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Journey Overworld remake? :(

Archive: 10 posts

Hello guys. You're probably hungry for a new level from me. Though, I have my reasons why it's not out...

I'll start the beginning as....
I was Very excited to build the next part to my Journey series. In fact, that was the next level I started working on right after "Flat Down Journey." I learned new mechanisms and stuff. The theme just implemented nicely to the level.

Then halfway through my level, I've had a feeling. I don't know if I done my best to this level. Everything looks fine, but looks like it could be done better. After finishing my MOST AWESOME boss fight. I felt very accomplished to finish it. That was the most wires I've ever made for one part of the level. I thought this part would make the level EPIC.

Then, the corruption happened. My thermometer was almost done, but my game save had to corrupt. I backed up my profile thankfully. Although, I lasted back up right before I started working on the boss. I thought I backed up more recent than that... I feel disappointed for it to happen. The most boring to make, yet most awesome part of the level, gone...

Now I'm wondering should I rebuild the whole level? Or should I finish where my gamesave last left off? If I rebuild, that means I can do better than what I have. However, if I finish where I left off, the level will come out more sooner than rebuilding a different sketch. It's more of a Quantity over Quality situation. I would prefer rebuilding, but if your eager for the next level; I can finish where I left off.

As of now, I'm building a different level for now. I'll come back to this level later.

So, what do you guys want?

Quantity or Quality?

Edit: I've published my Demo. "Journey Overworld (Demo)"
I'm working on an Autamn based level at the moment. I'll get back to this Journey level when I'm done with my Autamn based level.
2010-08-17 06:03:00

Posts: 801

Im sorry about your level man. You should realy make level copy's everytime you go back to main menu. As long as it fits the theme of your last levels it will be fine. i start feeling bad about how boring my levels are half way through but then i remember i have play tested it 700 time's lol. Well im sure the level will be awsome no matter what you deside to do with your level.2010-08-17 06:18:00

Posts: 1668

I back up my levels ver, very often. Though, I only back up my game data every now and then. My data corrupting lost just partially my level. I can recover it vack, but it'll take quite awhile. Faster than rebuilding a whole new level. Then again, I feel as if I can do better if I just rebuild everything again. That's whay I called it Quantity or Quality. :/

Your right too Sketch. Playtesting does get boring after your thousandth time. XP
So, maybe I should publish a demo of what I have... :/
2010-08-17 06:25:00

Posts: 801

Oh so it was a corupted profile? that sucks i could beta test it if you like. rebuilding might be a good idea because you always improve your level when it curupts and you gota rebuild.2010-08-17 06:35:00

Posts: 1668

Well, whatever makes you happy, will make us happy. I'm not asking you to rush your level, and neither is anyone else. So do what you think is best.
I do want a heck of a level to play, so if you can provide me that, then you have satisfied my needs in a level.
Sadly, I have bad news. I don't think I can play your level, or anyone's level for that matter. I will tell everyone soon enough.

My best wishes to the completion of your next Journey level.
2010-08-17 06:37:00

Posts: 840

Thank you both for the kind words.
As for TheNerd, that's rather sad to here.

Edit: Sketch, I'll publish what I've got for my level tomorrow. It's rather sad the boss part is gone. It was the best part of the level.
2010-08-17 06:44:00

Posts: 801

As for TheNerd, that's rather sad to here.

No need to worry. I just hope that all of you will be getting LBP2 and a PS3, if not already.
2010-08-17 06:58:00

Posts: 840

I could care less about quantity. I like good quality levels and yours always come out awesome2010-08-17 17:23:00

Posts: 1654

Just Published the Demo.

Journey Overworld (Demo)

Also edited first post.

Edit: No one is Beta Testing because the chances are that I already fixed those on my corrupted game save.
2nd Edit: My message at the end was cut off. =_=
2010-08-18 04:42:00

Posts: 801

Wow that demo was so cool! such a shame the boss is gone2010-08-18 05:34:00

Posts: 1668

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