The rich become richer and the poor quit trying.
Archive: 35 posts
Wont taking out the republishing trick just make it that much easier for those who are on top to shoot there levels right to the top again with no competition at all, well other then the others doing the same. The keys are nice but they are the Spammers best tool for keeping there levels on top, and others down and out. Maybe the keys should work the way they used to and not redirect the player to some other level. There is going to be alot of players out there that once they get one to stick they will spam all there levels over and over thinking this is my only chance. | 2010-08-21 17:46:00 Author: CENTURION24 ![]() Posts: 266 |
I agree with you completely! They keys thing is just making their levels a lot more popular, and the spam will still be stuck there. | 2010-08-21 17:57:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
key 4 key plz lol. There will always be exploits in the system. I think the republishing bump system gives everyone a chance. If you really want people to play your level you have an effective tool to do so rather than publish and hope it doesnt get lost amoung the others. I feel very sorry for creators who will put so much time and effort into their levels and only have 10 plays. My advide would be to delete, republish, delete, republish one level with a key to the one you want on the cool pages. It should give about anh equal chance to those who have a level already on page 1 withj a key. Theres always a way around. | 2010-08-21 19:24:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
That's cool steve but cuzfeeshe had the best idea and that was to have the level only count the individuals play one time. So one person plays a level 300x and the level only records 1 play. Then let the hearts push the levels to the top. Page1 would be filled with quality levels that could inspire creators to build something that takes longer then 1 day. We should only get one vote, not 300+. | 2010-08-21 20:28:00 Author: CENTURION24 ![]() Posts: 266 |
I think it's kind of nice actually. Sure it's not perfect, but I like it. If creators who make good levels stay on top, that's good, but then once a new creator emerges, we'll have another creator who keeps getting levels up there. It could potentially discover new creators and keep them up with the others, finding new creators often. If I'm understanding this right... | 2010-08-21 20:31:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
I'd love to see a comment posting limit, The past few days every level I play has the same few people spamming their "Play my level" at regular intervals if i'd had a level out that i'd put a lot of time in to that would be so anoying. | 2010-08-21 22:47:00 Author: DayFul ![]() Posts: 26 |
I must've missed it: what happened with the cool pages? What's up with the talk of keys and level comments? | 2010-08-22 00:16:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
I am thinking Mm have shot themselves in the foot here. We all remember the x3-power and stephanie raven incident. This will make it happen again! ![]() i must admit I am sick of the inequality we had originally and this has made it worse ![]() | 2010-08-22 00:31:00 Author: AssassinatorRFC ![]() Posts: 715 |
Wait, did Mm finally FIX the republishing trick? Wait, is that why my levels aren't getting any plays? Mm should of reset the cool pages when they fixed it... no one is playing my new Vietnam:FPS level ![]() | 2010-08-22 18:50:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
No, republishing works just as good as before. What SUPPOSEDLY changed, is that you don't "stick" in the cool level pages anymore. It's like they removed the 7 days rule. But then again, I would need to see someone demonstrating a valid test of that before I believe "mister everybody". . | 2010-08-22 19:08:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Then how do you make it work? I really want my new level I worked hard on to get plays, mostly to get on the cool pages. Because it has 5 stars, 30 hearts, 60 completes, 90 plays and 10 comments saying "amazing" or "more people should play this level". And it's been 15 hours since I published it! Vietnam:FPS, I recommend you check it out, please. | 2010-08-22 19:16:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
*agrees with thread title*. Man.. I -really- hope LBP2 sorts this mess up. :/ | 2010-08-22 19:41:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
The keys are nice but they are the Spammers best tool for keeping there levels on top, and others down and out. Maybe the keys should work the way they used to and not redirect the player to some other level. The keys are an issue, but I seem to remember a certain member of this site who managed to get 4 levels on page one simultaneously before the keys had that function through simply republishing and releasing levels in quick succession (leveraging people's tendency to "see more by this author"). And that's not a dig at the person in question, just stating something that happened long before everyone was upset with stephanie. If you remove the key's functionality, the system won't be fixed. However, hopefully the response will be swifter if anyone starts to dominate through key spam again, as the precedent has been set. Though I understand why people are sceptical. TBH though, the "you can have more success the more you scream and shout and push everyone else out of the way and act like a selfish brat" policy of the republishing mechanism is just disgusting. Truth is, no matter what system you have how exactly can you expect to get visibility to all of the levels that are published and make it equal? The sheer volume makes it impossible. | 2010-08-22 20:11:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Truth is, no matter what system you have how exactly can you expect to get visibility to all of the levels that are published and make it equal? The sheer volume makes it impossible. 99% of levels in LBP are pure rubbish. Which does leave 30,000 good levels. I want a system that pushes the best levels out, great levels pushing each other on top of each other, not the system we have now that pushes the best Spam level on top of Spam levels. | 2010-08-22 20:33:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
