of your level they are all very creative and to all a :star::star::star::star::star: and a <3

Also I just want to say thanks to the spotlight team for creating another creator spotlight
2010-08-28 03:48:00

Posts: 1843

Nice interview! Made me laugh quite a few times.

There is one thing that can be concluded from this interview: rtm = win!

P.S. Embedded videos don't work on my iPad...
2010-08-28 03:50:00

Posts: 1578

Nice interview! Made me laugh quite a few times.

There is one thing that can be concluded from this interview: rtm = win!

P.S. Embedded videos don't work on my iPad...

Does it at least provide a clickable link to view the video? If not, shame on ipad. Shame I say!

Here you go:

2010-08-28 03:56:00

Posts: 1937

We want more.... more.... MORE OF EVERYTHING! Awesome interview! First and foremost, Flashback is one of the greatest games ever created..... so I appreciate the mention! (remember the first time you played through that race area where the bomb was going to go off? Whew!)

I'm so glad to see such an incredible creator get spotlighted. My favorite level is that.... uh.... waterfall demo..... no, no... it HAS to be that, er, walky-up-the-wall level. Well, actually, how about that room that disappears and reappears? Or.... maybe the logic pack.... no, I also helped with that so it might sound arrogant.... unless I'm excluding my bits....

Seriously, incredible creator. What he lacks in number of proper levels, he WAY makes up for in quality and influencing other creators to build better creations. There's little bits of rtm all over the place. Not to mention the one proper level he creates is one of the most stellar creations in LittleBigPlanet.

Hats off to you sir.... but we want MORE!
2010-08-28 03:58:00

Posts: 4430

Does it at least provide a clickable link to view the video? If not, shame on ipad. Shame I say!

Here you go:



No, infact the space where it would be doesn't even exit, not even blank!
2010-08-28 03:58:00

Posts: 1578

haha! such humor! awesome job! hope to meet you guys (and girls) on lbp someday!2010-08-28 04:23:00

Posts: 332

Would it be possible to add a creator link to the spotlight OP?
For example a link to RTM's "my creations".

I always have to do a manual search or look for the eventual posting here.

Another interesting spotlight, keep it up
2010-08-28 04:54:00

Posts: 2513

Always get excited to see a new Creator Spotlight, mostly for the Creator Closeup parts: Always funny and gives insight to how other creators made their levels, as well as the creators themselves. Although that's not to say that the interviews aren't this either.

Great job spotlight crew and rtm.
2010-08-28 04:59:00

Posts: 111

Ok, this one really got me! Full of great humour and fun moments in both the interview and video! But rtm isn't really human...2010-08-28 05:22:00

Posts: 1355

*dies of the hilarity*

Give me more of your levels, rtm... actually, more of everything.

You should watch that Summing Up video again as well, it pretty much sums up you as a whole I think.
2010-08-28 05:22:00

Posts: 619

HahaHAAAAHAHAHahahahaaaaa! That interview was awesome! Real, live belly laughs while sitting at my computer Thanks for the fascinating dive into one of the sharpest and most brilliant logic minds I've ever encountered. Thanks, Teebonesy, rtm, jw and Sara - and everyone else behind the scenes. The whole thing was a blast and much appreciated. My only disappointment was that you didn't have a name for that thingymabob, Rich. Clearly you're not a sci-fi fan.... lol!

Big high five to everybody!!
2010-08-28 05:28:00

Posts: 1567

Hehe, this one's been a long time coming, methinks. Much deserved, grats on the spotlight rtm! And fantastic job with the answering of the questions and the video. Very entertaining read, and some pretty deep stuff in there too Well done, both to you and the spotlight team!2010-08-28 06:05:00

Posts: 402

This is the best creator spotlight that I've read so far! Way to go. 2010-08-28 06:22:00

Posts: 276

Congrats Rtm! well deserved spotlight!
Awesome video and awesome interview, great humor in it
loving it! <3
2010-08-28 07:15:00

Posts: 758

You guys are great. LOVED the video, nice job.
2010-08-28 07:51:00

Posts: 195

Haha, fantastic interview and great Creator Closup guys!
I found myself cracking up a lot throughout it.

