DOOM 3 Rpg
Archive: 1 post
DOOM 3 Rpgrez455 based around doom 3, i made my own rpg series called doom 3 rpg, some what of a follow up to doom rpg on phones, it mimics doom 3's atmosphere and enemies but with an rpg twist and a new story with more depth (but dont expect a master piece of a story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- one of my older levels, but its good for how limted lbp was for an rpg. this isnt much of an rpg to begin with but its more of a set up/ intro to the series, the game is not directly related to doom 3, but more along the lines of its art style and atmosphere. in other words, it doesnt have that much to do with doom 3's story (ohh nooo?). so, give this a go if your bored enough. | 2010-08-23 13:26:00 Author: rez455 ![]() Posts: 113 |
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