Backing up data.
Archive: 5 posts
People have recently been calling me Bruce. Due to my brothers PSN account which I spent lord knows how long collecting all the costume pieces for LBP and leveling up on Modern Warfare... -Sigh- So I decided to take matters into my own hands, and created my own account that sort of resembles my username on LBPCentral. My question is, Is it possible to transfer all my data on my hard-worked account to my new and... rather naked one. I've tried backing up the data on my brother's account, and tried importing it onto my new one. No dice. Is there anyway I can... Err import all my costumes and stickers and what-not to my new account? I appreciate the help ![]() | 2010-08-20 22:45:00 Author: illuminationx ![]() Posts: 860 |
well, while in your account with everything in it do the following: Pause-settings-player profile-Back up data. now save that next is step 2(ish): in the XMB go to game save-find the LBP back up-copy-to what ever user you what-go into the other user-start LBP.... after the intro level, and when in your pod go back to player settings then just go export data and the save should be ready to import ![]() Do you understand that? sorry if you can't. | 2010-08-21 07:30:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
well, while in your account with everything in it do the following: Pause-settings-player profile-Back up data. now save that next is step 2(ish): in the XMB go to game save-find the LBP back up-copy-to what ever user you what-go into the other user-start LBP.... after the intro level, and when in your pod go back to player settings then just go export data and the save should be ready to import ![]() Do you understand that? sorry if you can't. Yeah, I did that. Saved a backup on my account with everything on it, but when I went onto my new account, I tried to import the backed up file, but nothing shows up. ![]() | 2010-08-21 23:04:00 Author: illuminationx ![]() Posts: 860 |
If you are able to do this, i will probably change my PSN to Snrm only ![]() | 2010-08-22 00:08:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Yeah, I did that. Saved a backup on my account with everything on it, but when I went onto my new account, I tried to import the backed up file, but nothing shows up. ![]() Sounds as if you've neglected to copy the backup file from the old account to the new one. When you're in the old account, go into "Save Data Utility", find the profile backup, press triangle, and choose "Copy", at which point you'll get a list of the other local user accounts on the PS3. Once it's been transferred, you should be able to import it into the new account. Note, however, that transferring a profile backup in this way will mean that you will not be able to collect trophies for LBP when using the new account. If you are able to do this, i will probably change my PSN to Snrm only ![]() Or you could just change the PSN ID of your existing account... Create a new local user account. Sign up for the PlayStation Network, and note the e-mail and password. Delete the local account you just created. When you next sign in to your existing account, fill in the new e-mail and password. ...but you'll lose access to your DLC, wallet funds, and all trophy info. | 2010-08-22 15:16:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
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