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Can Kids Feel Love
Archive: 132 posts
I know this may be an odd quistion to ask but I was thinking about this lately. Lets say a 12-14 year old kid says He/She loves someone.. An adult will think on of a few things. 1. He doesnt love that person, he doesnt know love or 2.It's just the hormones even 3. It just the other persons looks He/She is interested in I want to know if you think someone about 12-14 years old can "love" someone. Note I do not mean like alot I mean actually Love someone. | 2010-08-14 23:09:00 Author: Unknown User |
Well it depends on how the kid is in love with and why. Some kids say that there are in love but They really don't know I think. They are some ways to find out but there are a little strange and you do not want to know 0_O This reminds me of Middle school all the good time and one time I was think I was in love with this girl in the 8th grade but she a little crazy is a really bad way lol The Strange part I head the same topic in my high school lol Well I don't want to get off-topic so my answer is maybe | 2010-08-14 23:20:00 Author: Arnald23 Posts: 1843 |
Yes I think so and have enough evidence to say yes. | 2010-08-14 23:27:00 Author: Unknown User |
Thanks Arnaldo for the great post ^_^ of course this differs for every kid, not everyone will feel love at that age. and since I said that you can tell I think they can at that young age | 2010-08-14 23:33:00 Author: Unknown User |
Also I just wanted to say this reminds me of the Maury show lol I just go yelling Maury Maury Maury lolol Thanks Arnaldo for the great post ^_^ of course this differs for every kid, not everyone will feel love at that age. and since I said that you can tell I think they can at that young age wait younger than 13 years old! now thats strange | 2010-08-14 23:34:00 Author: Arnald23 Posts: 1843 |
Love doesn't exist.... so.. eh. | 2010-08-14 23:40:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
I guess kids at a young age can especially since long ago in some places it was common to marry at that age | 2010-08-14 23:42:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
Love? Well, I honestly doubt a 12 - 14 year old believes in that. I personally think they're more interested in you-know-what than taking long walks on the beach with their "significant other." Odd topic btw. xD | 2010-08-14 23:47:00 Author: Mastadom Posts: 195 |
Yes kids can be in love but most of the time is only the girl and the boy thust want a kiss and then leaves (80% of the boys) God have mercy on those who are blinded with love | 2010-08-14 23:51:00 Author: Unknown User |
@Jpkiid - There are kids (like myself) that would rather spend time doing normal stuff with the other person that even imagining the... other stuff.... @mr.KittyCat - Very sad truth | 2010-08-14 23:53:00 Author: Unknown User |
@Jpkiid - There are kids (like myself) that would rather spend time doing normal stuff with the other person that even imagining the... other stuff.... Hooray for other stuff | 2010-08-14 23:56:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
@everyone You do know that just a few hundred years ago people got married, got a house, had a job, had kids, at the age of 12 and if you were 30 you were considered to be really old. Back then those 12 year olds got to know each other BEFORE they even dated, now its the other way around, the maturity of the person doesn't go by age, it goes by the maturity of the society. If society stopped being stupid, and actually opened up, there would be a lot more maturity. Ex: Society decides being nude is natural for human beings, they don't teach their kids that being nude is 'bad' or 'inappropriate' instead they teach their kids acceptance of life. Subsequently, that generation grows up not caring if a person is nude or not, how that person looks and doesn't get turned on just because they looked at the opposite gender without their body being covered up Imagine if MTV, VH1 and Hollywood didn't control the music industry in the U.S. This generation wouldn't be listening to synthetic pop written by people who work for a record label, sitting behind desks all day writting lyrics or rythmes and don't know a thing about music except for how to sell it to kids that think listening to it makes them 'cool' in front of their friends. They would be listening to REAL music/rap, we would still have RockN'Roll, still have R&B, still have people pouring their souls into what they do because they love it, instead of singing what some bookie wrote or acting how some producer told them to. (im not saying that there aren't people who still make that music, you just have to look for them, and they will NEVER be put on tv or the radio.) Then, the kids would grow up listening to something important, something that MEANS something. That alone could do wonders for the maturity of the population. Ok that was pretty long but to sum it up, yes 'kids' can feel love and its stupid to say otherwise. | 2010-08-15 00:36:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
Maybe getting married was just a thing to do at that age, just like kids who get a car when they get their liscened. If they have nowhere to go they still get a car anyway because its what ussally happens. Back then and whereever it was they might not have loved eachother it was just a thing to do at the time. I know it sounds confusing but I am being rushed off the computer | 2010-08-15 00:39:00 Author: Unknown User |
in-actionable data Sorry if I sound jaded, but Love and Marriage don't necessarily have anything to with each other.especially in the distant past, where the life expectancy was much less than it is today. Add to that, many marriages were arranged by a third party. Many people today get married (especially in the southern united states) as sort of a sex/living together licence. Then, consider the other side of the coin; couples who may be truly joined by the bonds of LOVE, but aren't married for a multitude of reasons. The up-shot is that marriage is not relevant enough to the subject of Love to be used as an argument. | 2010-08-15 02:54:00 Author: swanbrown Posts: 898 |
Ok that was pretty long but to sum it up, yes 'kids' can feel love and its stupid to say otherwise. Love doesn't exist.... so.. eh. Saying one thing then saying the opposite in another post o.0 Reminds me of the time u said "Who needs sleep" the later one went to say you can sleep through a hurricane ripping the roof off your house... I think this is a pretty serious topic -_-" | 2010-08-15 03:00:00 Author: Unknown User |
No, kids these days do not know the definition of words. Love is a word that has little meaning to them, and it's actualy a very powerful word. | 2010-08-15 03:04:00 Author: Unknown User |
@ Inaminacy So you dont think there is a rare select of kids that felt Love at all around the age of 12-14 | 2010-08-15 03:06:00 Author: Unknown User |
Theres no such thing as love, love is a constant need for a person or thing or animal. loving somebody is just primal, mate, have offspring, protect both. its simple, but it does make me feel really happy, and for some people its just messed up in weird ways | 2010-08-15 03:21:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
If you said love makes you feel happy then it must exist... if it didnt you wouldnt have felt happy... o.0 | 2010-08-15 03:28:00 Author: Unknown User |
" ...And loved only one woman with a passion a FLEA like you could never begin to understand" -Henry Fonda. I can relate. | 2010-08-15 03:37:00 Author: swanbrown Posts: 898 |
