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Paint Rate Monitor v2.0

Archive: 3 posts

Paint Rate Monitor v2.0Nuclearfish
A remake of Paint Rate Monitor. The counter will display how many paintballs you can fire within 5 seconds.
The previous version of this level was... terrible. I hated it. It simply looked awful. So, I've remade it. I wasn't sure whether to post a thread here or not, because it's not even really a level, and it hasn't even got as much gameplay as an R1 race, which I know most people despise.

Anyway, the purpose of this level is to assist with obtaining the Quickfire Artiste trophy. You grab a paintinator and have 5 seconds to shoot at a wall as quickly as you can. If you get 40 or more, you should get the trophy (not that that would interested anyone, cause you all probably have it). Howevere, there's now a fancy new LED counter which updates live and you get 100 points per shot. There's no score limit either. So if you already have the trophy, you can see how far beyond 40 you can get for a place at the top of the leaderboard!

Unfortunately, the new logic system isn't 100% accurate, and may not work if you shoot too quickly, or if you're with another player. And that's a bit annoying. There isn't a lot I can do about it either.

Still, hopefully anyone who plays it will enjoy looking at the shiny new visuals and stuff. There's also a moving eye-camera sort of character who stares at you, and there's a couple of hidden phrases that you can see if you can get it to say.

http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21939 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21941
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21942 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21940
2010-08-15 13:34:00

Posts: 927

hi nuclearfish, what logic did you to register paintball hits ? i built my own logic ( paintball hits counter) for my level , but it cant keep up when i shoot fast . i am currently trying to redesign this system with no luck. any tips would be greatly apprciated.2010-10-19 02:37:00

Posts: 1

Just played it, very nice job. I already have the trophy, but it was cool to see nonetheless. I personally had no problem with the last one, but I suppose I can see why you'd wanna redo it. And in response to LittleBigDezigns, I'm guessing you used a system with brains, and 40-50 seperate paint switches on the block? Because from my experiences one switch can't register paint that fast. (another plus to using brains is that the fastsest shooters will get first on the scoreboards, which is a nice, if accidental, touch.)

Normally, I do a word review then a star review in all my posts, so I suppose I'll try to do that here.

Visuals: :star::star::star::star::star:

Followed the MGS theme very nicely, I liked the spotlight that shone on you when you were shooting, and the paint splatters everywhere were cute.

Gameplay: N/A

...erm... read above?

Creativity: :star::star::star::star::star:

Great idea for a level, I think you have helped thousands of people get the Quickfire Artiste Troph, which is something to feel good about. (Unless you consider the fact that about half of those were big time H4H'ers/Bomb Survival Makers. Then I wouldn't feel so good about it. It's like...like aiding in the killing of puppies.)
2010-10-19 03:11:00

Posts: 654

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