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Pre-Ordering from Toys R Us

Archive: 9 posts

I reserved the game from Toys R Us, and I was wondering, do I still get the exclusive Kratos outfit? I asked the guy and he told me I would get it when I buy the game.

If this information is false, should i just cancel the order and reserve from GameStop?
2008-10-20 04:42:00

Posts: 9

As far as I can tell, Kratos (and Medusa and minotaur) are Gamestop exclusive... mainly to drive their sales up above of the competition. but it's possible.... might wanna call them and ask someone who knows more than the clerk you had 2008-10-20 04:54:00

Posts: 191

gamestop is saying that is a exclusive item to their stores only in america. the person at toys r us probably doesn't know what you were asking they knew there was costumes in the game and just said yeah to you.

If you really want those costumes then to be on the safe side go to gamestop and pre order and get a code.
2008-10-20 14:14:00

Posts: 234

Ah crap, should I cancel my pre-order at Toys R Us and go reserve it at GameStop?2008-10-20 22:18:00

Posts: 9

Ah crap, should I cancel my pre-order at Toys R Us and go reserve it at GameStop?

It's not like it would cost more to pre-order it at GameStop, and you would be on the safe side so yes you should, just to be on the safe side...
2008-10-20 22:24:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Wait, could I still reserve the game on the week it comes out..?2008-10-20 22:35:00

Posts: 9

honestly, you can pre-order it the day before it comes out - preorder status defines how many games the store gets in stock. So you can order it, but they might not guarantee the game on the release date. You would still get the codes thoguh.2008-10-20 22:42:00

Posts: 191

You can always just walk into Gamestop and buy something then bring it up saying that if you are still suposed to get it when the game is released or do you guys have the vouchers in already? They don't check, they just give it to you if you've already bought something and act like know what your talking about. Thats how I got the Fable II special deal thing. Works the same with LBP too.2008-10-21 04:18:00

Posts: 41

TBH, I'm really not too bothered about no Kratos. It won't really be missed will it? After a few days, you'll realise how stupid you were to be worried about not getting the code.2008-10-21 22:26:00

Posts: 473

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