Love is an abstract concept created by carbon based life forms to formulate a reason for their primal urges. It means nothing. NOTHING MUHAHAHA.......... | 2010-08-15 03:48:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
14? i can't feel love? o,o ... my bro did that at the age of 12&?... ?? i would rather say 1-13 than up to 14 ^^" | 2010-08-15 03:48:00 Author: >er. Posts: 785 |
Im not saying every kids will feel it, maybe only a few who knows, or maybe none at all | 2010-08-15 03:55:00 Author: Unknown User |
rock define primal urge | 2010-08-15 03:55:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
^^ Morning wood. Tell me to stop anytime | 2010-08-15 03:59:00 Author: Unknown User |
^^ Morning wood. Tell me to stop anytime I believe that is incorrect spelling | 2010-08-15 04:00:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
I really hope thats not a trick to get me to Google it... | 2010-08-15 04:03:00 Author: Unknown User |
Depends on how educated the kids are. Sometimes love is a mysterious feeling that comes into play whenever and on whoever it want to play in. When I was 11 my first dog died. I was really devastated with my loss that I realized how much I actually "loved" my dog. I didn't know it then, but to me love itself is an expression of how much you care about a person, place, or thing. So for short, yes they will know what love is, but it'll take time for them to interpret it. Whether they find out on their own or through communicating with others/media is another mystery. | 2010-08-15 04:06:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Nice Post | 2010-08-15 04:09:00 Author: Unknown User |
I really hope thats not a trick to get me to Google it... no you did spell it wrong, but i dont think we should we talking about that on a E forum | 2010-08-15 04:12:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
Saying one thing then saying the opposite in another post o.0 Reminds me of the time u said "Who needs sleep" the later one went to say you can sleep through a hurricane ripping the roof off your house... I think this is a pretty serious topic -_-" Ok, so I have a psychological disorder. Shoot me. I mean that love is a lie, and that kids can still experience that lie in the same way adults can. Also I wasn't trying to say that marriage had anything to do with it. | 2010-08-15 04:17:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
You seem to intellectual to post such a stupid topic. Of course a pre-teen can feel Love, and shame on any adult or child who fails to duly consider these feeling real. Why would Love come with an age restriction? Does that mean we are S.O.L in those supposed 'golden' years? "Dang it Sally we better get-it-on cause my Love expires tomorrow when I turn 65... and my underware ain't made of tupperware ya know!" Have you ever read any Shakespeare? If Love's flight could not give the very young wings... Love would be thoroughly wasted on the tired breezes of the old. For you see, I am of the opinion--most of us spend a lifetime unlearning those things which are most important. Young Love is one of the most powerful forces in Nature. So I will state it yet again, it does indeed exist, and to dismiss it as pure infatuation, or imagination or Lust... is unjust. The other side of the coin however is not any prettier. With young Love comes immaturity. The type that looks before it leaps or just plain smashes it to bits because it can. There is generally little control or actually understanding. Big-big feelings without an understanding of self (and your place in this world) generally leads to big-big problems. Just because one is in Love does not particularly mean there is a reason to physically act on it... At that age, I think it best to just experience it and soak it in... there's no saying how long it could be before feeling those annoying pangs again!<3 | 2010-08-15 04:46:00 Author: Gravel Posts: 1308 |
Skip to 1:20 to get to the point (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEitrZU-nCw) Thought this would fit..lol | 2010-08-15 06:02:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
Theres no such thing as love, love is a constant need for a person or thing or animal. loving somebody is just primal, mate, have offspring, protect both. its simple, but it does make me feel really happy, and for some people its just messed up in weird ways Sorry, but that is completely inaccurate. That's infatuation, lust, dependence and various other self-centred desires. Lust (the desire to mate) is often mistaken by young people as love, because of its incredible intensity. When you truly love someone, you put them first, you accept them - flaws, limitations and all - and you desire their happiness, even above your own. Yes, love can make you really happy and it can also break your heart. Consider the love a parent has for a child who gets involved with drugs or crime and winds up destroying their future. I think kids are definitely capable of love in the broadest sense, but love is a very, VERY broad word that encompasses all sorts of relationships. The way I love my husband is not the way I love my daughters or my parents, or friends. And love grows and diminishes in intensity as you go through life and experience different things, and it can be eroded through neglect, betrayal and so forth, but can be strengthened through fidelity, kindness, appreciation and understanding. So while kids are capable of love, the love they feel is not going to be the same as the love I feel for my husband (and I'm not saying it's any less valid, so don't get all upset kiddies), because we've laughed, cried and struggled together for 17 years and that initial love we had when we first married has really deepened to a true connection and appreciation of each other in much more profound ways. We couldn't have had that kind of love without time and experience. As you age, and life knocks you about (as it always will) you gain an often hard-won appreciation of what's really important and worth valuing. So really, you need to specify what kind of love you're referring to if you want to be able to determine whether kids are capable of it. In the broadest sense of the word, the answer is yes. | 2010-08-15 07:00:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 Posts: 1567 |
Thats a very Long and Answer filled post. Thanks for that Babydoll | 2010-08-15 07:03:00 Author: Unknown User |
@Babydoll | 2010-08-15 07:47:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
^^ Morning wood. Tell me to stop anytime Morningwood? I love that band's song, Nth Degree. It's so catchy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpyfMt42MQk (Tis' be a joke. Don't flame me.) | 2010-08-15 08:00:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
I didnt really mean the song but lets just pretend I did | 2010-08-15 08:07:00 Author: Unknown User |
I apologize, if I offended any one by not taking this thread seriously. it's just that it's really hard to take a conversation about love seriously when it begins with a yes/no check box. | 2010-08-15 08:08:00 Author: swanbrown Posts: 898 |
Yea but the quistion is a yes or no answer and that is one way to answer it. | 2010-08-15 08:14:00 Author: Unknown User |
It's very interesting to see all the different opinions about what "love" is. Keep 'em coming. (: | 2010-08-15 08:49:00 Author: Mastadom Posts: 195 |
Kids are no different than adults, why can't they experience love? Sure most experience infatuation, which is perfectly natural. But just because a kid can't get married, or (legally) have a baby, doesn't mean their brain can't process love. | 2010-08-15 09:21:00 Author: legory Posts: 39 |
