Ancient Treasure of the Aztec *VIDEO*
Archive: 17 posts
Ancient Treasure of the AztecAngelorD129 Embark on an epic adventure through deadly traps and monsters to find the great aztec treasure! Featuring a full-scale boss fight!!! my first level! http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/6695/icon0l.png This is my first level ever, about a journey to a frozen wasteland in which lies a great temple to protect a treasure unlike anything in this world. Conquer the traps and obstacles to recieve the greatest reward! I worked very hard on this, also made a full boss fight! Vid (i recommend playing before you watch it all the way through) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYpoHjLVkVc Some pics: (The colors got messed up b/c i used the camera tool) http://a.imageshack.us/img801/856/lbp4.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img535/9228/lbp3.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img27/7610/lbp2.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img835/4499/lbp1.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img6/8537/lbp8.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img17/7349/lbp7.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img814/3826/lbp6.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img189/5048/lbp5.jpg I made a video playthrough, i'tll be up in a few hours UPDATED the level with more hints and a few bugs fixed, overall easier for those who couldn't figure it out. Please heart+comment! | 2010-08-24 15:12:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
I got stuck on the wolf section it was on the part when it shown a secret passage had opened up but I couldn't find a way back to that side, I kept trying to press the button on the wall with the fire on it i'm not sure if that was the trigger for the passage being opened but all the other ways seemed blocked I know i'm missing something as it's been completed any tips? Up till then the level was very well done you've got some original puzzle ideas and I liked the character who poped up a couple of times it looked very cool and fit the look of the level i'd be more than willing to give it another look when I know what i'm doing ![]() | 2010-08-26 17:37:00 Author: DayFul ![]() Posts: 26 |
I got stuck on the wolf section it was on the part when it shown a secret passage had opened up but I couldn't find a way back to that side, I kept trying to press the button on the wall with the fire on it i'm not sure if that was the trigger for the passage being opened but all the other ways seemed blocked I know i'm missing something as it's been completed any tips? Up till then the level was very well done you've got some original puzzle ideas and I liked the character who poped up a couple of times it looked very cool and fit the look of the level i'd be more than willing to give it another look when I know what i'm doing ![]() You should go back the way you came, going back up the left pillar with the gold barrier, only now you need to time your jumps so you catch ground there (it will be extended in your direction when it reaches your level, so you should jump on when it goes up). Then you can go back down to where you got the blue ball trigger then continue downward, you figure it out from there. | 2010-08-26 22:55:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
I got it but I had an accident first with the wolf token I broke it ![]() ![]() | 2010-08-27 00:08:00 Author: DayFul ![]() Posts: 26 |
are you sure the wolf didn't reappear? it was supposed to... anyway i'm gonna make an easier version with more hints soon, thanks for checking out my level. BTW in the boss section, when a plasma gun is about to fire, a light will go off on it, so when you see a light on either side, run to the other side. | 2010-08-27 11:32:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
I fixed the key bug, and also added tips throughout the level to help players out, so please play! | 2010-08-27 16:04:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
anyone? please this is my first level and i need some feedback! | 2010-08-28 19:49:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
I had another go and finished it this time ![]() | 2010-08-28 20:26:00 Author: DayFul ![]() Posts: 26 |
Very good concept and great level feel. Right off the camera angles drove me insane... I had more deaths due to lack of being able to see properly. the area with the jet pack I managed to go over the save point and cause the ball to dissolve. I had to kill myself to start back over again. Once I got the save point then you have to hold right and grab instantly or you fall. The 1st 3 times I started down the slide the ball turned and killed me in the fire... that combined with the camera angle made it very frustrating for me. Some of the puzzles were a bit lengthy and felt that they slowed the level down. With some fine tuning this has potential to be a really good level. | 2010-08-29 03:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Have you finished the level? Anyway I wanted to make the level kinda tricky but the puzzles don't take much time if you know what to do... i think anyways thanks for the feedback, i'll see what i can do | 2010-08-29 08:06:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
This is like a stream of consciousness as I play through your level. The angle on the stairs at the beginning is nice but otherwise from the starting point to there it is far to barren and what's with the bouncing thing, is that a trap? Nice use of front layer 3d in the cave at the spinning sponge w/ electric flippers. I would use a different material on your enemies, it doesn't look right to me. I don't think you needed to have the jetpack through the electric part; that didn't really fit the theme of the level. The puzzle was acceptable but a little bit silly for the theme of the level. So far I'm just not feeling anything ancient or aztec about this level. I liked the 3d again where you get launched by the big flippers right after the big tetris-esque puzzle. The rest of your level was fairly flat maybe try to do what you did in the 3d and put into the actual layers you play in. I liked the maze; it was a lot of fun. During the boss fight have the player spawn in a safe place rather than somewhere where they will get barraged by plasma balls, otherwise I found the boss fight relatively enjoyable. The gates that opened after the boss fight looked cool. I don't want to sound super negative but there are a lot of things that I feel needed to be different for the level to be more enjoyable. I gave it three stars, but I do see potential in it and you as a creator. Also thanks for playing my level (sorry you had problems with it, I have no idea what happened, you appear to be the only one that that has happened to). | 2010-08-29 17:42:00 Author: zynax555 ![]() Posts: 170 |
