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Yet Another Possibly Useful Piece of Logic

Archive: 5 posts

I present to you a stop and go elevator
It'll stop at any blue magnetic key trigger, but it has a flaw that I need someone to help me fix D:
Due to the mechanism I used to control the piston, each time the elevator stops it goes in the opposite direction when you want it to move again
But, none the less its currently fairly reliable and unlike other stop and go elevators its relatively thermo friendly and can be made with as many floors as you with by just adding more magnetic triggers
I've uploaded it as "Defined Stops Elevator" if anyone is willing to help me perfect this piece of logic
2010-08-20 07:10:00

Posts: 52

Where can i see this picture?

You might be able to use the variable winch method
2010-08-20 12:31:00

Posts: 715

"Defined Stops Elevator" is the name of the level i uploaded it as in LBP, and I probably wont upload any pictures as the PS3's browser makes just visiting websites nearly impossible let alone trying to upload something
and yeah im currently trying to work a method using winches as my current system is fairly ineffiecient.
2010-08-20 22:54:00

Posts: 52

Check my signature for a picture uploading guide.2010-08-20 22:58:00

Posts: 3251

It'll stop at any blue magnetic key trigger, but it has a flaw that I need someone to help me fix D:

Sounds similar to "AMECS: Intelligent Elevator Control" by "Thegide". His level is copyable, so that might be of some use?
2010-08-22 22:19:00

Posts: 2870

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