Not much point for me to chime in to be honest - between Gravel and Babydoll's posts, I think this is pretty much wrapped up as far as I'm concerned! Love's such a broad term. It's absurd to think that a 12-year-old could love someone as deeply and honestly as a devoted couple would each other having spent decades growing and changing together. It's just as absurd to think that a 12-year-old couldn't honestly be in love with somebody. It's certainly more comfortable for a parent to dismiss potential love as infatuation - and more often than not I really think that's what it is with puppy love - and pound for pound, infatuation is a far more POTENT mix than genuine love and affection tends to be, which comes with time, not with the violence of a train crash. There's a very simple question to ask if you want to know if you're infatuated or in love. It's this: "Do you really, deeply KNOW the person, and he/she you?" If it is undoubtedly, beyond a doubt yes, then you've wasted your time asking the question because you've already known the answer for some time. In other words, if the question has to be asked, the dial probably falls on "infatuation". And that's okay - in fact, it's by far the more intense of the two possibilities. Love requires patience. Infatuation requires a seatbelt. Deep love I think is when you'd do anything to protect someone. If you know you're going to die and the first thought in your head, far more important to you than "I'll never get to do ____" is "Oh god, he/she's not going to be okay." Congratulations, you know love. Now hurry up and don't die, there's a good lad. | 2010-08-15 09:42:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
Not much point for me to chime in to be honest - between Gravel and Babydoll's posts, I think this is pretty much wrapped up as far as I'm concerned! Love's such a broad term. It's absurd to think that a 12-year-old could love someone as deeply and honestly as a devoted couple would each other having spent decades growing and changing together. It's just as absurd to think that a 12-year-old couldn't honestly be in love with somebody. Deep love I think is when you'd do anything to protect someone. If you know you're going to die and the first thought in your head, far more important to you than "I'll never get to do ____" is "Oh god, he/she's not going to be okay." Congratulations, you know love. Now hurry up and don't die, there's a good lad. Paragraph 1: /Facepalm Paragraph 2: Agreed. I may not believe in love but I know that saying they couldn't be in love just as much as a couple whos been together for decades is ridiculous. | 2010-08-15 10:12:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
I may not believe in love... You don't believe in love in the way that you don't believe in the tooth fairy? Or, you don't believe in love in the way that you don't believe in war? Meaning, i suppose "I don't believe war is the answer" or some such. Or is this the old "Love doesn't exist, it's all a series of chemical reactions and hormones that are specially evolved for procreation and survival" line? I must ask for clarification because you've mentioned several times now that you don't believe in love, but I don't quite get the case for it, or what the angle is. I'm all for cynicism, I'm a right crusty ******* myself. But "love doesn't exist" and "I don't believe in love" don't exactly hold up under scrutiny without some solid backup. If I say "didn't you love a dog as a child?" and you say "yes, what YOU call 'love' but I'm merely aware enough to acknowledge it for what it is - a chemical compound mixed into my brain causing certain neurons to fire in such patterns to make me feel protective of a 'lower' creature, activating the human survival instinct for the protection of offspring." then I'm likely to giggle and say "oh so then you DO believe in love!" Just warning you in advance. Or maybe it's "all humans are naturally selfish - if love means being unconditionally selfless in regards to another person than it's impossible", then I'm likely to retort "Sure is! Now go out and love someone." | 2010-08-15 10:28:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
I may not believe in love but I know that saying they couldn't be in love just as much as a couple whos been together for decades is ridiculous. I don't think anyone's saying they can't be in love just as much - it just won't be the same kind or type of love. Not less or more, just different. I agree with Teebonesy's analysis - particularly regarding infatuation, and that love involves really knowing someone. With that in mind, I personally don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in overwhelming and powerful attraction, or even desire, at first sight. Love takes some time and discovery. It can start when you discover that person fills an initial need you have - or "fulfills you", as you might see it - but as time progresses and the character of that person is revealed (as your character is to them) it either increases that initial love or it kills it off. That's why people who thought they were in love so often break up and move on to someone else. Bremnen, that's so sad that you don't believe in love, no matter what your angle. Have you always been that way or has something happened to jade you? (Don't feel you have to answer that.. it's mainly rhetorical - or for your personal reflection). Without love - for my family, friends, humanity in general, life, etc... the list goes on - I don't think there'd be much point to my life, in all honesty. | 2010-08-15 11:38:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 Posts: 1567 |
@Teeb Option number two, but far more complex with far more reasons. Yea im a crusty ******* :/ I believe that love is: Two people feeling a genuine connection with eachother that is so strong that there are no other factors that come into play. But as far what everyone else considers love, I believe it to be this.. As far as i've seen, people say they are in love for basic reasons, lust, need for security, greed, money, someone to take care of them, they don't want to be alone, they want to feel wanted, and then they skew it into a lie they can use to get what they want by pretending to be in love. Having something in common with the person, or generally liking the person, just gives them a reason to not feel bad for abusing the person to meet their personal wants. Looks, lifestlye, and personality are used to judge someone at first glance, which could easily turn someone away who might otherwise have an actual love connection with that person. If someone doesn't look as good as your standards, if they don't make enough money, if they do things or act in ways you find socially acceptable, you don't even give them the light of day. The runway model won't date the homeless guy, an athlete wouldn't date someone whos overweight, and the professor wouldn't date an uneducated person. Even if they would be perfect for each other, they aren't given a chance. First thing that runs through a person mind when they see someone is their looks, then how they are acting, and if they make it beyond that its "what do they do for a living and how much do they make for doing it". I admit to having been the victim of love more than a few times, 'falling in love' just to realize it was just one of the seven things I mentioned above and that we had no real connection. Real love is a very rare thing between two very open-minded people are willing to accept the flaws of others so they can get a better understanding of that person and possibly find out they are meant for each other. Real love is rare, not this 'Oh, we just met lets go on a date!' *ten minutes into date* "I like that stuff tooooo,I love you <3 <3 <3' Edit: @Babydoll Hormonal teenage girls who don't know what they want, hollywood teaching my generation how to be completely ignorant in all important aspects of life, and people confusing love at first sight with lust at first light. I have only experienced, heard of, and seen fake love, therefore I have no reason to believe in it. Now, im pretty sure there were hippies who were truly in love, because they were extremely open-minded and accepting of other people, but these days societies not open enough to replicate everything that went into them falling in love so theres no reason for me to think that we have it in modern day society. There is no point to life, everything we have is a perk, even the act of living. | 2010-08-15 11:54:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