I felt sorry for poor Box Ghost though Getting killed by that rat all the time. Congratulations for finally doing it Boxy! ^_^
2010-08-28 07:57:00

Posts: 1913

LOL, RTM is NOT what i expectid him to sound like
really good work guys (and girls) keep it up
2010-08-28 08:01:00

Posts: 775

Good job once again spotlight team! Great interwiev and awesome closeup. That's just hillarious!2010-08-28 08:09:00

Posts: 2462

Awesome to see you guys on the spotlight team take your "jobs" (or rather, your community service. ) so seriously as to make such detailed sets and scenery for the video, awwesome job guys!

Grats RTM, tbh, I thought and expected RTM had already been spotlighted long ago, so its a good call.
2010-08-28 08:22:00

Posts: 6707

Once again great interview, and and once again (for the second time) Teebonsy did not fail to make me laugh. Especially at the beginning where you were trying to make the logic for the rat...could not stop laughing......2010-08-28 08:32:00

Posts: 564

there's just something about a man with that accent saying such intelligent things.

Yay I have the same accent im cwever!!! :3
2010-08-28 09:12:00

Posts: 2345

Just a few days ago I was wondering why rtm had not been spotlighted yet, and suddenly I see this! A great interview and the video was absolutely hilarious!2010-08-28 11:00:00

Posts: 131

This was the first thing i watched on Youtube today and i was like is that Creator Spot light Then i was Yeah it is OMG!! And it looked like you had fun in this i would love to be on the team.......2010-08-28 11:01:00

Posts: 247

Watching that video worried me.
It worried me because Rich reminds me of...well, me. But he's better at LBP.

2010-08-28 11:19:00

Posts: 4291

Best Creator Spotlight ever! The video was hilarious, as were both interviews, great job! Loved the Logic Training Montage and Box-Ghost's absolute refusal to try the sneak challenge properly! I remember doing the exact same thing. Thanks to the Spotlight team for putting this together and of course to rtm for helping our logix! =D

2010-08-28 11:26:00

Posts: 409

Hi guys, I'm afraid I can't be around to accept this prestigious honour,
I am in fact in a field somewhere, probably being miserable in the
rain.... Yay.

Just wanna say thank you to all of the creator spotlight crew - the
amount of work they put into these interviews is absolutely staggering.
Those guys are awesome and they always do a fantastic job and really,
really are pros, despite what you may have heard.... Although,
saying that, I haven't seen my video yet and part of me is concerned
that teebsy will have just cut individual words together and made me
sound like a complete eejit. And, in fact, if I do sound like an eejit,
for whatever reason, it's officially Teebonesy's fault.

Anyway, hope the interview is at least slightly interesting and / or
entertaining to you all and I'll see you next week

/End of Message.
2010-08-28 12:45:00

Posts: 6497

This was funny, the questions didn't fit but you made it work xD

Also, CC hasn't done many actual levels either, but you spotlighted him. Just sayin'

And now I realise that was Spooky. D'oh!
2010-08-28 12:48:00

Posts: 1893

Favourite spotlight ever, despite the fact that when I see logic I look something like this: 2010-08-28 12:49:00

Posts: 1316

I felt sorry for poor Box Ghost though Getting killed by that rat all the time. Congratulations for finally doing it Boxy! ^_^

There's actually a story behind the BoxGhost and rat thing. I got really mad at Rich's level the first time I played it. My friend Sarah and I played it and we are completely impatient, so naturally, we didn't read the part where you have to SNEAK past the rat. So we kept trying to outrun it. I told Rich and he laughed at me and told me I was supposed to sneak past it. I was mortified, so I was determined to get past the rat and beat the level. I did, but then Rich also told me that there IS a way to outrun the rat. So I decided to film myself trying to do just that. I think I filmed for about a half an hour, and I finally did it.

Awesome to see you guys on the spotlight team take your "jobs" (or rather, your community service. ) so seriously as to make such detailed sets and scenery for the video, awwesome job guys!

