The Factory 2: Advance
Archive: 16 posts
The Factory 2: AdvancePhireballMS A Sequel (Used in the loosest sense possible) To the not so popular, but still my best attempt at a level: The Factory: Movement. What better way to come back to the site than with a new level under my wing? :3 Pictures: http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/APhoto-1.jpg http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/APhoto_4.jpg http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/APhoto_3.jpg http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/APhoto_1.jpg http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/APhoto.jpg http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/APhoto_5.jpg http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b434/MikehSkeggers/TFAPreview1.jpg Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-A6NjNcijI Thanks to Ostler5000 for recording the vid Details: Those that noticed I ever left will now notice that I have returned from about a quarter year's break. Don't know why I took it, but I did. Coincedentally, I just happened to finish The 2nd Factory level this afternoon, and thought it'd be a good way to reintroduce me and my levels :3 The Factory 2: Advance isn't really a sequel to the first factory level. I just took inspiration from it and set out to make a level like it which beat it in terms of looks, gameplay and everything else hands down. It was my test to see how much better I'd become. Thanks goes to Doopz479 for test playing while it was still under construction. Level Description: The Factory 2 Isn't what you'd call complex. It takes the best parts of LBP platforming and applies them in an easily built, but effective looking way. It's simple platforming, put together by a moron. :B I tried to keep everything original and not use content from the first Factory level, and improved upon all the points everyone gave me in the showcase thread for that level, found somehwere on the Cool Levels, I think. General Feedback was: 1) The door system needed improving - Instead of just open holes which were difficult to see, there are now switch operated doors. 2) Too linear - Now includes a water section, slides, sections where you walk left instead of right, and much more vertical gameplay. 3) Off Lighting - Lighting has been fixed to keep colours to a minumum, but still keep things interesting 4) Keep/ Get Rid Of Random Player Insults - This one was split 50/50. Some people said the random insults I gave didn't seem appropriate, and others said they were amusing. So I kept them in, just fewer and farther between. 5) Add a storyline - No. :B I thought about it, but everything seemed too silly. 6) More secret areas - Yeah, yeah, I kept 'em in :B Extra changes that weren't given in the feedback include: 1) Too Many Awful jokes 2) A Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time reference. 3) Moar Animal Sounds!!!! 4) Better visuals 5) Improved music selection/build up Recent Updates: 13/09/10 - Fixed awkward camera angles, improved hidden sections. I probably had more fun making this level than you will playing it, But what the heck? Hope you enjoy the Factory 2: Advance ![]() Oh, And It's Good to be back :B | 2010-08-25 20:33:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Well, I think I told you most of the feedback in the PSN message I sent you, but I very much enjoyed this level the visuals are great, and it's overall a great level. ![]() :star::star::star::star::star: <3 | 2010-08-25 21:30:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Wewp, Wewp. Thanks for the feedback. I'm sorry the level couldn't be longer, but that pesky thermometer is so annoying >:U | 2010-08-25 21:33:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
The Factory 2: Advance Feedback: The level had 2 awkward camera angles, both in the underwater area of the level. The camera of the first electric block is a bit off to the right angle wise, maybe just move it a tad bit to the left so it would make it bit more enjoyable and easier. (The same applies to the last electric block before you leave the underwater area). The door before the lift is a bit rough to see move in the dark, maybe put a small light around or near the door so people can see it more clearly. About your thermo i would say alot is used on separate shapes, I recommend you take a picture of the same thing and stick it on whatever material instead of using so many separate shapes. But if you did that you would lose a bit of the visual appeal to the level. The sticker version can at times if used well, look better then its separate shapes counterpart. Keep that in mind while you make the next part. In comparison to the first level it is definitely an improvement game-play and visual wise. :star::star::star::star:'s And a <3 | 2010-08-25 22:17:00 Author: Darkcloudrepeat ![]() Posts: 606 |
