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Pscyhoanalyze Yourself | Warning: Brutal Honesty
Archive: 59 posts
This is how the game works, we just started playing this in iScribble and it is extremely addicting. RULES: 1. You must be brutally honest. 2. You must talk about yourself in the third person. 3. You must talk about others as if you know what they are thinking even if you happen to be incorrect. 4.You must stay within the forum rules, if you are thinking something perverted or inappropriate, please refrain from posting. Ok, this is how you play: Marino thinks others are too thick to understand this simple game, and he really regrets that everyone will see that, but he has to say it because he has to be brutally honest. Marino hopes no one will be mad at him even though he knows they will. Marino thinks this is enough examples but he feels like continuing on for some reason, he is addicted, like he said before. Marino will post now because he wants to talk with others, even though he could do this forever. | 2008-10-20 02:41:00 Author: Unknown User |
Code thinks Marino should refrain from posting. | 2008-10-20 02:42:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
Marino thinks Code is being a wise (he would put a swear word here, but he doesn't because that is against the rules of the forum) because obviously Code knows that Marino has already posted the thread and he is too late. | 2008-10-20 02:44:00 Author: Unknown User |
Mouse thinks marino still needs a haircut and that code is clueless even though he doesn't know why. Mouse knows that when she posts this, practically nobody will play this game because marino was right about people not getting this game | 2008-10-20 02:44:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Code thinks that Marino knows that Code is right. | 2008-10-20 02:46:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
Mouse wishes to make it to the second page of experience but she knows that she won't for a long time which makes her sad. Mouse knows for a fact that code is clueless | 2008-10-20 02:48:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino hopes people will play but he isn't sure because the Navy vs Pirate thread didn't end up so well, mostly because the Navy side doesn't post enough, but he doesn't blame Stix for that, he just thinks people in general are lazy. Marino knows lazy people will see this. Marino considers himself lazy and saw the above line and smirks. Marino wants to know why he needs a haircut because he likes his hair, and he wants to know why Code is considered clueless, he wonders if it is because he .. Marino just blanked out right there so he looks at his message again. Marino remembers now, he wonders because if Code doesn't respond when Mouse is trying to talk to him in iScribble. That reminded Marino about iScribble. Marino knows he has horrible memory, and he is very sorry about that. Marino will check iScribble now. | 2008-10-20 02:49:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse wonders why there is always a shoe behind marino | 2008-10-20 02:52:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino has no idea and hasn't noticed that before Mouse pointed it out. | 2008-10-20 02:52:00 Author: Unknown User |
Code, after reading Marino's post, realizes why mouse calls him clueless. Code will now attempt to fix this, though he will probably end up drifting off again. | 2008-10-20 02:53:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
Marino thinks he is clueless as well because he has no idea why Mouse thinks Code is clueless. Marino thinks people won't join because they hate being honest. | 2008-10-20 02:55:00 Author: Unknown User |
Clank got a haircut today. Marino shouldn't worry about the Pirates vs. Navy thread, because Clank is finishing up a scene about the past and how Clank met Marino and Code which Clank thinks is pretty interesting. | 2008-10-20 02:56:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse knows that code doesn't REALLY know why he is clueless. mouse will never tell unless a certain event happens :3 | 2008-10-20 02:58:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino is unable to imagine Clank having hair because he still blindly thinks that Clank is an actual robot. He cannot wait for Code's post and hopes that the thread will be revived, if not, he knows that Code will probably start an Elder Scrolls rp which he thinks is awesome, he could also do a Dawn of Man rp but Marino thinks would be too time consuming for normal people, which Marino does not consider himself one and is proud. | 2008-10-20 02:59:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse is proud for giving marino the idea to start this thread | 2008-10-20 03:01:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino has such a horrible memory that he cannot even remember how this game started | 2008-10-20 03:01:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse started talking on iscribble and she randomly started talking in the third person because marino, darkelite and code were doing homework so mouse entertained herself by talking like this | 2008-10-20 03:03:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino remembers now and thanks Mouse for refreshing his memory, or lack thereof. | 2008-10-20 03:05:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse sees clank's name and is wondering why he says nothing | 2008-10-20 03:10:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino is revealing his deep thoughts