You guys can thank TheCountessZ for that. We were doing the sets ourselves, but things got INSANE and she stepped up to the plate and really has been a huge asset to our team. And she's REALLY good at it. In fact, I want to take this moment to thank her because she does so much, as never asks for any sort of recognition or anything in return. ^__^
2010-08-28 12:52:00

Posts: 2569

In a field? There's no creator pack that comes with a tent unfortunately, I bet you're struggling...!

Yep, one level shmevel, the guy's way with a switch is near legend on the site. Congrats Rich, for as long as I've been posting here, you've been making the time to help other creators, you really deserve a massive shout out for it.

That logic set-up at the beginning of the vid made me guffaw. Absolutely great interview and Close-Up, thanks guys!
2010-08-28 12:57:00

Posts: 1156

that was the best video and read so far i was laughing every 4 seconds..... ok 5 seconds. GREAT JOB2010-08-28 13:40:00

Unknown User

haven't seen my video yet and part of me is concerned
that teebsy will have just cut individual words together and made me
sound like a complete eejit. And, in fact, if I do sound like an eejit,
for whatever reason, it's officially Teebonesy's fault.

D'awww!! Why didn't I think of that??

"I-am-aaabsolutely-the-stupidest-cave-rat-forever. thank you-for-making--me-the-crappest."
2010-08-28 14:01:00

Posts: 1937

Wot?! One lousy level and you got spotlighted?!

Nah, only kidding. Great interview. You totally deserve it mate. In fact, you've helped me out so many times with complex logics that were slowly driving me towards a mental breakdown, I've now got your poster on my bedroom wall. Nice sandals.

Erm...well anyway. It's true to say that many elements of my past levels would not have been possible without your direct help or the knowledge you have passed on to the community. The ordered input tool that powered the music puzzle in Gothic Reverie, the remitter that was a vital tool in building Scrumpy Sack, the "whatever-the-hell-you-did-there" that made multiple solutions possible for the Pythagoras puzzle in Tenement, the waterfall/conveyor belt formula that allowed me create a factory production line in my soon to be published Space Assassins. For all that you get my sincere thanks and respect. I just wish I could return the favour in some way, but I think the only way I've ever been able to help you out was showing you a way to escape the level boundaries in Subterranean Setbacks. Although that was pretty funny, you gotta admit.

"Oh noes, my logics are showing!" :blush:
2010-08-28 14:14:00

Posts: 2130

hehe... thank you for that! very entertaining interview!! really, i was cracking up through most of it! And congrats to rtm on the spotlight! You deserve it!2010-08-28 14:33:00

Posts: 95

Great job team! That was amazing!2010-08-28 14:56:00

Posts: 1030

Wow! That was amazing! The video was great. Congrats rtm 2010-08-28 15:18:00

Posts: 2979

Now I wounder something who is going to be the first creator/community spotlight for LBP2 2010-08-28 15:46:00

Posts: 1843

Hi guys, I'm afraid I can't be around to accept this prestigious honour,
I am in fact in a field somewhere, probably being miserable in the
rain.... Yay.

Just wanna say thank you to all of the creator spotlight crew - the
amount of work they put into these interviews is absolutely staggering.
Those guys are awesome and they always do a fantastic job and really,
really are pros, despite what you may have heard.... Although,
saying that, I haven't seen my video yet and part of me is concerned
that teebsy will have just cut individual words together and made me
sound like a complete eejit. And, in fact, if I do sound like an eejit,
for whatever reason, it's officially Teebonesy's fault.

Anyway, hope the interview is at least slightly interesting and / or
entertaining to you all and I'll see you next week

/End of Message.

Now I want to meet you in real... LBP.

and he's cool...
2010-08-28 15:50:00

Posts: 619

I think that is enough said

EDIT: not really, check out proper feedback here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=34256-Creator-Spotlight-21-rtm223&p=595764&viewfull=1#post595764)
2010-08-28 16:16:00

Posts: 1653

Excellent Creator Spotlight. I loved the bit at the end about just having fun creating and not worrying too much about how many hits you get. I'll try to take something out of that, because I do have fun creating, I know I'm not one of the best out there, and yet I stress when people don't dig my stuff. That was some great advice.

