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Thats right, on the 24th of August we students get our GCSE results and to be honest I'm sh***ng myself and theres no kinder way to put that. So why don't you drag your shakey hands over the keyboard and vent. Maybe share your results?2010-08-16 01:28:00

Posts: 637

I get my A level results on Thursday, I'm feeling your pain! I went through exactly the same last year too. Me and my friend took the envelope with our results in and ended walking around our town for hours, we ended up under a tree and just stared at the envelope for another good hour, then we finally plucked up the courage to open them ...and it was fine. Not AMAZING but enough to get us into sixth form.

After that you'd think I'd be fine about opening up this years envelope, but I'm even more scared. I might end up walking around for days with the envelope this time. Who knows, there's nothing we can do, so just forget about it completely until the day comes!
2010-08-16 12:56:00

Posts: 2266

Thats right, on the 24th of August we students get our GCSE results and to be honest I'm sh***ng myself and theres no kinder way to put that. So why don't you drag your shakey hands over the keyboard and vent. Maybe share your results?

Oh you think you've got it bad?! I'm doing my maths GCSE when I get back...
2010-08-16 12:57:00

Posts: 1436

Its fine for me really, I pretty much know my results already, TBH I never even new when results day was
Yeah Ive done good, not brilliant but A's are good (aren't they )

I'm not worried at all, but I guess i'm just lucky like that.
2010-08-16 13:00:00

Posts: 2662

i am very worried about my GCSE's, especially maths because im crap at it!!! and for my school you need 6 B's to carry on so there is even more pressure on me!!!!!!!!!! but art i kinda know that im gonna get a A or A*2010-08-16 15:59:00

Posts: 338

oh, standardized testing, how i am sooooo done with you..2010-08-16 16:11:00

Posts: 1361

Well I'm awaiting my A level results and I know I've done bad in a few maths exams so it's just a case of how many additional re-sits I'll be doing together with those maths ones.2010-08-16 16:16:00

Posts: 1330

I wouldn't worry too much if you don't get the best grades in your GCSE's. When you get to 6th Form/College and University, they seem pretty redundant. Good Luck to everyone though! 2010-08-16 16:17:00

Posts: 841

Ditto. Though I'm not so worried.2010-08-16 16:22:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

I'm assuming you're in year 11. If that is the case, then you can't complain - We did our GCSE this year, and we're only in year 10. I get my English and Math results on the 28th, and i'm not sure about when I get the others.
Suffice to say, i'm bricking it.
2010-08-16 17:13:00

Posts: 554

A2 results for me on Thursday. 2010-08-16 17:18:00

Posts: 3701

I wouldn't worry too much if you don't get the best grades in your GCSE's. When you get to 6th Form/College and University, they seem pretty redundant. Good Luck to everyone though!

That's not what my teacher said! D: Who do I trust?! The man employed to educate me or a stranger off the internet??? D:
2010-08-16 17:20:00

Posts: 1436

That's not what my teacher said! D: Who do I trust?! The man employed to educate me or a stranger off the internet??? D:

Strangers of course.
2010-08-16 17:22:00

Posts: 2662

That's not what my teacher said! D: Who do I trust?! The man employed to educate me or a stranger off the internet??? D:

I'm not saying: "Don't try hard" or something along those lines. I mean don't get all upset and worked up if you don't get all A's and B's.
2010-08-16 17:32:00

Posts: 841

Dunno what the tests are like over seas, but here in NY we have our own set of state tests called regents. I've already take 5 of them and I'm going to be a Sophomore this year xD. I have to take four more this year too. It's ridiculous. . . 4 maths 3 sciences 2 English 2 Social Studies 1 LOTE and a couple others you have to take in order to graduate now. . . And pass them ALL.2010-08-16 17:33:00

Posts: 180

I'm not saying: "Don't try hard" or something along those lines. I mean don't get all upset and worked up if you don't get all A's and B's.