This is like a stream of consciousness as I play through your level. The angle on the stairs at the beginning is nice but otherwise from the starting point to there it is far to barren and what's with the bouncing thing, is that a trap? Nice use of front layer 3d in the cave at the spinning sponge w/ electric flippers. I would use a different material on your enemies, it doesn't look right to me. I don't think you needed to have the jetpack through the electric part; that didn't really fit the theme of the level. The puzzle was acceptable but a little bit silly for the theme of the level. So far I'm just not feeling anything ancient or aztec about this level. I liked the 3d again where you get launched by the big flippers right after the big tetris-esque puzzle. The rest of your level was fairly flat maybe try to do what you did in the 3d and put into the actual layers you play in. I liked the maze; it was a lot of fun. During the boss fight have the player spawn in a safe place rather than somewhere where they will get barraged by plasma balls, otherwise I found the boss fight relatively enjoyable. The gates that opened after the boss fight looked cool. I don't want to sound super negative but there are a lot of things that I feel needed to be different for the level to be more enjoyable. I gave it three stars, but I do see potential in it and you as a creator. Also thanks for playing my level (sorry you had problems with it, I have no idea what happened, you appear to be the only one that that has happened to). OK thanks for the constructive criticism! I didn't really have the level planned out from the start so it was mainly building up as i progressed through the creation process, which is why you probably found it somewhat inconsistent... Anyways, thanks for playing, I'll take your suggestions in the next thing i'm making (it's pretty big) | 2010-08-29 18:08:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
Hey, just played you level and I gotta say it was fantastic for a first. However there were a few things I hope to see you improve on in the future: - The level was too dark. I have my gama settings up really high and it was still extremely dark in some parts to the point where I was aimlessly wandering around and then I'll get killed by something. - Your enemies could use a bit more work. They seemed really clunky and could use a visual touch-up as well. - You may want to mention this level is best for one player. xD I played it with a friend and we ran into multiple problems with cameras, perm switches and the like. Pros - You have a great sense of creativity and that certainly shines through on your puzzles in this level. The only issue is execution and visuals that go along with it. Improve on those and you'll be rolling in the hearts. xD - The boss logic looks astounding! The whole boss itself was pretty creative although I ran into a few issues (such as the enemies being clunky and me getting trapped in the spot where the paintinator spawn). Be sure to design a boss room with the player in mind so that they won't get caught in things and become frustrated. However, it was a fun boss battle and seemed very complicated to make. xD So :star::star::star::star:. Very good job! For F4F, I'd appreciate if you could play the level in my signature. ^o^ | 2010-08-29 19:34:00 Author: AeroForce22 ![]() Posts: 392 |
Note: I am doing this review as I play Lol nice creature mouth thing in the beginning. Very good atmosphere, I like the wintery icy spookiness of your level, and that sackboy guardian thing you made was awesome as well ![]() I normally do not like dark levels, but your use of lighting is very good and I actually like the darkness because of that. OH MY GOD that panther thing was soo COOL! Wow.... this wolf puzzle is amazing! THIS LEVEL NEEDS TO GET ONTO THE SPOTLIGHT! Your level is absolutely amazing, and for a first time starter too?!? That's unbelievable! Phenomenal job there! Just finished your level. LOL WOW NICE-EPIC-BOSS-BATTLE!!!! Okay I am 1000% sure when I say this---THIS NEEDS TO BE A SPOTLIGHT LEVEL!!! Great great job!!! :star::star::star::star::star:<3 | 2010-08-29 22:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Note: I am doing this review as I play Lol nice creature mouth thing in the beginning. Very good atmosphere, I like the wintery icy spookiness of your level, and that sackboy guardian thing you made was awesome as well ![]() I normally do not like dark levels, but your use of lighting is very good and I actually like the darkness because of that. OH MY GOD that panther thing was soo COOL! Wow.... this wolf puzzle is amazing! THIS LEVEL NEEDS TO GET ONTO THE SPOTLIGHT! Your level is absolutely amazing, and for a first time starter too?!? That's unbelievable! Phenomenal job there! Just finished your level. LOL WOW NICE-EPIC-BOSS-BATTLE!!!! Okay I am 1000% sure when I say this---THIS NEEDS TO BE A SPOTLIGHT LEVEL!!! Great great job!!! :star::star::star::star::star:<3 lol wow thanks! i'm glad you liked it | 2010-08-29 23:23:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
A very intriguing level and I must say you have did a great job creating the puzzles. Although I do have some remarks. 1. Enlighten the hidden part of the wolves part. It is a tad to hard to see the spikes. This is also valid for other parts of the level. Lighten the place up as they say. 2.Choose your materials more wisely for instance, what is the neon gridded metal material doing there ? When you create a level about Aztec's( which has been properly done) stick with your theme and if you choose to enlight the jumper at the end use a led that glows brighter and darker the whole time. 3. Wth is wrong with your camera angles ?! I was running towards death at multiple occasions.On the other hand GREAT end boss and as mentioned before it's good to have a look at the logic behind it. I did see you can slightly simplify some of it. My end rating: 3 stars and rated machines as I admire your great attempt at creating an Aztec god. | 2010-09-01 15:27:00 Author: J_wulfke ![]() Posts: 72 |
Added a video! man it takes forever to upload videos... | 2010-09-06 11:39:00 Author: saarraz1 ![]() Posts: 86 |
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