Also, the video was HILARIOUS!!
2010-08-28 16:19:00

Posts: 331

Congratulations rtm! Thank You-- and thanks for choosing the creator close-up option! I think more spotlit creators should be encouraged to go this way-- much more entertaining! Perhaps if we offer limited forum access [deadpans] "Diplo-matic Immunity" to Spotlight creators, so they could work more closely with the team. The results are undeniable.

So thanks Rich for being so giving... and team, I just love the on-camera roles you all have now carved-out... the humour is starting to write itself... BRAVO ALL!

And an unofficial official thank you to The Countessz... really finely be-spectecled work!
2010-08-28 17:30:00

Posts: 1308

I gotta admit that I was a bit unsure about this when I saw that he was spotlighted. Sure, he is an amazing creator, but, well, he only has a lvl. An amazing one, though!
But I absolutely changed my mind when I read through the list of his co-projects and remembered those times in which he joined me in my moon in order to help with some theorically perfect/actually non-working logic.

What a great choice for a spotlight, what a great spotlight, and what a great bunch of spotlighters.

(I'm back!)
2010-08-28 18:22:00

Posts: 628

A very fun spotlight to read through. The video is hilarious, definately the best yet. Jwwphotos told a few of us, in a chat room I sneaked into, that it was the best yet so yeah, I was excited.

Thanks to the spotlight team who never fail to entertain a bored teenager every fortnight.
2010-08-28 18:41:00

Posts: 1114

Lately it doesn't seem that me and the logic man manage to get along well, but he's still a great guy and I respect him a lot.
I owe him a lot, he has been always more than helpful and kind to help me with my stuff, not to mention the effort he made for the whole LBP community, not only the Central one with the logic pack.
Yeah, he's really a great asset for LBP.
Not to mention the patience he, grant and comph had with my spazzy connection and to work with an average creator.
Keep rocking man!
Hope to see you resonating soon
2010-08-28 18:47:00

Posts: 5112

Awesome, congrats. rtm you are a great creator, thanks community crew for the interview and the cool video.2010-08-28 19:19:00

Posts: 429

Very enjoyable read! I hardly ever use the LOL acronym, but this deserves it.

I am still curious about one thing. With the way he works, how did Rtm ever get Subterranean Setbacks published?
2010-08-28 20:04:00

Posts: 2284

Wow, that was a bumper Spotlight. Great interview - both funny and informative. I'd forgotten about the spoof spotlight interview and it was fun to be reminded of it. Some food for thought in there too.

The video was amazing. I totally agree with Gravel that it made a big difference having the creator join in so wholeheartedly. I loved the intro. The crazy logic *cough - non-creator pretending the logic didn't look just fine - cough* and the trek through the mountains were very, very funny and Box-Ghost's epic battle with the rat was a hoot.

Well you guys all just surpassed yourselves and that includes the CountessZ. The sets were stunning, particularly the mountains and the dojo - loved the be-spectacled flowers - pure genius!

I do hope MM feature this one. It definitely deserves it!
2010-08-28 20:31:00

Posts: 1455

Many congratulations rtm and thank you so much for a most entertaining interview! You have the mind of a genius.

Loved the video.Too funny!

I'm undecided as to who's voice I could listen to all day now! Teeb's, no, jw's, no, rtm's, no wait, oh I don't know, maybe alternate between, shucks, big decision!

Such a fantastic set CountessZ, thankyou for your hard work and as always many thanks to the crew.

2010-08-28 21:05:00

Posts: 1057

Okay I'll post again, my first post didn't really give much feedback to all this epicness here, I was in a rush so I only had time to say that.
Now I have time so I might aswell point out things that I really liked

First off, really well written interview, it had that same feel as the extreem cheez version at some parts, I laughed a lot
I always thought rtm deserves a spotlight although he only has one level. Well not really, one level + logic pack + logic creations + amazing devices + resonance demo + capn sackbeard booty + really awesome stuff on LBPC!
Rtm did a really great job answering those questions. Compared to the usual answers in the spotlights there was just more... more of everything (I had to say that, lolol)

I usually read through the interview quickly and then go watch the most epic part of these spotlights, the video. This time that was not the case. The interview itself was really amazing, this really is the best spotlight evar! (That does not mean that the video wasn't good... man, it was AMAZING!)

