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Archive: 4 posts


Anyone else see this title coming to Blu-ray? I hadn't heard of the film before, but - from the review - it looks like it'll be a blind buy for me.
2008-10-20 17:25:00

Posts: 1366

Very interesting... @_@
Never heard of it either...

Hmm... "baraka" in Arabic means "blessing"... so... just out of interest. >_>
2008-10-20 17:37:00

Posts: 438

Review TLDR. Any chance of a short synopsis? Haven't heard of it before.2008-10-20 17:40:00

Posts: 1084

Review TLDR. Any chance of a short synopsis? Haven't heard of it before.

From the review:

Henry David Thoreau once said, "The world is but a canvas to the imagination." Perhaps he had Baraka in mind when first contemplating this now-famous quote. A film of startling grandeur that never ceases to inspire, Baraka is indeed a canvas that spans the world, bringing to life a wonder and spectacle that is second-to-none, a rousing portrayal of life as it is lived from the busiest city streets to the most remote corners of the globe, instantly transporting audiences to witness places and meet people never before so vividly captured or richly detailed. It is a story of the world, told not with words but with images so clear and striking that the eyes and mind will often deceive the viewer into believing he or she is no longer within the confines of a living room but in a bustling factory, a crowded subway, a sleepy village, or a grandiose and serene seascape. Baraka transforms theaters into gateways to the world where audiences witness in a mere 90 minutes what would have taken a lifetime several generations past. Baraka is life, not as we know it, and not even as we thought we knew it, but as it truly is, and it is a spellbinding experience.
2008-10-20 18:06:00

Posts: 1366

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