Theres no such thing as love, love is a constant need for a person or thing or animal. loving somebody is just primal, mate, have offspring, protect both. its simple, but it does make me feel really happy, and for some people its just messed up in weird ways words of a man who never felt Love poor guy | 2010-08-15 11:56:00 Author: Unknown User |
Thread needs more Haddaway (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glgO_bJ4AgI) | 2010-08-15 12:10:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
words of a man who never felt Love poor guy This entire thread depends entirely upon your definition of love. If somebody were to provide a completely unambiguous definition that everybody agrees to follow I would wager that few people would disagree. Currently most of the disagreement is likely due to everybody having a varied definition of what "love" is. In other words, a more meaningful conversation would probably involve just that. Exactly what do you define as "love"? Once you have a solid and universal definition of that I bet few people would disagree. | 2010-08-15 12:48:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
This entire thread depends entirely upon your definition of love. If somebody were to provide a completely unambiguous definition that everybody agrees to follow I would wager that few people would disagree. Currently most of the disagreement is likely due to everybody having a varied definition of what "love" is. In other words, a more meaningful conversation would probably involve just that. Exactly what do you define as "love"? Once you have a solid and universal definition of that I bet few people would disagree. what i defi as love is thath 2 persons Like each other and create a speciakl Connection between each other buy love can eb too for friends are items are for your Countrie | 2010-08-15 12:52:00 Author: Unknown User |
what i defi as love is thath 2 persons Like each other and create a speciakl Connection between each other buy love can eb too for friends are items are for your Countrie Then how do you define "special connection". Also, I can not decipher that last part... Sorry, but that's not readable to me. | 2010-08-15 12:55:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Then how do you define "special connection". Also, I can not decipher that last part... Sorry, but that's not readable to me. do you really dont know what i mean? Loving some one! Have a Crush on somebody everybody knows that youknow | 2010-08-15 13:14:00 Author: Unknown User |
do you really dont know what i mean? Loving some one! Have a Crush on somebody everybody knows that youknow People do have different definitions for what love is. If you want to provide a universal definition for it it has to be detailed, precise, unambiguous, and as culturally neutral as possible. | 2010-08-15 13:18:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Un-serious answer (youtube style): I think 5 people on the poll have never experienced love. (edit: 9) Dictionary.com answer: Definition of love: (noun) 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. 2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. 3. sexual passion or desire. 4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart. 5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love? 6. a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour. 7. sexual intercourse; copulation. 8. ( initial capital letter ) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid. 9. affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor. 10. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books. 11. the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love. 12. the benevolent affection of god for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God. 13. Chiefly Tennis . a score of zero; nothing. 14. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L. My answer: Deciding what love is in the first place among the numerous definitions above can be difficult, but for now I will stick to first four (1. - 4.)... YES I believe that love can be felt by children in the age group 12-14. the only difference between a kid and a grown-up is life experience, which varies greatly among different individuals as no one lives through quite the same happenings. I believe the feeling of love (as in loving another person) is a mix of different feelings, though it varies what feelings that are in the mix depending on which person and also decided by the cultural norms surrounding your everyday life. The love for your parent might be a mix of the fact you are a family and related and thankfulness of her compassion to raise you up and a lot and share her/his wisdom with you though it is normal for teens to take all of that for granted :/. A sibling's love might contain the feeling of brotherhood/sisterhood, you live together and you will probably for many years and the attachment of knowing there is somebody you can go to if there is something you need (and if that need is to irritate somebody it is welcome as well, that is what siblings do, right? ). The feeling of love though for your partner is something else than the others though. It varies for everyone but I can with a bit of accuracy say that it contains a fond feeling for the other, a bit of desires (The desire for you know what. Not always there, sometimes one lacks it, sometimes both. The desire to be together though should always be) and the most important of all (un)selfishness. Being so selfish you don't want to share her/him, that you will fight with your life for her/him, while still being able to let her/him go if she/he wants it. And I read this saying once about love: There is only one true love, but a thousand copies. Do note, if I have written a he or a she alone somewhere, without putting both together, that was not the purpose, I just forgot to write it he/she. | 2010-08-15 13:28:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
always watching my friend's teenage kids go on about how much they "love" someone new every other week, and remembering my own life as a teenager and being in "love" ... well, my answer is no. What kids feel (and even most adults for a while) is just puppy love. A crush, a big infatuation even though you don't know the person. And of course if you know anything's really wrong with the person you'll just swipe it under the rug, because they're _____, they're the most awesome person in the world right? | 2010-08-15 13:37:00 Author: Foofles Posts: 2278 |