But that's the thing: my teacher says the exact opposite.... *worries*
2010-08-16 17:35:00

Posts: 1436

But that's the thing: my teacher says the exact opposite.... *worries*

So your teacher actually says: "Don't try hard" and "You'd better get upset if you don't get great grades because you're screwed!"?
2010-08-16 17:38:00

Posts: 841

I'm in a bit of a different situation, 'cause I was predicted 10A*s, but partly that was because both of my brothers got 10A*s a couple of years ago at the same school. I knew the material when I took the exams, but I just wanted to shout at the examiner the whole way through because the exams were just dire! If I don't get the grades I'm expected, or even if I get 10 Cs, I don't really care, because I will be able to put forward hundreds of reasons to whatever potential employer I may encounter as to why GCSEs are a completely redundant way of measuring an interviewee's credentials.2010-08-16 23:06:00

Posts: 3280

I don't really care, because I will be able to put forward hundreds of reasons to whatever potential employer I may encounter as to why GCSEs are a completely redundant way of measuring an interviewee's credentials.

I hate to burst your bubble, but... That doesn't work.

One of my friend got his A level results back recently, he failed three out of four. His parents murdered him.
2010-08-16 23:18:00

Posts: 812

Literally murdered? Oooh dear. In all seriousness though I'm fairly sure I'll do well in life with1/2 As 1/2 Bs.2010-08-16 23:23:00

Posts: 3280

I'm in a bit of a different situation, 'cause I was predicted 10A*s, but partly that was because both of my brothers got 10A*s a couple of years ago at the same school. I knew the material when I took the exams, but I just wanted to shout at the examiner the whole way through because the exams were just dire! If I don't get the grades I'm expected, or even if I get 10 Cs, I don't really care, because I will be able to put forward hundreds of reasons to whatever potential employer I may encounter as to why GCSEs are a completely redundant way of measuring an interviewee's credentials.

I can get through life with just 20 of those reasons, please enlighten me!

I notice that non of you are keen on the idea of a C or C's? But ma momma nevr taught me any o dat fancy book learnins!
2010-08-17 00:03:00

Posts: 637

Yea, even though I got 13 (bit of a nerd I know) GCSEs last year, I am really worried about my AS results on Thursday.
At least I am meeting my friends at college and not getting them on my own! Otherwise I'd probably never pick them up!
2010-08-17 00:07:00

Posts: 1518

So your teacher actually says: "Don't try hard" and "You'd better get upset if you don't get great grades because you're screwed!"?

Hmm. More like:

Try hard, because if you fail, you're life's going down the *******

You can try and guess what that censored word is... Just not here
2010-08-17 00:22:00

Posts: 1436

I thought the SATs and stuff were weird and totally lame (though I did end up doing quite well)

But your British stuff sounds like an even worse system. Sucks!
2010-08-17 00:26:00

Posts: 1361

I wouldn't stress out too much. They always say that "This is the most important part of your life", and in a way, it's true. It gets you onto the next step, and then the next step up is the most important thing. Colleges usually are pretty flexible with results - a few marks shouldn't really hurt.

Anyway, by this time next year, I need to have finished my course, completed an extra 2 GCSEs (I'm now second year in College - I need more GCSE for Uni though), as well as passed my driving test. All this just for Uni - but it'll be worth it.

Think long term, and you can achieve whatever you want. Anyway, you can always resit GCSE's right?

2010-08-23 21:51:00

Posts: 1113

Less than 12 hours til I get my results now! :o

Im not worried about what I get. More anxious because I want to know what they are.
2010-08-23 22:09:00

Posts: 2914

What it boils down to is this - the government says "it's fine to leave school at 16". They don't want youths leaving school at 16 and not having anything to prove they actually did the work. In come GCSEs - a last ditch hurrah for the government to throw certificates at the steadily worsening youth. GCSEs, no biggie. I'll worry harder about my IB (A-level equivalent) results for sure.2010-08-23 23:07:00

Posts: 3280

Well I am predicted like all C's but a coulpe of B's
but I hope there will be jobs availible when I finish college if I get in
2010-08-24 00:15:00

Posts: 715

I left school at the end of year 10 but was still put in for 2 english and 1 maths gcses. i literally have nothing to do come september , as without any predicted grades from school i wasnt able to apply for any 6th form college or any other college courses. in this economic crisis i dont really want to be added to the growing list of job seekers, especially not at 16 years old with no qualifications.
basically anything below 3 Bs tomorrow really effs me up

oh well its only like 10 hours before i open that little brown envelope...
2010-08-24 02:42:00

Posts: 920

I get my results the same day as college enrollment...go********it!2010-08-24 07:43:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

T-minus- 2:03 and counting!2010-08-24 07:57:00

Posts: 715

I'll be facing that hell next year... I'm worried about my brother's ones. If their bad he's gonna flip on me!2010-08-24 09:21:00

Posts: 1277

I'll be facing that hell next year... I'm worried about my brother's ones. If their bad he's gonna flip on me!