Subterranean setbacks is a really great level, I liked it and at the same time I was scared when I played it. I wasn't too lost in the generator room however, maybe because I had tried rtm's wheely good switches before and understood what I should do. That rat however... let's not talk about the rat...

The explosions, lots of action, lots of guns... wait that hasn't really got anything to do with this spotlight...

I like how Jww is laughing throughout the video. That washing machine joke was awesome, it kinda looks like one. Rtm has clean logic.
That elevator in the beginning of the video made me crack out laughing... just... more, more of every- EPICLY FUNNY

So now we know a little more about rtm, soon we will know everything about him What more could you want?
Oh btw, nice job with the credits in the video, looks really cool with the video pausing and showing everyone.
2010-08-28 21:16:00

Posts: 1653

I LOVED THIS INTERVIEW i like the part when teebonesy and jwwphotos were traveling through the cold snow and too bad xkappax didn't graguate this interview was the best in LBPC
great job! rtm223
2010-08-28 21:18:00

Unknown User

Many congratulations rtm and thank you so much for a most entertaining interview! You have the mind of a genius.

Loved the video.Too funny!

I'm undecided as to who's voice I could listen to all day now! Teeb's, no, jw's, no, rtm's, no wait, oh I don't know, maybe alternate between, shucks, big decision!

Such a fantastic set CountessZ, thankyou for your hard work and as always many thanks to the crew.


Sorry for any confusion...I just helped out by building the dojo and a few of those small buildings in the mountains. Teebonesy did the rest, and was the one who built the mountains and modified the dojo to include the elevator.
2010-08-28 21:25:00

Posts: 537

Great spotlight and congrats to rtm223. I love the video and when Teebonesy and jwwphotos failed the logic training,it was very funny.2010-08-28 21:41:00

Posts: 637

Congrats rtm223!
Awesome and interesting read!
Your aportation with your logic levels and logic pack is incalculable. For example, I couldn't have made "Spice &CO" or "The Bunker 2" without them.
It was also a pleasure to meet you at the C.Jam. You seem to be as inteligent as your logic is.
Fantastic job by the C.S.Team! The videos, interviews, format... everything is so profesional!
2010-08-28 21:44:00

Posts: 383

Sorry for any confusion...I just helped out by building the dojo and a few of those small buildings in the mountains. Teebonesy did the rest, and was the one who built the mountains and modified the dojo to include the elevator.

Fantastic set Teebonesy and the parts TheCountessZ did were great too!
2010-08-28 21:44:00

Posts: 1057

Great work! That video was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing.. and when that tentacle thing growled there came a loud scream from downstairs at the same time. Made me jump.

But i'm sure there is a logical explanation for that.
2010-08-28 22:21:00

Posts: 511

Thanks for the awesome spotlight gus! 2010-08-28 23:42:00

Posts: 1536

Wow! Great spotlight. I guess I don't have to be embarrassed that it takes me 3-5 months to make a level. I also look for the small things that people would otherwise look over. Good stuff RTM. Your spotlight is well deserved.2010-08-28 23:53:00

Posts: 519

Congrats on the interview teesbony!!
And congrats o rtm too for the spotlight!!
Keep up the good work!!!
2010-08-28 23:58:00

Posts: 2442

Really great stuff. Second best creator video so far. 2010-08-29 00:44:00

Unknown User

Congratulations on the spotlight purple ninja! Subterranean Setbacks is a classic and one of my all-time favorites. Thank you so much for making that mind-blowing level, and also for contributing to the logic pack and other great gifts to the community.

Also thank you to the Creator Spotlight crew for all their hard work in putting forth another entertaining episode. Teebonesy was hilarious behind the mic, and that video was one of the best and funniest I've seen so far. I can't wait to see how the team could possibly top this on the next episode.

Applying to the RTM school of creation,
2010-08-29 06:32:00

Posts: 648

Wow, really had me cracking up through almost the entire thing. A pleasure to read and some really interesting stuff here. 2010-08-29 07:21:00

Posts: 150

for me, rtm has been the most inspirational creator on LPB. I'm a better creator and my levels are better levels because of his help and brains.

