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Rough Concept: CCBAI ("Act/React AI")

Archive: 9 posts

Copy Cat Boss AI ("Act/React AI")

EDIT: Name changed from "Learning" to "Act/React" to avoid misinterpretation. PS3 name to be updated.

Alright, I've been working on this little concept of a boss movement AI. It's not special or finely polished, but the concept is there and executed as well as it needs to be for demonstration purposes. I'm sure all the tech savvy creators (I'm looking at you rtm and comph) already have some name for it and have a version setting on a crater on their moon, but mine is a dumbed-down, not-overly-complex version of a boss movement system/AI. Excuse me if there's already a system like this out there, I don't know. Enough talk, I'll get to the actual stuff...

Basically, this AI system will "mimic" your movements, executing them, and, as a result, creating a base for the boss' movements. It consists of three areas, all at which the boss can stop in, a player position/movement detection and execution system, and a fail-safe if the boss is to get stuck. This is a ROUGH CONCEPT, so not every element of the system is totally fluid and/or 100% reliable!

Known Issues:
- The fail-safe is functional yet can cause system "hiccups"
- The boss movement is not always smooth or at a constant speed. I have not toyed with the speed as of yet. It could surely be improved.
- The system might be able to be overridden. Although nothing a pause would be able to stop. It would be very easy to fix if it's too problematic.
- The bosses "resting" (default) area is white. Pausing in green or pink zone will leave you safe and the boss paused at its default zone. Movement will re-stimulate the boss. Ideas to fix?
- The boss isn't hazardous. Yes, I know...

To check it out, just search "piggabling" and look for the AI level with the same name as the thread title.

Constructive criticism and feedback welcome!

Side Note: This is slightly irrelevant considering LBP2 is just around the corner, but you still have 3 months to toy with the concept. So still check it out!
2010-08-26 02:46:00

Posts: 2979

Yeah, learning would be the wrong word for it. It's interesting to see it has such a long memory to mimic your movements, but that makes me think of Simon Says more than a boss AI. Why did you choose this system in stead of a simple player tracker?2010-08-27 20:22:00

Posts: 2284

Yeah, that's why I've changed the name...

I chose this over a tracker, because there's a delay between your movements and the movements of the boss. That delay, depending on how long the timeline (the quicker you move between areas, the longer the timeline) is, will be inconsistant, adding to the effect. If you didn't see the logic or know anything about the boss, it would seem as though the boss is "following" you, but it would take a little concentration and brain power to realize it's just copying your movements. A player tracker would be too quick to follow your movements, making the boss easier to beat.

In a real-level situation, it would seem as though the boss has some random pattern that always ends up right on your tail and/or above you. Once you take it all in and interpret what's going on, you'd notice that the boss is just mimicking your moves, allowing you to fully understand the boss and strategize how to beat it. For some people, it would take a few seconds and no deaths to figure this out, but others may never figure it out and beat the boss on their last life. It's all player-specific.

I really should make a full boss to showcase...

Thanks for the feedback!
2010-08-28 15:31:00

Posts: 2979

Yes, I think a full boss would help. You're right, because the logic is visible, its behaviour is obvious. But I still don't like how he always ends up above the white zone, it seems too simple to abuse. Maybe you should let him end above the player?

Anyway, maybe with some tweaking this will turn into an interesting boss fight. It sure is more interesting than spamming R1.
2010-08-28 20:13:00

Posts: 2284

Agreed. It is, after all, a rough concept so it's not boss-battle-ready yet. I've been toying with the concept in my mind today and I might be able to get on LBP and tweak it. I think I may know a better solution... Although, I'm not sure if it's even worth it. LBP2 is too close. We'll see...

Thanks guys! The concept has an incredible 4 plays!
2010-08-28 22:14:00

Posts: 2979

The concept has an incredible 4 plays!
I'll play it when i get home, i like complex logic as well (see my level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=34014-Ancient-Treasure-of-the-Aztec-*UPDATED-PICS*) which has a VERY complex boss fight (there's a picture of the logic system after you beat the boss)).
2010-08-29 15:05:00

Posts: 86

If it's complex you want, you won't find anything astounding in the level. It's just boss movement and, in truth, is not that complex. 2010-08-29 18:21:00

Posts: 2979

I played this, but i'm not sure if it worked xD I didn't quite get the concept, was it meant to like avoid me? O.o2010-08-29 19:58:00

Posts: 554

I can see application for this in a boss fight.

Something like:

Evil person is controlling a robot with remote control. Robot moves left/right/up/down. You dodge robots attacks and try and reach a signal scrambler thing. You activate signal scrambler, then the remote control messes up. The robot now follows what you do. For example, you platform your way to an electric wall(you stop just before you touch it). The robot then follows your previous movements, but moves into the electric wall, which hurts it.

The way it works right now though, isn't that advanced. You can just stack inputs infinitely. There should be a limit(3 or 4?). Right now, if it was a boss fight, you could just stack inputs that meant it would only move in a couple of sections, then stand in a "safe" section and dodge it's attacks etc.
2010-08-29 20:19:00

Unknown User

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