RIght this is what you do.

When you hear him come through the door find out if he is angry
run upstairs and find a weapon (i recommend a baseball bat or a frying pan)
Hide in your bedroom and stand on a chair behind the door
when you hear him coming up the stairs raise your weapon above your head
When he comes through the door smack him on the head
LOL @ him cursing you

2010-08-24 10:34:00

Posts: 715


Another year of improved results expect dumbing down debate to follow.
2010-08-24 11:08:00

Posts: 6728

yyyyyaaaaayyyyy i got 6 b's....... 2 A's ...... a A* in art and a C in R.S im very proud of myself!!! 2010-08-24 11:11:00

Posts: 338

yyyyyaaaaayyyyy i got 6 b's....... 2 A's ...... a A* in art and a C in R.S im very proud of myself!!!

2010-08-24 11:31:00

Posts: 1277

Meh, I'm going to go down for them soon. Yeah I'm lazy 2010-08-24 11:39:00

Posts: 2662

well good luck mate hope there good 2010-08-24 11:41:00

Posts: 338

I got: 2x C's, 5x B's x 3x A's - 10 GCSE Passes. No fails.

Not bad, IMO. Better than what I expected, and easily enough to get into Sixth Form.
2010-08-24 12:16:00

Posts: 1287

Six A's, three B's.


Yes, I am a nerd and I'm bloody loving it!
2010-08-24 12:26:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

I did my first ever GCSE exams in Year 9 a couple of weeks before I broke up for summer (yes, really. No Year 9 SATs mean they can chuck everything on use eairly, yay!), but I won't get the results until I go back in September because they're too busy talking to the Year 11's about what they'll do from here and stuff. Basically they can't be asked with us.I found the tests easy (they were both Science, my favourite subject), so I'm pretty confident.

Also, my parents also said when you're getting employed and stuff they don't care about GCSE's, all they really do is get you to A-Levels, which is/leads to something they do care about.
2010-08-24 13:56:00

Posts: 1893

1A* 4A's 4.5B's

Copy and pasted from twitter
2010-08-24 13:59:00

Posts: 2662

3 B's 8 C's and a D! Even though the D is what I'm doing at college (Art) i'm still in. I guess examiners don't appreciate LBP art 2010-08-24 14:29:00

Posts: 1027


How did you get 4.5 B's?

My old school was on BBC news 24 this morning about the GCSE results!
2010-08-24 14:43:00

Posts: 841

How did you get 4.5 B's?

My old school was on BBC news 24 this morning about the GCSE results!

He used the force :kz:
2010-08-24 15:00:00

Posts: 3262

You get half a GCSE from a half course, it shows as a full one but you know, thats like lying.2010-08-24 17:42:00

Posts: 2662

I got my results today
Chemistry= A*
Biology= A
physics=A* 100%
and I did this a year early
2010-08-24 19:01:00

Posts: 164

Lucky I am going to be starting my GCSE years in a week and I am panicked already!2010-08-25 15:38:00

Posts: 1316

Lucky I am going to be starting my GCSE years in a week and I am panicked already!

Well you shouldn't be panicked, in a couple of weeks (can't really remember when) I start A level physics and Maths. But its OK because I'm a robot!
2010-08-25 21:17:00

Posts: 2662

**** you guys. i feel like a loner i get P.A.T's cuz you know im not from europe.2010-08-26 23:44:00

Posts: 177

I got: 2x C's, 5x B's x 3x A's - 10 GCSE Passes. No fails.

Not bad, IMO. Better than what I expected, and easily enough to get into Sixth Form.

My god. That is exactly what i got last year. Even weirder, i'm also called Alex, as you can see.

2010-08-26 23:46:00

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