The keys are an issue, but I seem to remember a certain member of this site who managed to get 4 levels on page one simultaneously before the keys had that function through simply republishing and releasing levels in quick succession (leveraging people's tendency to "see more by this author"). And that's not a dig at the person in question, just stating something that happened long before everyone was upset with stephanie. that happened only because three of those levels that were published were very popular, 1 getting 15000 hearts in 7 days. The levels now are getting there by replays. My 5yr old son plays levels on page one then plays what ever level the key directs him to. It's to easy to do this with cheap levels. | 2010-08-22 21:45:00 Author: CENTURION24 ![]() Posts: 266 |
As discussed many times before, THERE ARE solutions. The system could have been trillion times better. The main problem is that the level aren't reaching their audience. This is what needs fixing and there are ways to make it happen. Here's what the system needed in order to work: - Current logic for the 7 days and the algorythm for levels to climb with rating + plays should be kept. - More info and fields in the level's info page. At least a categorization/genre field and a difficulty field that the creator MUST fill before publishing or else publication is refused. - People should have been able to determine for themselves what is the default options of their "Cool level pages". If the player doesn't set anything, the Cool level pages would have defaulted into an abstract setting like "Media Molecule's picks". - The whole games should have been designe to spam you suggestions. When you finish a level, the game should present suggestions just like Youtube is constantly suggesting videos. When you arrive in your pod there could have been a suggestion screen too. The game NEEDS to incite people trying user created content. As long as the suggestions are intelligent (following the level criteria of the one you just played, suggested from your default Cool Level pages settings ,etc) And now to hold all of this together, some other details would have needed to be covered: - There shouldn't be trophies or rewards that would incitate bad behavior. The "sharing" part shouldn't be presented like a competition. Reach a certain number of level published, having X number of hearts on your stuff, etc That's all very bad ideas that only leads to spam and abuse (and that's what happened!). -Rating levels shouldn't have been forced. It should have been proposed like 2-3 pages deep in the menu. This waw it would have GREALTY reduced "kids ratings", "frustration ratings" and also the people that can't be bothered and simply are giving the rating that is proposed on screen. Rating should count once per PSN id, like it is right now. -Tag system shouldn't be a rating system but a real tag system. It's the creator that should have to enter words (from a proposed bank) to DESCRIBE the level or the experience. Users wouldn't be able to change/influence the tags afterwards. -Media Molecule should have hired 2-3 community guys / moderators that would check the levels, change they tag / category or difficulty level when needed, remove the crap like bad photos from stupid people ANNNND chose wich levels are going into the default "Media Molecule's pick". With all of this, (wouldn't be hard to do if they'd thought about it earlier), MOST the problems we are all living through right now simply wouldn't be. And if you don't believe me, I can explain you how and why. . | 2010-08-22 22:35:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Hey there were a lot of things I was thinking of too, that you havent covered, First of All: - 2 or 3 community guys wont cut it, MM should asign certain experienced creators to be moderators, and have like 100 of them, so there will always be people online to add to the community picks, or MM picks you were talking about. - Levels can only be published, With a name, Description and Icon. - Level publication should also be refused if the name has less that 5 characters in the name. - You should be able to search levels of the genre you want, and block levels you dont like, so many nubs have played my weapon and vehicle levels, and given it 1 star because they either: don't like weapons or vehicles, dont realize they can grab them or, they think its an actual level. Very few weapon and vehicle creators get recognition, there are only a few that I have seen in the cool pages, some of them terrible at it, KamikazieCupcake for example. These things that I have suggested would help the weapon and vehicle makers, we are a dying breed, overwhelmed by shark survivals and H4H. | 2010-08-22 23:00:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
I like those ideas, Ranger, but I think it's one of those "hindsight is 20/20" things. I wouldn't expect Mm to hire mods, but I suppose it could be done with volunteers the same way internet forums are done. Some of your other suggestions sound like things that are being done for lbp2. Anyway, I've never been too bothered by the cool pages system. I find good levels by looking through the forums, and I get decent amounts of plays by advertising here and on youtube and.... um.... doing the republishing trick. It also helps that I link all my levels together: every time I publish a new level, I get more plays on my others. They're not in the tens of thousands or anything, but they do alright. | 2010-08-22 23:22:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