So, a very sincere thanks.

/suckup mode off.

purple ninja with glasses? :-
2010-08-29 08:46:00

Posts: 533

Aha lmaooo2010-08-29 10:34:00

Posts: 8

Imho the funniest spotlight so far

Oh and about legacy of kain..
Imagine the graphics from drakes fortune/god of war.. but used for a new "soul reaver" game..
that would be.. so much eyegasm that we will probably finish the game without blinking ever.. crying blood of pure bliss and joy.

And tbh,
I dont think we would be able to cram in so much logic per level if it wasnt for rtm...
we probably all owe him a lot.
2010-08-29 12:23:00

Posts: 2136

If you pause the Creator Closeup Video at 1:52 the shadow in the background looks like a dog or something! :O

2010-08-29 16:00:00

Posts: 409

That's actually my ghost. I died while making this creator video, unfortunately.

Edit: Also, it's not a dog, it's a horse.
2010-08-29 16:12:00

Posts: 2569

Indeed an awesome creator spotlight! The interview was hilariously crafted and the closeup ingeniously configured. Now to play subterranean setbacks before coming with the poem 2010-08-29 16:21:00

Posts: 1627

Awesome creator spotlight, I laughed the whole way through.2010-08-29 16:24:00

Posts: 386

lolz , the video is priceless !
2010-08-29 19:23:00

Posts: 147

Another great creator spotlight, and all that. Very interesting to hear about how Subterranean Setbacks was made.2010-08-29 19:27:00

Posts: 186

Doesn't get much better than this.

I know you guys put a LOT of time into this - just another brilliant video.

I could watch a feature length movie with you all.

You all are what LBP is all about.
2010-08-29 19:39:00

Posts: 1230

Oh rtm...I remember when I first joined here, I would argue about the silliest things, like infinite live checkpoints...
I recently looked back at that particular thread and was disappointed by how silly I was in my argument against you. My posts didn't make much sense...anyways, looks like you've always known what you were talking about up to this day! So yay! Great spotlight and video.
2010-08-30 02:13:00

Posts: 4193

lol... isn't this the same mod that was mad one day and just decided to suspend people (including me) if we even mentioned the words "how do I get on LBP2 Beta Forums"?
2010-08-30 13:05:00

Posts: 210

Insane, that is the only word i can think of to describe this.

Well done Spotlight team for yet another entertaining 15 mins of my life
2010-08-30 13:14:00

Posts: 777

lol... isn't this the same mod that was mad one day and just decided to suspend people (including me) if we even mentioned the words "how do I get on LBP2 Beta Forums"?
No, that was comphermc after people kept spamming a particular thread, nobody bothered reading his warnings too, the spammers that is.

2010-08-30 13:25:00

Posts: 4193

No, that was comphermc after people kept spamming a particular thread, nobody bothered reading his warnings too, the spammers that is.

I second that
2010-08-30 13:35:00

Posts: 777

Amazing! I played that level ages ago and they were right I never realised even the slightest bit the amount of work and details(not to mention the logic) crawled into this little pearl of a creator.
Btw why not publish the last shown futuristic lvl as a game concept ?
2010-08-30 13:47:00

Posts: 72

Wonderful spottlight!!!! Just another great pick for one of the best around. I still remember the impact you had on my with your wall-crawler - oh my goodness - I'm STILL impressed by that stuff!

2010-08-30 16:53:00

Posts: 206

The Creator Closeup was really great. Sadly I've got logic that looks a lot like that monstrosity in the beginning...no one is ever seeing behind the scenes in my levels! The mountains/temple background looked fantastic too...nice work! As for rtm's level...it had some wonderful/clever bits like the rat and spinning up the generator that I really appreciated...it's a real shame we've never gotten a 2nd level. Maybe this should have been called "Helpful Community Member Spotlight" instead!?! 2010-08-30 16:59:00

Posts: 1214

This interview had "just....more, more of everything"

I can't see the videos but the interview was great again spotlight team.

