Maxed out stuff?
Archive: 8 posts
hmm i have hit a wall, i have a ton of stickers from levels, all of them in my inventory are hearted, it says things not hearted will be deleted, and now im getting nothing whenever i pick up a sticker, is this a glitch or when you have maxed stickers all hearted you dont actually get things you find or get on prize levels? If thats the case thats stupid, my ps3 has 120GB for a reason D: and my LBP profile is only 6MB. | 2010-08-18 07:42:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Yup, unfortunately that's the case. You can only have so many community stickers, so you'll need to delete some. If you absolutely can't stand the idea of giving them up, you can put them in prize bubbles and stick 'em in a vault level so you can get 'em back whenever you like. Or you can slap a bunch of them on a piece of material and capture it as an object. Then whenever you need a sticker, pull out the object and grab the sticker off of it. | 2010-08-18 09:00:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
i have a vaullt level!!!! Just type in @shadow3596 and look for it!!!! by the way nice avatar sevhen | 2010-08-18 09:02:00 Author: shadow3596 ![]() Posts: 2442 |
Can anyone help me with logic on my vault level to make the combonation? | 2010-08-18 16:36:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Have you looked at Comphermc's vault level? I'm pretty sure he gives one out as a template. Or, you can look at Rtm's level on the input sequence thing (I don't actually know the name of it) if you are just looking for the mechanism itself. | 2010-08-18 19:15:00 Author: goldenclaw13 ![]() Posts: 224 |
I will check out Comphermc's level, i might as well just leave it open for people to get some stuff i guess though, I hope this is fixed in LBP2, i want to be able to carry unlimited stuff! ( and a nice way to organize them in user made folders) Unless it has already been annouced in LBP2 that there wont be a max. | 2010-08-18 20:25:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
An even easier solution, when I am full to the roof with cool stuff I want but not in my popit I just put them in an empty level as sharable prize bubbles. Then I just keep it in my moon until I want something from it and just get the prize bubble. It is a simple vault to be honest that only you can access ![]() | 2010-08-19 01:37:00 Author: AssassinatorRFC ![]() Posts: 715 |
Sounds better and if i want a certain one i can go into create and pull it out from a big pile then go into play mode and pick it up ![]() | 2010-08-19 01:53:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
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