a few years back I was talking to a niece from one of my friends. she was 12 years old and more than often annoyingly wise for her age. We talked about her bf and she said: "its strange, my parents nor my teachers have ever learned me anything about love. But when I saw him.. I just knew what it ment. Too bad that after a few months.. I also discovered that love can result in being hurt like nothing else can hurt you. also, besides the whole love exists, doesnt exist. Its all about chemical reactions in your brain.. and if brain says, you like her. you like her, and the chemicals he pours through your body will make it even worse. (the butterfly inbelly feeling). i had that yesterday.. I had a date.. and I honestly think I am in love.. (we have been talking a long time before we decided to meet for a date.. and oh boy it was fun) third time in my 27 years that I have felt such butterflies in my bellah. | 2010-08-15 13:41:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
a few years back I was talking to a niece from one of my friends. she was 12 years old and more than often annoyingly wise for her age. We talked about her bf and she said: "its strange, my parents nor my teachers have ever learned me anything about love. But when I saw him.. I just knew what it ment. Too bad that after a few months.. I also discovered that love can result in being hurt like nothing else can hurt you. also, besides the whole love exists, doesnt exist. Its all about chemical reactions in your brain.. and if brain says, you like her. you like her, and the chemicals he pours through your body will make it even worse. (the butterfly inbelly feeling). i had that yesterday.. I had a date.. and I honestly think I am in love.. (we have been talking a long time before we decided to meet for a date.. and oh boy it was fun) third time in my 27 years that I have felt such butterflies in my bellah. Love is from your Soul not from you body | 2010-08-15 13:57:00 Author: Unknown User |
souls are overrated, they might not exist. just like love. | 2010-08-15 14:05:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
souls are overrated, they might not exist. just like love. Seconded. That is a far too culturally biased opinion of what love is. | 2010-08-15 14:08:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
@Teebonesy: That I actually experienced, the "Do you really, deeply KNOW that person, and he/she you?"... Before I went to my vacation to Italy, there was something bothering me about my girlfriend, though we texted each other. Somehow she actually managed to read out between the lines that there was something that bothered me through the text even though I tried to act normally. We got it sorted out when I came home though, so we are all fine and great. @Luos_Desruc: May the chemicals in youw body make you and youw fwiend a welly happy couple | 2010-08-15 14:13:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
Thanks moon, also good to know you and your gf sorted stuff out | 2010-08-15 14:18:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
souls are overrated, they might not exist. just like love. Sould are thust a Discovery and eman the good of Humans and you got a soul cause you need to counter your Instinct your Instinct= aggressive Selfishnis Behavoir thath was a inportant before society Soul= the Good in the humans what came with society and if you want to know if you have a soul then you have to get in this moment a guy is drowing in a Public river where poepel are watching but are scared to do somthing (being scared is a intinct for not getting in danger) you see it what do you do? you instict says 'Dont you would get in danger' your soul says 'Do it save him !' think again Soul=The Good in your self Your Instinct=aggressive Selfishnis Behavoir thath was a inportant For Survival before society think again' ontopic: Love is the primariy Physically attracted to poeple based on concepts and mental connections but that is judged by the fact how mutch you counter your instict and Follow your Soul | 2010-08-15 14:18:00 Author: Unknown User |
Look again! Your soul is now diamonds! But, seriously. All of that is pretty much just chemical. There is no need to personify it. Also, I don't mean to be rude... But do you mind typing a little clearer? I'm finding your posts to be exceptionally difficult to read. | 2010-08-15 14:21:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
you instict says 'Dont you would get in danger' What if you can swim? Btw, instinct doesn't have to be the villain all the time. Think of what mothers can do to save their children! | 2010-08-15 14:23:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
What if you can swim? Btw, instinct doesn't have to be the villain all the time. Think of what mothers can do to save their children! instinct isnt the bad guy its thust your behavior for protecting yourself At mother love its both instinct and her soul to protect theire son are doughter | 2010-08-15 14:26:00 Author: Unknown User |
Your instincts can be anything, it is your mind that chooses which to follow. EDIT: @Luos_Desruc: You are welcome! When we argue though it tends to that she believes she is not good enough for me (which is certainly not the case, more like the other way around in my opinion ). And that is what most of our fights are about. And then it is so hard to be together since our relationship is cyber and that i would be better off with someone in Norway. May be true, but I love (dangerous to use this word in here) her I won't leave her for anybody in the world. It turns always when I say it is worth the wait though. And I believe it is. Science has proved that the longer you wait for something the better it gets with time. And I lurve the science. And I am even heading to London (she does not live there though) partly because of the Eurogamer, but my first intention was and is to meet my lovely girlfriend. | 2010-08-15 14:27:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
Your instincts can be anything, it is your mind that chooses which to follow. Your mind dictates your instincts... Well, crud! Here we go again! | 2010-08-15 14:28:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Kids can be in love, I'm 13 and I'm extremely in love with someone. >_> | 2010-08-15 14:30:00 Author: Jonaolst Posts: 935 |
Actually kittycat, that is your personal opinion, and I do not agree. (but a beautifull thought nontheless!) Instinct will also allow you to save friends, family and even total strangers because even before you think about the harm that you could inflict on yourself you jump in the water and save someone. instinct is not only to save yourself, but it does affect the rule "survival of the fittest". but.. thats partially my own opinion. i try to be objective. (yes, Im trying) A few weeks ago some burgulars tried breaking into the house next to mine and before I knew it I was outside and facing one of 5 burgulars, one holding a crowbar. Before I knew it i was screaming at them to get the bleep out of here. I only realised what happened after I woke up the naburs to check up the damage they did on the windows.. And all of a sudden I was a bit in shock.. took me a few minutes to snap out of it, but i was shaking as hell.. especially as there where 5 of them all taller than me. My instinct took over to protect, instead of hiding for cover. | 2010-08-15 14:30:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
Actually kittycat, that is your personal opinion, and I do not agree. Instinct will also allow you to save friends, family and even total strangers because even before you think about the harm that you could inflict on yourself. instinct is not only to save yourself, but it does affect the rule "survival of the fittest". why would you save your friends? family? are total strangers? what kind of advantages would thath bring to you at life? think like 10000 years ago your Hunting to get food and you see a Big Pig with big teeth (dont know the name) your with 4 poeple including you you hunt down the Big pig but the big pig broke the leg of one of your friends (he cant walk anymore) and its almost night so it would get dangerouse at the way back to your family pack do you take him with you ? (wil slow your hunting pack down and you wil ahd to traffle at night where you most likly woudl die) are leave him? (you wil come home savely) "survival of the fittest'' | 2010-08-15 14:39:00 Author: Unknown User |