And congrats rtm for your turn in the spotlight, hopefully we'll get the chance for a sit down and more beers soon
2010-08-30 20:39:00

Posts: 1754

This interview had "just....more, more of everything"

I can't see the videos but the interview was great again spotlight team.

And congrats rtm for your turn in the spotlight, hopefully we'll get the chance for a sit down and more beers soon

Awww.. sorry to hear that Grant! We have an alternate place to host them so we will get busy and get them all loaded there as well. Thanks for letting us know!
2010-08-30 21:05:00

Posts: 11383

OK, I'm back in civilisation, aching all over and sunburned to hell, but I have now read through all one-hundred-and-whatever replies (I dno't tihnk anyone person has ever given out so much rep in such a short space of time with it all being legit lol. Responses to (semi) random things that have been posted here:

Would it be possible to add a creator link to the spotlight OP?
For example a link to RTM's "my creations".Should be possible. I'll see about getting this into future spotlights for you

P.S. Embedded videos don't work on my iPad...
Well, that's what you get for giving your money to Steve "I'm the messiah" Jobs PS. Embedded vids do work on android.... Just saying
Really great stuff. Second best creator video so far.
Hold up now my friend. I think there is a certain salient bit of information you need to post to accompany that comment! Like, who number 1 was???

My only disappointment was that you didn't have a name for that thingymabob, Rich. Clearly you're not a sci-fi fan.... lol! I'm gonna have to come back to you on that as I'm not even sure which thingamybob you mean...

First and foremost, Flashback is one of the greatest games ever created.....I know it'll be dated now, but I'd love to find the time to give it another playthrough. I'm sure it'd be another example of why well crafted gameplay is timeless

LOL, RTM is NOT what i expectid him to sound like I get that a lot. As far as I can tell from people's reactions to me, no part of my appearance / personality actually tallies up with anything else... but I seem to hold the conflicting mess that is "me" together somehow

Oh and about legacy of kain..
Imagine the graphics from drakes fortune/god of war.. but used for a new "soul reaver" game..
that would be.. so much eyegasm that we will probably finish the game without blinking ever.. crying blood of pure bliss and joy. Another game like Defiance, with both protagonists would be sick. Especially with the original voice cast and everything - I'd love to hear the words "Vae Victis!!" from a PS3 game On a side note, I'm waiting to see how GoW turns out... I'm on the first one atm and really hoping the second two improve upon the little really rather significant niggles that are getting in the way of me fully enjoying that game (atm it's like the original assassin's creed for me - a game that I desperately want to love, but really can't.

Btw why not publish the last shown futuristic lvl as a game concept ? Check out this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=29038-Resonance-Name-TBC-ON-HOLD-%28oh-teh-noes%29&highlight=resonance) for details on how to have a go.

And congrats rtm for your turn in the spotlight, hopefully we'll get the chance for a sit down and more beers soon I may have to leave my beloved car at home and take the train for eurogamer, for that very reason

I still need to read the intro / outro of the spotlight and watch the vid, but I trust Teebsy has done us all proud once more. I'll post back again properly when I have the energy to actually read all that stuff through
2010-08-30 21:15:00

Posts: 6497

Great Job on the spotlight. RTM you seem like a awesome guy. I wantz some logic training. Most of my logic is buggy and a mess. Now i need to get a spotlight and my life will be complete.2010-08-30 21:23:00

Posts: 188

For the folks having trouble with the video...perhaps it's worth a mention that they play fine in the PS3 browser?2010-08-30 21:38:00

Posts: 1214

I guess besides the embedded link, we might have to include an actual link for those that are iPod / iPad challenged. 2010-08-30 21:41:00

Posts: 11383

I would enjoy a link for iPods and iPads! They're so much easier to browse the web with, but then they're problematic when it comes to videos... Grr! 2010-08-30 22:24:00

Posts: 2979

I guess besides the embedded link, we might have to include an actual link for those that are iPod / iPad challenged.

2010-08-31 01:10:00

Posts: 5338

Ha! Awesome spotlight! Great job guys!
It's so weird to see rtm be nice for a change....
2010-08-31 03:53:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

I guess besides the embedded link, we might have to include an actual link for those that are iPod / iPad challenged.

