Submarine Adventure Part 1
Archive: 11 posts
Submarine Adventure Part 1Greth206 http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/5647/submarineadventurescree.jpgYou will be journeying in your submarine, accompanied by your trusty Mini-Sub. As your journey begins, you stumble upon a strange wreckage, which harbors secrets of times passed. As you descend deeper into the depths of the ocean, what mysteries await you? I was originally going for a Bioshock level, but life is funny, so I got this instead. It is a very slow paced level, yet full of secrets! Part 2 will consist of the Abyssal Chasm, and will hopefully have some danger elements. I thank anyone who happens to play my level(s), and wish them good tidings. I labored over the proper mechanic to get that stupid submarine to go up and down and right all at the same time. And it's stupid doors... But that's not the point. The point is that it looks good(I hope), and that's all that matters... for now. That's one terribly un-exciting screenshot... ~sigh~ Alright. Thank you for looking, hearts are appreciated. Constructive criticism is appreciated even more. By the way; I will try to keep up with F4F as best I can, so if I don't get to you right away, don't worry. I will one day. edit: Submarine should actually move forward now. Someone please tell me if it does not. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/576/aphoto5.jpg http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/1305/aphoto7.jpg http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/6117/aphoto12.jpg http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/6103/aphoto2.jpg | 2010-08-24 09:02:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
hey dude!! i wanted to play to your level but the submarine does not advance i it tried 3 times, probably there is a mistake, later i will turn it to trying and will give you my opinion ![]() ____________________________________ Ok dude!! i?ll see ur level one more time thanks for the information | 2010-08-24 14:07:00 Author: psyntens ![]() Posts: 562 |
It works now! | 2010-08-26 02:46:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
hEY now yes already i could see your level, yesterday in the night I checked it and it seemed to me to be interesting, you gave to him a very good solution to the problem, it pleases the environment that you created, is mysterious, and entertaining enough, it pleased the scene where the crystals reflect the light for four sides, it is a good level, i enjoy it so much exploring. ![]() I have given you 4 :star:?s F4F: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=33267-ENCHANTED-ADVENTURE-Chapter-1-THE-MISTERY-OF-THE-CAVE | 2010-08-26 13:43:00 Author: psyntens ![]() Posts: 562 |
Ok as Im reading the others comments what happened in my game was the submarine opened and after it open I pretty much swam all the way to the finish line so lol I dont know what went wrong and now that Im seeing that you be in the submarine most of the time I hate that I gave it a :star::star: because I thought thats all you had to do on the level was swim directly toward finish line and look at the decorations on the way there. Sorry ![]() but probably could block off some part of the area in the water so people wont just swim straight across to the finishline. | 2010-08-26 21:30:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Hehehehehehehe. Thanks. Was it clear what you were supposed to do with the crystals? | 2010-08-28 05:31:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Hey, Ive been meaning to make a level like this for a while. First of all great submarine and the whale is pretty funny. Also, good use of lights The level is way too short though. I swam off without the sub at the first stop. AAnd then the sub didnt let me out at the abyss so im not sure what was in there, and then the level finished, so i didnt actually do anything. the music should be more mysterious as well, perhaps quieter. Another thing, if you grab the white bit before you stop at the pirate ship, the sub doesnt stop there it just keeps on cruising, might wanna try and stop that from happening ![]() If you add more to it you'll be on to a winner. 3 Stars for me, worth playing, but just too short. EDIT: Where do I go once I reach the sea floor? Oh, you can go into the ship. Uh-huh, figured out where to go, and got bulk score bubbles!!! Perhaps think about using some strategic lighting to let people know where to go and what to do. Good job though, apart from my initial confusion. Please F4F my level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=33317-The-Mystery-of-Mystery-Island&p=582899#post582899) ![]() | 2010-08-28 06:07:00 Author: Joburg87 ![]() Posts: 56 |
Ok as Im reading the others comments what happened in my game was the submarine opened and after it open I pretty much swam all the way to the finish line so lol I dont know what went wrong and now that Im seeing that you be in the submarine most of the time I hate that I gave it a :star::star: because I thought thats all you had to do on the level was swim directly toward finish line and look at the decorations on the way there. Sorry ![]() but probably could block off some part of the area in the water so people wont just swim straight across to the finishline. Noted. And thank you so much for the advice. And the two stars is no problem! The feedback is really what's important right now. | 2010-08-28 06:12:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Hey, Ive been meaning to make a level like this for a while. First of all great submarine and the whale is pretty funny. Also, good use of lights The level is way too short though. I swam off without the sub at the first stop. AAnd then the sub didnt let me out at the abyss so im not sure what was in there, and then the level finished, so i didnt actually do anything. the music should be more mysterious as well, perhaps quieter. Another thing, if you grab the white bit before you stop at the pirate ship, the sub doesnt stop there it just keeps on cruising, might wanna try and stop that from happening ![]() If you add more to it you'll be on to a winner. 3 Stars for me, worth playing, but just too short. EDIT: Where do I go once I reach the sea floor? Oh, you can go into the ship. Uh-huh, figured out where to go, and got bulk score bubbles!!! Perhaps think about using some strategic lighting to let people know where to go and what to do. Good job though, apart from my initial confusion. Please F4F my level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=33317-The-Mystery-of-Mystery-Island&p=582899#post582899) ![]() I mysteriously managed to skip over your comment while reading... o.O My internet has a FAP(don't giggle.) restriction, meaning that only so many KB are allowed to download per month, at which point it is supposed to reset itself every month... ours doesn't. And right now we are at 80-something %, so they make our internet go really slow, meaning it is nearly impossible to LBP online... I will eagerly await reviewing your level in the meantime... edit: Just saw your level thread. My internet is going on right now, regardless of any limit! I must know about the mysteries of Mystery Island! Internet is going down for the weekend. Sorry. BTW, is the whale when you are going down? | 2010-08-28 19:18:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
I mysteriously managed to skip over your comment while reading... o.O My internet has a FAP(don't giggle.) restriction, meaning that only so many KB are allowed to download per month, at which point it is supposed to reset itself every month... ours doesn't. And right now we are at 80-something %, so they make our internet go really slow, meaning it is nearly impossible to LBP online... I will eagerly await reviewing your level in the meantime... edit: Just saw your level thread. My internet is going on right now, regardless of any limit! I must know about the mysteries of Mystery Island! Internet is going down for the weekend. Sorry. BTW, is the whale when you are going down? yeah, when you are going down to the sea bed. Thats a whale skeleton right? | 2010-08-29 08:56:00 Author: Joburg87 ![]() Posts: 56 |
yeah, when you are going down to the sea bed. Thats a whale skeleton right? Oh, THAT whale. Ya, it's a whale. I had a fully articulate whale swim across the screen while you were going down, but the mechanics for it never quite worked, so it got scrapped. I was wondering if I had forgotten to remove it; but it seems I'm not THAT forgetful...yet. | 2010-08-30 05:29:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
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