Yes anyone can love | 2010-08-15 14:40:00 Author: Caveman656 Posts: 53 |
why would you save your friends? family? are total strangers? what kind of advantages would thath bring to you at life? think like 10000 years ago Since when would we be anywhere if we were a solitary species? | 2010-08-15 14:41:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
updated my prev. post. also, you forgot a third option. try to save your friend with the broken leg, because in the future.. you need him again when you are hunting other Boars. Even though egoistical, you will/might need him later. like a pack of wolves need eachother. Hence, the third option of survival of the fittest. And from what I am reading.. I think you are underestimating basic instincst a lot. Its far more complex than most of us can imagine. | 2010-08-15 14:42:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
Since when would we be anywhere if we were a solitary species? its oure basis Survival Instinct to think about your self but poeple are no alone kind of specie but group kind of specie thath always got a leader | 2010-08-15 14:45:00 Author: Unknown User |
updated my prev. post. also, you forgot a third option. try to save your friend with the broken leg, because in the future.. you need him again when you are hunting other Boars. Even though egoistical, you will/might need him later. like a pack of wolves need eachother. true thath woudl give a Future advantage but there are only 2 options save him are leave him at option 2 there is a change at survival but the change of death is bigger | 2010-08-15 14:47:00 Author: Unknown User |
Not at 12/14 I don't think so, no. When you're that age you wear your emotions on your sleeves. It's called puppy love. I don't think people start to know love properly, until 15 or 16, and that's only if the feelings mutual. I've known couples that have been together since they were 15 and are still together 5 years later so it can happen, but not properly at preteen. At any rate, you can't appreciate love until you've been hurt by it and at that age you lack the experience. | 2010-08-15 14:47:00 Author: Asbestos101 Posts: 1114 |
One of my ex-work-buddies met his wife at age 5. they have been together ever since. There are allways exceptions to the rules. (after re-reading this, it sounds like some grown up man picked up a little girl from kindergarden They where both kids to start with!) rules are just guidelines, averages.. and even facts are just opinions shared by the mayority. ok, me is off to subway! /hugs everyone. This has been a nice read/discussion. lots of love to all of you | 2010-08-15 14:52:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
true thath woudl give a Future advantage but there are only 2 options save him are leave him at option 2 there is a change at survival but the change of death is bigger i give you 2 gusy one hour to react at what i sed and prove thath your right | 2010-08-15 14:54:00 Author: Unknown User |
I don't think anyone physically and emotionally undeveloped can fully experience what love is until they mature. I think they can feel infatuation and puppy love, but it's not mature enough for me to consider it love. Most kids that fall in love are just mimicking their parents. It doesn't seem until they are older that the truly find someone that they want to spend the rest of their lives with. Most relationships that start at 12 - 14 end as quickly as they began. My definition of love may differ from everyone else's, but I generally think of old people holding hands and falling asleep together. | 2010-08-15 14:55:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
In the end, every chance is 50/50. if you have cancer, and have a 70/30 percent chance of dying or not making it through the treatment... would you give up? no. (I sure hope you wont want to give up!) it will basically still be a 50/50 chance. you either die, or you dont. while some peoples instincs will choose for their own survival.. around the same amouth would choose to help their friend. even if there where two options, if you take more cavemen/people into the equasion.. chances (50/50) are that not everyone will choose for their own survival. it might even be that they need the friend in dire need of help because in the pecking order, he is the leader/stronger one and they need him. its all in the eye of the beholder, ok once more love to you all, im gonna eat a spicey italian sub. | 2010-08-15 14:59:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
In the end, every chance is 50/50. if you have cancer, and have a 70/30 percent chance of dying or not making it through the treatment... would you give up? no. (I sure hope you wont want to give up!) it will basically still be a 50/50 chance. you either die, or you dont. while some peoples instincs will choose for their own survival.. around the same amouth would choose to help their friend. even if there where two options, if you take more cavemen/people into the equasion.. chances (50/50) are that not everyone will choose for their own survival. it might even be that they need the friend in dire need of help because in the pecking order, he is the leader/stronger one and they need him. its all in the eye of the beholder, ok once more love to you all, im gonna eat a spicey italian sub. so you prove my wrong thath the soul doenst exist and say thath the soul exist? Caring about some one else is in your soul even in the stone ages we had souls but we didnt known of its existance i want to give you a other test your at school minding your own buisnis you see a kid getting beaten up by 3 guys thath are more stronger then you what woudl you do? Help the poor little guy (but you wil get beaten up too) are leave him alone (cause you want not to get beaten up) There are no teachers so make your choice do you follow your soul (the good side) are you follow your instinct (your own safty and survival) | 2010-08-15 15:06:00 Author: Unknown User |
You are stating it like it is a fact, (and I didnt mention soul in the stuff you quoted) what you call soul might just as well be basic instinct that evolved over the past few (thousand) years. If I would follow my "soul", I would run, But my instinct will kick their arses even if it ends up with me being in the hospital. | 2010-08-15 15:11:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
You are stating it like it is a fact, (and I didnt mention soul in the stuff you quoted) what you call soul might just as well be basic instinct that evolved over the past few (thousand) years. If I would follow my soul, I would run, But my instinct will kick their arses even if it ends up with me being in the hospital. lol laat ik het ff simpel laten zeggen want zo te zien kun je geen engels zlen dus jij bewijsd dat de ziel niet bestaat en bestaat Om om iemand te geven heb je een ziel nodig zelfs in de stene tijdperk hadden we een ziel ik geef je nog een test jij bent op school je doet lekker gewoon je ziet een gast worden inelkaar geslagen door 3 gasten die wel 2 keer zo sterk zijn als jij wat ga je doen? die gast helpen (je geeft om hem maar je wordt wel in elkaar geslagen) of je bemoeit er niet mee (je wordt niet in elkaar geslagen en jij blijft veilig maar die gast wordt nog stets in elkaar geslagen) er zijn geen leerlaren en je vrienden zijn er ook niet dus je **** geen groep maken tegen hun zo wat ga je doen? ga jij het opnemen voor die arme gast = je volgt je ziel (je doet het goede) of negeer je het gewoon =je red je zelf van in elkaar geslagen worden = je volgt je instinct (je denkt aan je zelf dus slecht) denk er over... You are stating it like it is a fact, what you call Survival instinct might just as well be basic instinct that evolved over the past few (thousand) years. If I would follow my Survival Instinct would run, But with my Soul I will kick their arses even if it ends up with me being in the hospital. fixed it for you cause you had it wrong je had het andersom sorry poepel for all the dutch but i want him to understand it better | 2010-08-15 15:19:00 Author: Unknown User |
