Scorch_3's best
Archive: 1 post
This guy is probably one of the best vehicle object guys along with dr-booty. He is not the well known creators in lbp, but he deserves a shout out! His best creation is his "Millitary Vehicles" level.These objects are highly detailed and had alot of work put into them. He is one of my friends on Little Big Planet, and he periodicaly shows me his newest creation (even more detailed than the last). The things that make him sucess full in making these feats of creation, adding the missing elements you and me dont see. He makes the plating of the armour and communication links and just the things that we don't think of. He makes some of his older creations into objects wich is a collectable in my book! You wont really find these detailed works of art anywere else! SO HERE YOU GO Scorch_3 HERE IS YOUR SHOUT OUT!!! | 2010-08-27 01:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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