The Association game!
Archive: 10 posts
Okay, so heres how this works, one person says a word, and then someone else says a word that relates to it in a way, for example: If i were to say 'Internet', then maybe someone else would say 'websites' and then after that someone would say LBPC, Understand? Now, lets get this trainwreck a rollin! I'll start us off, with... Couch | 2010-08-16 17:40:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
Okay, so heres how this works, one person says a word, and then someone else says a word that relates to it in a way, for example: If i were to say 'Internet', then maybe someone else would say 'websites' and then after that someone would say LBPC, Understand? Now, lets get this trainwreck a rollin! I'll start us off, with... Couch This belongs in the forums game section... Where there just so happens to be a nearly identical thread already started. | 2010-08-16 19:12:00 Author: microchirp ![]() Posts: 412 |
K, but I saw that, and it's not the same, its very different, but your right i probably shouldve put it in gaming. | 2010-08-16 19:28:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
Americans ![]() | 2010-08-16 20:04:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
Barrack Obama | 2010-08-16 21:32:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
uhm..Lame Duck | 2010-08-17 01:01:00 Author: TheCountessZ ![]() Posts: 537 |
Easy meal. | 2010-08-17 01:52:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
Kraft macaroni | 2010-08-17 01:55:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
nacho cheese | 2010-08-17 02:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Mexican chips | 2010-08-17 02:06:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
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