This all assumes that there is such thing as a soul. Which is based entirely off of a religious belief that not everybody shares. Caring about someone else does not necessarily have anything to do with a "soul". That is only your belief. It is not shared by everybody. There is no actual proof of anything resembling a "soul". It is far more likely scientifically everything that you perceive, and everything you do is a result of the state that your physical brain is in. In other words, it doesn't likely have anything to do with any paranormal or otherwise unrealistic concepts such as a non-physical "soul". Also, you really need to start using some form of spell check. I realize that English may not be your first language, and that's fine. But, your posts are nearly unreadable. Firefox comes with a built in spell-checker, if you are still on an internet explorer variant I humbly recommend switching. If that is not an option please state your internet browser and I will gladly try to help you find a better solution. From what I can tell your grammar is alright, but you seem to make a lot of typos and spelling errors. I would not care so much if it weren't for the fact that it is proving to be an incredibly frustrating task to decipher what you actually mean. If you have problems typing I would recommend switching to an alternative keyboard layout, such as Dvorak (granted, I'm not sure how much of an advantage it would present when typing Dutch) For more information: http://www.dvzine.org/ This seems to have information on a variant of Dvorak that may prove useful. http://arjenvankol.com/dvorak.php That is a much more difficult change, however, than just spell checking your posts. I feel like there is currently an incredibly dense language barrier between us, but I think most of it is just because of typos and spelling. This is a relatively simple thing to fix with minimal effort. I do not mean to be rude, sorry, but I would really like to be able to understand the person that I am trying to talk to. Your grammar seems to be fine, so I think with a little bit of spell checking everything would come through clear as crystal. | 2010-08-15 15:33:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
This all assumes that there is such thing as a soul. Which is based entirely off of a religious belief that not everybody shares. Caring about someone else does not necessarily have anything to do with a "soul". That is only your belief. It is not shared by everybody. There is no actual proof of anything resembling a "soul". It is far more likely scientifically everything that you perceive, and everything you do is a result of the state that your physical brain is in. In other words, it doesn't likely have anything to do with any paranormal or otherwise unrealistic concepts such as a non-physical "soul". Caring about someone else=you have a Soul=the Good in you/the thing thath gives you a choice at Good and evil the soul inst Scientific its Psychology | 2010-08-15 15:43:00 Author: Unknown User |
I always get a kick out of science explaining things that may or may not exist. Several hundred years ago, it was hard for science to explain or conceive of something we think as everyday and common occurrences and subject matter. Flight, microwaves, air conditioning, space travel, atoms, quarks, black holes, string theory etc.. I never exclude the existence of anything due to science... You never know, science might still be just a bit behind. | 2010-08-15 15:46:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
I've heard that animals live in almost pure instinct. I've heard of dogs and cats that would save their owners. | 2010-08-15 15:47:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I've heard that animals live in almost pure instinct. I've heard of dogs and cats that would save their owners. cats and dogs have souls too cause they love theire owners | 2010-08-15 15:50:00 Author: Unknown User |
Caring about someone else=you have a Soul=the Good in you/the thing thath gives you a choice at Good and evil the soul inst Scientific its Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of the mind... Anyways. What exactly do you define as a soul? Be as specific as possible, I think this would help to clear some of this up. I always get a kick out of science explaining things that may or may not exist. Several hundred years ago, it was hard for science to explain or conceive of something we think as everyday and common occurrences and subject matter. Flight, microwaves, air conditioning, space travel, atoms, quarks, black holes, string theory etc.. I never exclude the existence of anything due to science... You never know, science might still be just a bit behind. That is a good point. However, all of that is based off of simpler scientific principles that have been expanded upon via a little bit of imagination and thought. I think it's a bit different than wildly suggesting things that currently make no physical sense whatsoever. | 2010-08-15 16:00:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind... Anyways. What exactly do you define as a soul? Be as specific as possible, I think this would help to clear some of this up. Soul Caring about someone else the Good in you the thing thath gives you a choice at Good and evil Good=Your Soul Evil=Your Instinct Your Basis survival Instinct says thath you need to care about yourself and your Survival your soul says you need to care about the poeple around you even if thath needs to take your live loving some one is the same as having a Soul | 2010-08-15 16:05:00 Author: Unknown User |
I wouldn't exactly say love but they COULD feel some form of affection that could develop into love. All I know is I always had "strange" feelings toward girls, I was just attracted to them for no real reason. I've known my GF since I was little as well, we had "strange" feelings for each other that we didn't get till we were older. | 2010-08-15 16:22:00 Author: Jack Posts: 999 |
Soul Caring about someone else the Good in you the thing thath gives you a choice at Good and evil Good=Your Soul Evil=Your Instinct Your Basis survival Instinct says thath you need to care about yourself and your Survival your soul says you need to care about the poeple around you even if thath needs to take your live loving some one is the same as having a Soul Instincts are not inherently bad. Loving somebody has everything to do with survival instincts. | 2010-08-15 16:24:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Instincts are not inherently bad. Loving somebody has everything to do with survival instincts. true Instincts are not bad ''Loving somebody has everything to do with survival instincts'' you are making your own death trap here so here comes question your at school minding your own business. you see a Friend getting beaten up by 3 guys thath are more stronger then you! what would you do? Help Your friend (but you wil get beaten up too! but you done the right thing for helping him) are leave him alone (cause you want not to get beaten up so you Follow your basic Survival instinct for not getting in danger) There are no teachers are a group thath can help you Loving Some One Has nothign to do with instinct | 2010-08-15 16:31:00 Author: Unknown User |
