The Best of Dr-booty
Archive: 1 post
Hello again lbpc! I'm here with another creator! Que the heavenly music!! The creator is dr-booty. This guy is one of the famous mech makers of lbp. He is one of the best becuase he doesn't just do his mech specialization but he also makes levels such as "Soul Caliber" or "Jedi vs Sith". Each with a few hundred plays, but he will be known for somethin greater soon. His best level so far is his 4th version of Rex from Metal Gear Solid. Yes his others are great and pretty but this new one is breath taking! He gets everything right! Controls are simple enough. Detail amazing. He really takes you out of this world with detail. I got the privlege of watching him build a few times and his way of building use unique. He builds some of it and he makes some into a sticker for the smaller details. Really sack ladies and gentlemen check this guy out to see for yourself! | 2010-08-27 02:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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