I agree with more than 2-3 community workers, but 100? That is way, way too many. Wasted money anyone? 5 workers, working 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, playing (on average) 5 minute levels, plenty of levels will be checked each week. [(60/5)x6]x5= 360 levels/worker/week 360x5= 1800 total levels/week That's plenty of levels watched over. Sure, it won't be every level published that week, but how many levels are actually mass-played during each week? Nowhere near 1800. So, as they clean up the highly played levels, they have time to clean out some other levels hiding in the underground. This is also not including the levels that each worker could potentially play on his/her free time. Simply put, 5 workers could definitely moderate enough community levels. @RangerZero - What an Mm community worker you would make! Great suggestions! ![]() | 2010-08-22 23:25:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
In my case, it's the richa getting richa-er. All the same, this cool pages problem is getting out of hand. I'm gonna agree with RangerZero on this one. | 2010-08-22 23:29:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
PiggaBling, i mean people in the community, they wouldnt have to be payed, if youve played any other online games youll see that there are moderaters in the community that dont need to get payed | 2010-08-22 23:37:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
PiggaBling, i mean people in the community, they wouldnt have to be payed, if youve played any other online games youll see that there are moderaters in the community that dont need to get payed They were having ideas of self moderating community, see that good grief tool. However, here again, they didn't think through it and it's quite useless right now. The community would need a moderating tool that is MORE PRECISE. Here again, how the moderation tool should work: - Precise and clear. Even if it takes more than 2 mins to grief something, this would only reduce the spam griefing. - People should fill different fields like the type of thing they want to report. (images uploaded, offending title or description, copyrighted content, obscene stuff in the level, etc). . | 2010-08-22 23:49:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
- Levels can only be published, With a name, Description and Icon. - Level publication should also be refused if the name has less that 5 characters in the name. While your ideas are good, the 'Levels can only be published, With a name, Description and Icon.' part is not a good idea. Mosts people who make really not great levels, will publish it without a name or description. So, we just eliminated a lot of junk from the system. Users levels should have a secret 5/5 star system that cannot be viewed by us, kinda like the user rated one with have but instead this secret star system follows rules. The more stars you have, the better your level will be promoted, less stars you have the less your level will be promoted. You gain (or lose) stars based on, your reputation, if you filled out the levels description, name and icon and so on. Everybody will have 3 secret stars to start with, to get 5/5 stars you will need to have: 1. A good reputation (gain one secret star) 2. Five out of Five user rated stars (gain one secret star). To get 1/5 secrets star, you will need to have either: 1. A bad reputation (lose one secret star) 2. Failed to fill in the levels description and so on/put h4h etc (lose one secret star). 3. One out of Five user rated stars (lose one secret star). Now for the secret Reputation system, that one is hard since to think of so lets say: Everybody will have a normal reputation to start with, to get a good one you need to: 1. Have a high heart to play ratio To get a bad Reputation, you will need a 1. Low heart to play ratio. Most bomb/shark/race levels rely on high plays (restarts) to keep them on top of the page, but they have low hearts. So if these people get a bad Reputation, they would need more plays to climb on top on the pages. But with the good souls (Us on the forums) we will climb on top with less effort (plays) since we get a 4-5 secret star rating and they get 1 -2. I also don't think the cool pages should be based on how much plays you have but instead in some sort of hidden points, but I'm not going to go into detail that. The user rating system should be fixed also, I'm tired seeing wonderful levels get 3 or 4 stars when they deserve 5! I know, as discussing this is SOOO pointless due to the fact that it's been nearly two years since the game has been released, but I dislike the fact that good levels out there are being blocked out by average to junk levels. Like i said, I want a system that pushes great levels on top of each other, not a system that can be exploited to allow Spam, H4H, Bomb survival, shark survival, monster tuck mandess 7, copied levels to cogged up the cool pages. I want to play levels like 'A Realm Forgotten' 'The adventure of comic sackboy?' Or that recent 'Dragon Slayer' series. Also that wonderfully done Titanic level, Those levels stay imprinted in my head as 'amazing'. When I load up the cool pages, I want to actually get, cool levels, not search for them, like I have always have been doing. My suggestion. EDIT: Oh, I think I know why they have finally fixed the republishing trick. Most likely they're are testing it for the LBP2, because the beta is on (closed/private) or it's coming soon. Most likely related to LBP.me | 2010-08-23 07:31:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
