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My robot arm

Archive: 6 posts

Hi this is my first post and thread.

I made a robotic arm out of a dancing spider, reverse the bolts add switches and ta daaaaa!
and its made of cardboard and rubber
here's a video of me with the arm

(yes i am dustinarcurtis98)
(This arm is my own invention, if this is similarity to another persons invention is purely coincidental and is not stolen.)
(I will post a video at a later date on how to build it)
2010-08-24 14:28:00

Posts: 2

lol, cool!2010-08-24 15:48:00

Unknown User

Is it also your wife?
This looks pretty cool, the first thing I made in LBP was a robot arm type thing but I lost the level with it on ]:
2010-08-24 16:15:00

Posts: 554

Did you have any problems with the wobble bolts? Those things always give me grief.
I wonder what you could use it for...
2010-08-24 17:20:00

Posts: 1518

Did you have any problems with the wobble bolts? Those things always give me grief.
I wonder what you could use it for...

For the first part, i was just making a dancing spider when i reversed the wobble bolts and it looked like a hand opening and closing.
For the second question, I'm thinking about making a level called: Everything is not what it seems. I might use it on the villain at the end.But, my sister restarted my game and im stuck trying to ace all the lv's on the mines now

Is it also your wife?

No that's my little sister, this is her favorite game.
2010-08-24 19:01:00

Posts: 2

No that's my little sister, this is her favorite game.

It was a joke, Bionic Commando reference xD Sorry for the confusion
2010-08-26 22:58:00

Posts: 554

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