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How is LBP PSP?

Archive: 10 posts

I've never played LBP PSP, so I wanna know what are some good and bad things.

Just curious
2010-08-26 08:47:00

Unknown User

Hye m8, you may wanna change your title, or may not get answes to your question.
(You wortte 'How's LBP PS3' Rather than "How's LBP PSP.")

To edit the title go to the "Edit" Button in the lower right part of your post, then click on the "Go Advanced" option that appears in the same area, you should see where to edit it there.

Hope that helps!
2010-08-26 08:56:00

Posts: 6707

I've never played LBP PSP, so I wanna know what are some good and bad things.

Just curious
Oops, how silly of me D: Thanks
2010-08-26 09:16:00

Unknown User

It has two layers. ?_?2010-08-26 09:34:00

Posts: 1562

+ It has the option to make objects static or dynamic, which basically means give them the properties of dark matter, or let them bounce around as usual
- Static doesn't slways work ??
- 2 Layers
- Awkward Creation
- Can't spread shapes freely
- Have to download levels before playing them
- Generally not as good as I'd hoped it'd be.

I knew it was never going to be as good as LBP PS3, but I was a little underwhelmed with what we got anyway.
2010-08-26 10:01:00

Posts: 583

Story mode is good, creating has some issues. You need to adapt your way of creating because not everything works the same as on the PS3, and it's said to crash (not for me yet, though). But I think they did a pretty good job of it.

Check out this thread for a lot more info and discussion: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=29720-Why-I-Love-LBP-PSP
2010-08-26 10:41:00

Posts: 2284

Woah, a lot of people more PS3 side of things bad mouthing the PSP version

LBP PSP has it's own charms, but it's not for everyone. You generally need patience, but in the long run you get rewarded greatly. There's a tonne of great features that LBP PS3 never had/has and they make creating easier. Nobody's mentioned the ability to corner edit more than one corner at a time - that's a huge one.

The story mode is quality, far surpassing Mm's IMO.

Basically you may want to post this in the PSP forums rather than here if you want a more complete answer from people who are still playing the game. A lot of bugs have been worked out since release, and that's when a lot of people started saying how bad it is and abandoning it.

Just sayin'
2010-08-26 23:47:00

Posts: 2645

I find it fun! They did do a fantastic job on the story mode and it was a joy to play! It was surprisingly better than I thought it would be!
Of course, since it is the PSP there are only two layers, but it makes you think outside the box.
Create mode was buggy but it has been updated and I haven't had any problems with it since!

I think it is worth the money to download or buy, it is a great game all-in-all!
2010-08-27 22:34:00

Posts: 1076

I've never played LBP PSP, so I wanna know what are some good and bad things.

I wrote this guide (http://forums.littlebigworkshop.com/t5/PSP-Workshop/A-Guide-to-PSP-Create-Mode/m-p/200742) some time ago. It's pretty out of date now, but it's mostly accurate.
2010-08-29 02:03:00

Posts: 2870

It's a great game! But as I had the PSP version before the PS3, I didn't have to adapt to the PS3 version that much at all. To me, I think that creating a good quality level on the PSP is easier than on the PS3. Yes, the create mode is different but once you've finished a level that you've really worked hard on and put alot of effort into. It all pays off!2010-08-29 02:18:00

Posts: 1536

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