Could we seen the noobs and the creators unite? Imagine, decent creators want to get there level up the pages, so they ask the noobs who are already up there to add a key to their levels... the end is history. And I completely agree with everything said above, it's a rediculous system. As some might have noticed I got REALLY lucky with the change over and Cirque de la Nuit (which I happened to republish for fun) has hit the front page for a good couple of days. Cirque has consistently been the busiest level for its time on the front cool page... at one point it had 325 people on! This just shows that people do still want to play proper levels and that MM need to sort out a much better system to get decent levels up the pages. I would suggest allowing a level to move up according to its play-heart ratio therefore removing all bomb survivals and such. | 2010-08-23 11:48:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
Can someone explain to me what exactly has changed with the key system? Can't seem to see it mentioned anywhere?! My Tuppence: It would be nice if the level author had more control over the photo's submitted, being able to select a "default" pic - selecting with a checkbox tool what photo's are in the running order - and being able to delete photo's from the bank. | 2010-08-23 14:22:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
99% of levels in LBP are pure rubbish. Some creators of those other 2.970.000 "lesser' levels have put in their best effort and would like some plays, too. Also, lots of players like bomb survival and kill your friend levels. The cool pages aren't just for you, so don't be surprised when there's something on it you don't like. There shouldn't be trophies or rewards that would incitate bad behavior. The "sharing" part shouldn't be presented like a competition. Reach a certain number of level published, having X number of hearts on your stuff, etc That's all very bad ideas that only leads to spam and abuse (and that's what happened!). I'm getting a bit tired of hearing this myth. Those infamous level spammers had enough hearts for the Create trophy already. I see plenty of people claiming that their level should have 10.000 plays. It's not about the trophies, it's just greed and ego. If LBP had suggestions a la Youtube like you suggest, H4H wouldn't be as much of a problem anyway. Other than that, your suggestions sound good enough, and from what I've read about LBP2 and lbp.me, you may get your wish. ![]() - Levels can only be published, With a name, Description and Icon. - Level publication should also be refused if the name has less that 5 characters in the name. This is silly. Lazy creators will use equally non-descriptive 5-letter names, while hardworking creators are punished when they want to publish Go!. It doesn't solve anything. so many nubs have played my weapon and vehicle levels, and given it 1 star because they either: don't like weapons or vehicles, dont realize they can grab them or, they think its an actual level. Very few weapon and vehicle creators get recognition, there are only a few that I have seen in the cool pages, some of them terrible at it, KamikazieCupcake for example. These things that I have suggested would help the weapon and vehicle makers, we are a dying breed, overwhelmed by shark survivals and H4H. You recognize that "nubs" won't like your vehicle level and rate it badly, yet you want it to appear on Cool Levels where more "nubs" will play it? ![]() If you really want recognition, stay off the cool pages, and promote it in the Object Showcase here. | 2010-08-23 17:52:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
I must've missed it: what happened with the cool pages? What's up with the talk of keys and level comments? Can someone explain to me what exactly has changed with the key system? Can't seem to see it mentioned anywhere?! So..... anybody know the answer to this? You recognize that "nubs" won't like your vehicle level and rate it badly, yet you want it to appear on Cool Levels where more "nubs" will play it? ![]() If you really want recognition, stay off the cool pages, and promote it in the Object Showcase here. That's a very good point. I got 4 stars and a bit less than 3000 plays on both my second and fourth mechs (never published the third), but got 5000+ plays and 3 stars on my most recent, which is quite a bit more advanced than either of the others and much sturdier than my fourth. My most recent one is the one that I republished a lot to keep it on cool pages. So yeah, I got more plays, but a lower rating, 'cuz I was catering to the wrong target audience. | 2010-08-23 20:40:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
I feel that the cool pages will never be fixed, MM have tryed to fix this over a million times! Notice anything wron with the solutions? THEY NEVER WORK! It doesnt matter about how many plays it has, its about who plays your level! I would rather have 30 poeple from here play my level, and give me their honest opinion than have 10,000 cool level trolls and "noobs" play it and rate it badly for no reason. | 2010-08-23 22:28:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Some creators of those other 2.970.000 "lesser' levels have put in their best effort and would like some plays, too. Also, lots of players like bomb survival and kill your friend levels. The cool pages aren't just for you, so don't be surprised when there's something on it you don't like. . I like most things, but I said 'good' you know. An actucally level with effort put into it? Go to the "find new levels" search option and look at all the new level, thats what i consider junk. I would say there are far less levels I would call amazning in LBP. Probably lower then 3000, or even less then 300. And with that 300, i've probably only played 30 found on the top page of the cool pages. The rest, I've had to find by searching for them, by forums or friends. EDIT: Also, there should be no trophies for creating, there are ALOT of people who want to platinum the game, so they make h4h levels, thats where they started, but some people take it overboard, naturally, because they can. You elimatied the trophy, most people that leave the game after the first month and so on (once they get the platinum) will not cheap LBP2 out and make h4h levels. | 2010-08-24 00:21:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