in the iScribble room. He wonders if everything will be weird tomorrow. He hopes not. | 2008-10-20 03:10:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse is scared for what marino will say <_< | 2008-10-20 03:13:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Marino is unable to imagine Clank having hair because he still blindly thinks that Clank is an actual robot. He cannot wait for Code's post and hopes that the thread will be revived, if not, he knows that Code will probably start an Elder Scrolls rp which he thinks is awesome, he could also do a Dawn of Man rp but Marino thinks would be too time consuming for normal people, which Marino does not consider himself one and is proud. Clank knows that Marino meant to say that Marino was excited about Clank's post. | 2008-10-20 03:20:00 Author: Unknown User |
RedPanda is observant. RedPanda sees all, and tells all. He also knows that others listen.. and understand. RedPanda will let Marino know that, should he be willing, if he wanted to play another (as he has posted it) game like this one, he will surely let RedPanda in on the details.... because no one listens to Marino.. and no one understands him. RedPanda also would like to use your time to let you know that GoMouse is also wise. She shares most of what she knows, but remains secretive about it until she can get the most rep from her conversation. Yes, GoMouse is smart. We must watch her... | 2008-10-20 04:33:00 Author: RedPanda Posts: 191 |
mouse is always planning something......ALWAYS she is | 2008-10-20 04:42:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Clank has fallen in love with someone on LittleBigPlanetCentral. :eek: | 2008-10-20 05:32:00 Author: Unknown User |
Yuper likes LittleBigPlanet | 2008-10-20 05:37:00 Author: Unknown User |
Stix knows that Maltay is going to log out and keep viewing this forum as a Guest, yet his thoughts of LBP are indeed true. Maltay preffers to walk around, aim, and shoot more than creating machinery of epic win in LittleBigPlanet. Stix thinks that Marino had pirate ancestors, and piracy is in his blood. Stix is reffering to both types of piracy, indeed. Stix actually hates reading other people's long posts, yet he would read and re-read his own essay-ish posts all day long. Stix believes he is full of pure epic win. | 2008-10-20 06:26:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
mouse has been the clueless one all along | 2008-10-21 01:41:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Whale doesn't understand how to play this game and thinks that Marino will laugh at this but then will realize that Whale does actually know how to play this game after reading his post. (Did I do it right?) :eek: | 2008-10-21 02:41:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino Posts: 5250 |
Marino wonders who Clank loves on LBPC and secretly he understands him, but is too egotistical to say he might too but he is suddenly overtaken by this game and he feels the need to be honest. Marino thinks that Whaaaaale knows that Marino knows that he is playing correctly. Marino is angry that his whole day has been robbed from him by his school & homework that he is forced to participate in. | 2008-10-21 02:44:00 Author: Unknown User |
Whale is in shock and awe at how Marino knew that Whale knew that Marino knew he was playing correctly. He also agrees with Marino on the fact that his day has been robbed by homework as well, Whale wants to know who Clank has a crush on and wonders if this is just a robotic joke or if it's for real. | 2008-10-21 02:51:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino Posts: 5250 |
mouse has to write an essay but will gladly talk to anybody on iscribble. mouse hopes someone gets the obvious hint | 2008-10-21 02:57:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Code feels that homework is ruining his life. | 2008-10-21 03:04:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
Clank made some tweaks to Clank's 'A Trip to the Past' entry in the Pirates vs. Navy RP thread. | 2008-10-21 03:06:00 Author: Unknown User |
mouse is done with her essay and is still clueless but not as much any more. She will think about this. mouse still knows that code is clueless though | 2008-10-21 03:34:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
cocojen just finished reading all the posts for this game and feels confused but realizes she really isn't and that she does in fact understand everything everyone said and understands the game. cocojen is wondering what iscribble is and why she hasn't heard of it before. cocojen figures that by making the above statement that she will shortly get an answer so she goes on to post this reply and waits patiently at her desk and proceeds to be bored. | 2008-10-21 03:45:00 Author: cocojen Posts: 90 |
Whale just read cocojen's post and will answer it shortly, Whale checks his clock and understands that the time has come, Whale will tell cocojen that iScribble is a kind of chat room that lets u chat and make drawings at the same time, but he won't tell her now, he'll tell her later. When she's ready. Whale just noticed that he did indeed tell cocojen what iScribble is and hopes that cocojen understood his answer. | 2008-10-21 04:05:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino Posts: 5250 |
