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M1A2 Abrams

Archive: 13 posts

Abrams M1A2 Tank By FocusRSdude
just finished my level to show off my first tank. It is modeled after the M1A2 Abrams, and i think it came out pretty good, So here it is.

It features:
aim-able main cannon
mounted minigun
bi directional

2010-08-18 21:18:00

Posts: 145

Looks incredible! The detail is second to none and I think the way that you can still poke your head out is somewhat hilarious

great job man!
2010-08-18 23:58:00

Posts: 715

Thanks! I wanted it so you could still see yourself like ayneh's vehicles. I'm still working on the control schemes so it works better. and I'm probably gonna fix the suspension so it doesn't bounce all the time. i don't like the controls where you have to cut out the side of the tank to see in to control it2010-08-19 01:15:00

Posts: 145

Thanks! I wanted it so you could still see yourself like ayneh's vehicles. I'm still working on the control schemes so it works better. and I'm probably gonna fix the suspension so it doesn't bounce all the time. i don't like the controls where you have to cut out the side of the tank to see in to control it

Well if you have an instruction breifing before, then you could just say like "hold R1 and foward to drive forward" ect.
I think this is done for alot of mech(s) and they are quite advanced
2010-08-19 01:27:00

Posts: 715

i guess but it would be hard for 2 layer ones. I think next time I'l do tap dubble tap and hold for the different things2010-08-19 02:15:00

Posts: 145

Yeah I think incinerator22 has a double tap logic setup I found one in the community and am glad I did to be honest2010-08-19 02:55:00

Posts: 715

i made a vehicle/tank thing, and the control scheme works pretty well, all you need to do is hold the left stick in the direction of the control you want to activate, and it also has 5 different controls too! you can check it out on my showcase level if you want2010-08-19 03:18:00

Posts: 2135

Yeah i have incinerators thing but i didn't use it for this tank because i had already made it but next tank i will. and i'll check out your thing mercury2010-08-19 04:12:00

Posts: 145

Mindif I get a bit of F4F? My thread needs a bump back up!

F4F - switch stairs set piece It is on the same page as yours and all you have to do is watch the video! (yesh! Another way to kill brain cells)
2010-08-24 01:12:00

Posts: 715

Did you mean M1A1HA Abrams????? (Iraq 2003)2010-10-12 21:07:00

Unknown User

Well I actually made it based of an M1A2 but not a total copy of it so I put a mini gun on top and stuff so I mean a tank that looks like and abrams.2010-10-12 21:51:00

Posts: 145

What technique did you use on your suspension, because if you used the method I'm thinking of, then i have a solution to your suspension being to bouncy.2010-11-17 06:04:00

Posts: 192

wow, impressive. I've alwys wanted to make a tank yet i find the chain tracks for the wheels so difficult!2010-12-18 20:20:00

Unknown User

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