Yeah, i'm too lazy to watch it on my Mac, or to quote you message and change it to URL.

But thanks anyways.
2010-08-31 04:12:00

Posts: 1578

I like where we're going with these spotlights. rtm is the kind of guy that makes LBP happen. Like snowflakecat's switches level and lite_sleeper pretty much inventing the "font gallery" niche, he's a guy I always find myself talking about, ripping off, or telling someone to send a PM to.

He's also got a dry wit and some patience, which makes his contributions to the forums educational and amusing, without increasing an argument's overall temperature.

And Subterranean Setbacks is **** fun to play. Grats, rtm. Well deserved.
2010-08-31 04:38:00

Posts: 422

Yeah, i'm too lazy to watch it on my Mac, or to quote you message and change it to URL.

But thanks anyways.

Too lazy to click this? ..or had you watched already? (Link to Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwf7FgtO5SA))
2010-08-31 05:15:00

Posts: 11383

Had the same problem, but your link works. Thanks, jwwphotos! And thanks to the spotlight crew for awesome. Rocket cheetah logic ftw!2010-08-31 14:38:00

Posts: 422

FUNNAY interview! Great video. Rtm your so British, i love it. Your one of my kind LOL2010-08-31 19:48:00

Posts: 1969

Rtm223 has t3h r33l b3t0rz c0d3s!

Nice interview, Rich.
2010-08-31 21:17:00

Posts: 170

I always love the spotlight reviews. lol
2010-09-01 04:44:00

Posts: 42

Wow! What a fantastic interview with a fantastic guy. Rich, you are an inspiration and a mentor to us all. Thank you ..and the other guys for your work on the logic pack and every other tidbit of ooey gooey logic lesson you've bestowed on us. LBP1 was the tip of the iceberg for you man, I can't wait to see you "wow" us in 2. Your hard work keeping this band of miscreants in line around here and your constant vigilance in help section is a god send. Really cool to see a spotlight for someone who primarily focuses on the "other side" of creating. You're awesome...plus you loved Flashback which makes you even more awesome. Gratz!2010-09-01 06:54:00

Posts: 564

The video had me laughing outloud. Seriously, you guys are hilarious. After I stopped laughing and looked at the overwhelmingly large amount of logic in front of me my jaw dropped. I cant even begin to wrap my brain around the things rtm223 creates.

I played Subterranean Setbacks a while back and I loved it. I didnt, however, even begin to realize the amount of logic involved in making this level. I cant wait to go back and play it again if only to bask in the sheer brilliance of it all.

Congratulations on your spotlight rtm223 it is well deserved.
2010-09-01 13:50:00

Posts: 25

FUNNAY interview! Great video. Rtm your so British, i love it. Your one of my kind LOL

What?? He wears purple Fender, not pink!!!

LOL!!!! ..just kidding!!
2010-09-01 15:20:00

Posts: 11383

Awesome spotlight! I love that video, painting the fence was hilarious! Rtm's one of my favorite creators, his work in progress level has some of the coolest, cleanest visuals yet!2010-09-02 12:24:00

Posts: 1800

Congratulations to not just rtm223 but to an hilarious and useful video too. Great interview as well. Gotta try out your levels rtm223.2010-09-02 22:48:00

Posts: 1314


When the dreadful gameplay attacks
In the wonder called "Subterranean Setbacks"
No sack can, I believe, survive
Not in this sewer mutant hive
Ending though with flowers and trees
Replay, replay pweeease!!!

Infamous for his logic skills
Saviour who runs from the hills

Triumphing in all is he
Mastermind, we all hail thee

Hope you like it rtm223
2010-09-03 20:03:00

Posts: 1627

Had a great time playing "Subterranean Setbacks". I aced the level today with a score of 31,120 points. Yes there are still plenty of points left in the level for anyone who wants to beat that score. Thanks for putting together such a great challenging level. (HAPPY SACKBOY)2010-09-10 22:16:00

Posts: 72

Locked and Archived.2010-09-12 17:02:00

Posts: 5338

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