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Modular elevator logic system

Archive: 3 posts

Something I cooked up today, The Modular Elevator logic system (MELS) is a super easy to use logic network I made based of the logic packs elevator logic. It doesn't contain a failsafe, but its easier to have doors that close really fast. The level is copyable, so you should be able to figure out how it works.

Search @Deviantgeek and you should find it to the left of my boat level.

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_yOJTm1dANtA/THbtvnqub3I/AAAAAAAAAA0/OAPyQ2ViEqM/A Photo.jpg

Instructions: connect the switch with red magnetic keys at the top to the two floor sensors(make sure they are directional output) Next, connect your grab switch in the elevator(directional output)to the piston on blue switch in the bottom-left. Now, connect your doors' pistons to the pink magnetic switch in the long and skinny switch in the middle. Finally, connect the keyswitch that detects when the door is closed (one shot output) to the winch on the switch that is under the one with red magnetic keys. Congratulations on finishing your elevator, now test it to see if it works. If not, double check everything.
2010-08-27 00:02:00

Posts: 386

Looks pretty good to me. Is it compatible with multiple storeys? Because you might need to add some logic if you want it to. By the looks of it you have a fair few of delay and permas there and there may be a way round that all if it "nomnoms on the thermometer".

Incinerator22 has created some logic called "mutual exclusion". Combned with a varible winch setup I think it will be able to be a multi storey lift with ease.
2010-08-27 00:09:00

Posts: 715

Looks pretty good to me. Is it compatible with multiple storeys? Because you might need to add some logic if you want it to. By the looks of it you have a fair few of delay and permas there and there may be a way round that all if it "nomnoms on the thermometer".

Incinerator22 has created some logic called "mutual exclusion". Combned with a varible winch setup I think it will be able to be a multi storey lift with ease.

I adapted the mutual exclusion logic and made a multi level one. it takes up about the same as putting in a new material maybe a little more.
2010-08-27 17:18:00

Posts: 386

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