cocojen is glad that she now knows what iscribble is because it sounds fun! cocojen wants to thank whaaaale for not telling her what iscribble is by summarizing what he was going to tell her it was and decided to wait until she was ready. cocojen is super glad another female showed up on the boards and is regularly posting. for a while, cocojen was thinking she would have to be the lone female that is regularly active on the boards and would never see what would happen to clank if 2 females were around all the time since he does not compute and asplodes when females are present. cocojen just realized with the above clank not computing reference that she is wanting the 3rd chapter of the courtroom story by forsaken to be posted so she can ROFLMAO while reading it a work and get scary looks from her co-workers. cocojen just saw the size of her post and realizes that with this and her recently posted blog that she is in a writing mood but decides to stop before her post length gets crazy out of hand.... | 2008-10-21 04:28:00 Author: cocojen Posts: 90 |
Mouse is getting bored with something but she better not say because if she does, she will get yelled at big time and will never be forgiven mouse is glad she is not the only girl too | 2008-10-21 04:45:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Creative has a splitting headache. | 2008-10-21 12:03:00 Author: Unknown User |
Maltay knows stix is wrong about him viewing the forum as a guest, and prefering FPS's, as Maltay once despised FPSs but was converted when Resistance 2 was practicaly the only game for the PS3. Maltay thinks he is kind of under-appreciated and that he is being shunned for his own personal opinion on the lifespan of littlebigplanet. Maltay kinda likes the idea for this thread, but feels kind of awkward posting about himself in third person as he is actualy too modest a guy and feels like this is somehow showing off, and also feels that people will insist I was lying about being modest. Maltay thinks he has a natural talent for pscyhoanalyzing people in real life, as his suspisions of everybody seem to always be true, even on the completely unobvious things and/or when people try to project a different emotion/feeling then what they are actualy feeling and has seen this on the forum a few times Lastly, Maltay thinks that writing the paragraphs in different formats and colours will subconsiously encourage more people to read them | 2008-10-21 15:05:00 Author: Maltay Posts: 2073 |
DrunkMiffy thinks everyone is in lower importance than him. | 2008-10-21 17:10:00 Author: DrunkMiffy Posts: 2758 |
mouse knows that miffy is lying mouse agrees with maltay and says that colours help keep mouse reading | 2008-10-21 21:55:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
NoEyes thinks the yellow text in Maltays text is barely visible on his PS3 web browser | 2008-10-22 00:17:00 Author: GuyWithNoEyes Posts: 1100 |
Clank has seen GuyWithNoEyes refer to himslef as 'NoEyes' for the first time ever. Clank thisks GuyWithNoEyes did that because he was on the PS3 web browser and was to lazy to fully enter in 'GuyWithNoEyes'. | 2008-10-22 01:59:00 Author: Unknown User |
MattMacD is actually a cute little puppy that has learnt english and plays lbp but is too ashamed to leave the house to use his newfound skills as people might start screaming and throw him in the bin. | 2008-10-22 02:51:00 Author: MattMacD Posts: 62 |
Clank has seen GuyWithNoEyes refer to himslef as 'NoEyes' for the first time ever. Clank thisks GuyWithNoEyes did that because he was on the PS3 web browser and was to lazy to fully enter in 'GuyWithNoEyes'. Clank is slightly wrong, as the proper shortened name of GuyWithNoEyes is indeed NoEyes, and not Guy as some people have been calling him. It quite annoys him when someone says "Hey, it's Guy and he's awesome!" He would prefer "Hey, it's NoEyes and he's awesome and I will give him cookies!" He also thinks GuyWithNoEyes is also good, if you're not feeling too lazy to write out his full name. | 2008-10-22 22:19:00 Author: GuyWithNoEyes Posts: 1100 |
Awesomemans is super *** and should kill himself. BRUTAL honesty. | 2008-10-24 01:00:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
Creative dislikes humanity. | 2008-10-24 09:49:00 Author: Unknown User |
Stix wonders why people hate him today...and most likely tomorrow >_> | 2008-10-24 10:15:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
Creative thinks Stix deserves to be hated. | 2008-10-24 10:18:00 Author: Unknown User |
Stix wonders why Creative is saying that. | 2008-10-24 10:32:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
Awesomemans thinks Stix is a sexy man | 2008-10-24 20:02:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
Reshin is the only person to have his introduction in the introduction thread locked (check it yourselves...) | 2008-10-25 08:38:00 Author: Reshin Posts: 1081 |
RockSauron is a creature of pure evil, who wants to eat a peanut. | 2008-10-25 11:20:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
vhalt hates typing with the ps3 browser. vhalt has to go on the fourms with his ps3 browser all the time because vhalt's computer is very very very very very very etc. etc. slow. | 2008-10-25 12:43:00 Author: Don Vhalt Posts: 2270 |
LBPL worries about what will happen is one of his alter-ego's takes over and gets his LBPC acc banned | 2008-12-22 23:41:00 Author: Little Big Planet Legend Posts: 79 |
Valo is an arrogant, self-hating narcissist who just needs to be loved. | 2008-12-22 23:46:00 Author: Unknown User |
Reaver thinks that... talking in third person is not psychoanalysis... | 2008-12-23 00:23:00 Author: Luminous_Reaver Posts: 70 |
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