Thanks for the feedback, I'll work of fixing those camera angles as soon as I can. As for the thermo, I've heard it'll be a lot less of a worry on LBP2, which Is where I'll be making the next part anyway, so I''ll bear it in mind, but hopefully It won't have to come to it in the future ^.^ | 2010-08-25 22:56:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Level Edit: Fixed Most Of The Objects In Question, Altered One Of The Hidden Areas, Made The Collapsed Section More Interesting And Fixed A Lighting Issue. Also added the Level Logo to the pictures section of this thread. | 2010-08-26 08:51:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Hi, I played the level. it is very similar to first part, but I think this one is better ![]() The visual aspect is awesome, you really made a good job with the lights. Nevertheless the level is sometimes too dark, and I have problemos to figure out where to proceed. The gameplay is ok. It is not boring, there many hiden areas, and had the feeling of being traped in narrow areas. Good job in this aspect. It would be good that the level has little bit more gameplay though, like at the end, which I think is quite nice. Again, the main problem of the level is that it is too short. Why is it so sort? My level is quite longer, with lots of logick and moving pieces, but I only used 75% of thermometer. It's weird... ![]() Well, anyway very good job, :star::star::star::star::star: from me ![]() | 2010-08-26 16:29:00 Author: onturenio ![]() Posts: 138 |
Hey I just played your level it was well built but it kinda bored me probably due to less gameplay in some areas..... Postives: +Visuals- looked pretty good on the level with the lights and all +Material Usage throughout the factory +Gameplay 50/50 half fun and kinda bored me Negatives: -Level was too short -less gameplay Sorry for the harsh rating on it but I guess wasnt into it all as much Overall keep up the good work: ![]() | 2010-08-26 20:51:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Thanks for the feedback guys. I am really sorry about the length of the level, but when there's so many little squares and small shapes making up a big amount of the level, the thermo tends to go up quickly. A thought I've just had is that there may be parts of the level which I was testing out at the end of the whole level creation area, so I'll check that out. If it's possible, I'll edit this on LBP2, where the thermo won't be as much of a problem. As for the dull gameplay, more objects and sections will be added in the edits and sections of the level will have more done to them, so it's always building up. | 2010-08-28 09:56:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Very visually pleasing <3 I enjoyed the increasingly hard doorways w/o making then too terribly hard to get under. I did run into the same camera issue that others have mentioned especially where you swim up avoiding the electrical slots. Its a shame it couldn't be longer, I know the thermo issue all to well myself . >< Overall I gave it a 5 star rating if nothing more then the beautiful visuals and atmosphere. <3 | 2010-08-28 10:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hmm, I tried fixing that camera bug, but maybe it's still there >:I I'll take another look at it in a minute :3 | 2010-08-28 10:37:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Added Video to the thread, and made recent updates section.Also ironed out quite a lot of bugs in the level | 2010-09-13 16:47:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Hello, I've just finished playing your level. The best part of the level was the game play, it flowed fairly well, and had some pretty interesting secret areas that you could go and find, which added a lot of replay value. Visuals were pretty good too, the material choice and lighting helped to make the level feel more like a factory. Great work, I rated the level :star::star::star::star::star:. | 2010-09-13 23:02:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Thanks for the moar feedback. I'm a bit confused about the gameplay. There's been some people saying it bored them, some people saying it's good, and some people saying it's average. I don't get it x3 | 2010-09-14 17:38:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
Played your level. The first door really bugged me. Some of the doors were better spped wise, but many of them it was very annoying pulling the lever adn waiting for it to go up (and in the dark areas it was impossible to tell) and then trying to move down and get though before they closed. Perhaps slow them, add a flipper up adn them slow down, electrify them so they can bee seen or more lighting, but don't electrify them unless you can slow them big time. ![]() | 2010-09-15 19:22:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Thanks for all the tips 'n' schtuff. I'll get around to adding more lights etc. next time I'm on LBP | 2010-09-20 11:14:00 Author: Skeggers ![]() Posts: 583 |
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