Like several people have asked, what is the key issue? I place keys to my levels at the end of mine, always have. Is there an issue with that? Oh and posting levels on this forum has not worked out for me at all. I keep seeing people say just post them here as a solution for plays. I have posted several of mine, and only had feedback from maybe two people (I think one said he was going to test it, but then never did, just figured it was a way to get people to play his levels, like the people that level the "great level play mine" in the level comments, but have never actually played the level). Well of the possible one or two plays on my level for feedback from this forum, neither fisnished my levels, I went played theirs, completed theirs, and left tons of feedback... and still nothing...but hey that is how it works. Just saying that posting here is far far less effective than republishing. I am constantly fixing and updating my levels, I have 20, so I can't do more with out deleting another. Well I finally published another and deleted an older one after asking the community for help in deciding which to toast...never got any feedback at all on that. | 2010-08-24 01:13:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
I went to your level threads figuring I'd be telling you to add pictures or something, but it seems you did everything right. I'm surprised you've gotten so little feedback. Personally, I don't go to the regular level showcase forum: I just check the cool levels forum (I don't mean cool levels on the lbp server; I mean the ones on this forum that get 20 or more posts), 'cuz I just don't have the patience to sift through all the moderate to crappy levels. I know that sounds mean and I'm probably missing a lot of good levels, but I just don't spend a lot of time playing levels so I have to narrow it down. I'd guess that you're not getting much from the forums here 'cuz you're still really new here and you haven't built up much of a rep yet. I'd hit some of the f4f level threads (then people are obligated to check out your levels and post feedback), offer some input in the help section and just generally make yourself known and helpful (but don't make useless posts: that just ****** people off). Meanwhile, I won't promise to check out your levels ('cuz every time I promise I forget), but I'll try to check out a couple of them later. | 2010-08-24 03:05:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Lol, thanks. Yeah, it is the story of my LBP life. I think I have just been a bit bothered at being the only person who completed my level. That and getting feedback that seemed kind of fake, finally called a person out on it, and it turned out they did not play the level. On the plus side the H4H and play my levels comments stopped at that point. | 2010-08-24 09:27:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
I don't play a lot, but I sometimes skim over the first page of the level showcase, and not a lot will stand out to me. I'll bet many people decide whether to look at a thread based on the level's title, so make sure that catches their interest. It helps to have a target audience in mind when you do this. | 2010-08-24 10:14:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
i think the key issue is how it redirects you to other levels and how people share keys in there levels, to boost plays and what not. It should only redirect you if the level is actually locked IMO. I actually like how the republishing fix is "finally" fixed after so long. I'm starting to see some good levels filter through, but with the 4 copied sackzilla levels on page 1 right now... CENTURION24, I've actually seen your 'a level that plays itself 4' copyable level multiple times on the top page by different people. And I'm pretty sure there is 100+ copies of it on the LBP servers, from people clamming they made it, to people saying it's from you, copyable but not actually copyable. That reminds me, if someone publishes a copied level (even if they modify it) it should have a link to the original level so people know it's copied and can give credit to the creator, I'm pretty sure thats in LBP2 (hopefully, so it sounds good. I actually want to just make FPS guns and outsource them into a copyable FPS Kit so people actually willing to make FPS can design interesting FPS levels easily with my level kit. But I fear people (spamers) will literary steal it, claim it as their own, and end up turning their fan base to attack me, I know it's far fetched but kids can go overboard with little information about something thinking they're doing the right thing, or have been told by others. I've already gotten a creepy friends request, hate mail and that was for one level. | 2010-08-24 14:46:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
Although my levels aren't good I would like to have more people then just my friends play it. ._. | 2010-08-26 09:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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