That is alas what I would call a more of a religious or poetic approach of the human mind. What makes people being able to love others in the first place are their miraculous brains and bodies with so many functions and abilities. Our consciousness of what is around us is probably different from a simpler life being (for an example, a bug (one walks across my wall as we speak O.o) or a bacteria) as we are able to recognize our experiences and others peoples life stories as well. The soul is just a product of imaginative thinking which has been formed in numerous occasions all over the world (many times by religion) to try to explain who we are and make us special. Bee's die if they sting somebody yet they will gladly attack you if you threaten their colony. This has been an instinct they have developed for the survival of their race by protecting their queen who lays the eggs. This is what our "soul" might be as well. The instinct to survive in this world. A mother protecting its children is to secure its survival of its species and carry on their genes. Whether love is the same as having a soul or just another outcome of another instinct you can believe anything about, I have said mine opinions... Now where did that bug go? | 2010-08-15 16:34:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
Loving Some One Has nothign to do with instinct Well, I'm sad to say, it has... How do I start... Well... How does a species erm... reproduce? | 2010-08-15 16:39:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Well, I'm sad to say, it has... How do I start... Well... How does a species erm... reproduce? Curiosity. | 2010-08-15 16:42:00 Author: Jack Posts: 999 |
that is alas what i would call a more of a religious or poetic approach of the human mind. What makes people being able to love others in the first place are their miraculous brains and bodies with so many functions and abilities. Our consciousness of what is around us is probably different from a simpler life being (for an example, a bug (one walks across my wall as we speak o.o) or a bacteria) as we are able to recognize our experiences and others peoples life stories as well. The soul is just a product of imaginative thinking which has been formed in numerous occasions all over the world (many times by religion) to try to explain who we are and make us special. Bee's die if they sting somebody yet they will gladly attack you if you threaten their colony. This has been an instinct they have developed for the survival of their race by protecting their queen who lays the eggs. this is what our "soul" might be as well. The instinct to survive in this world. A mother protecting its children is to secure its survival of its species and carry on their genes. Whether love is the same as having a soul or just another outcome of another instinct you can believe anything about, i have said mine opinions... Now where did that bug go? Love and oure Souls have nothing to do with oure Instinct its thust somthing thath was created in the Evolution of oure Mind The soul is a counter of The basic Survival instinct what we dont need anymore at Society But if you think about it it can be a new kind of Intinct thath helps at Society Well, I'm sad to say, it has... How do I start... Well... How does a species erm... reproduce? how do i start A spider wants to reproduce with a lady spider and when they did it then the lady spider wil eat the male spider if he hasnt escaped yet Poof me wrong | 2010-08-15 16:44:00 Author: Unknown User |
That is alas what I would call a more of a religious or poetic approach of the human mind. What makes people being able to love others in the first place are their miraculous brains and bodies with so many functions and abilities. Our consciousness of what is around us is probably different from a simpler life being (for an example, a bug (one walks across my wall as we speak O.o) or a bacteria) as we are able to recognize our experiences and others peoples life stories as well. The soul is just a product of imaginative thinking which has been formed in numerous occasions all over the world (many times by religion) to try to explain who we are and make us special. Bee's die if they sting somebody yet they will gladly attack you if you threaten their colony. This has been an instinct they have developed for the survival of their race by protecting their queen who lays the eggs. This is what our "soul" might be as well. The instinct to survive in this world. A mother protecting its children is to secure its survival of its species and carry on their genes. Whether love is the same as having a soul or just another outcome of another instinct you can believe anything about, I have said mine opinions... Now where did that bug go? *CLAP CLAP CLAP*. Well said Moonwire, well said indeed . Well, I'm sad to say, it has... How do I start... Well... How does a species erm... reproduce? Indeed, indeed. Love and oure Souls have nothing to do with oure Instinct its thust somthing thath was created in the Evolution of oure Mind The soul is a counter of The basic Survival instinct what we dont need anymore at Society But if you think about it it can be a new kind of Intinct thath helps at Society "Love" has everything, absolutely everything to do with survival instincts in nearly every form. Mothers love for a child gives them the drive to take care of and protect the child... It should be very obvious why love between a male and a female are part of survival instincts. It all leads back to instincts. However, I do agree that a lot of our instincts do get in the way at this day and age. A simple example of this would be the instinct to eat a lot of fatty foods in excess in order to fuel our minds, especially in case of scarcity. This has proven to be harmful on various first world countries as food is relatively plentiful. Ultimately this leads to health concerns and whatnot. how do i start A spider wants to reproduce with a lady spider and when they did it then the lady spider wil eat the male spider if he hasnt escaped yet Poof me wrong Umm, what exactly are we supposed to prove wrong here? | 2010-08-15 16:55:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
*CLAP CLAP CLAP*. Well said Moonwire, well said indeed . Indeed, indeed. "Love" has everything, absolutely everything to do with survival instincts in nearly every form. Mothers love for a child gives them the drive to take care of and protect the child... It should be very obvious why love between a male and a female are part of survival instincts. It all leads back to instincts. However, I do agree that a lot of our instincts do get in the way at this day and age. A simple example of this would be the instinct to eat a lot of fatty foods in excess in order to fuel our minds, especially in case of scarcity. This has proven to be harmful on various first world countries as food is relatively plentiful. Ultimately this leads to health concerns and whatnot. Umm, what exactly are we supposed to prove wrong here? its not oure instinct to eat fast food youknow we do it cause we enjoy it Instinct = Behavior so it could be thath you are Right and im Right too Love could be a Mental Instinct created from evolution of man | 2010-08-15 17:00:00 Author: Unknown User |
its not oure instinct to eat fast food youknow we do it cause we enjoy it Umm... That's exactly it. You enjoy it because it has been embedded in our minds (like INSTINCT) that eating fatty foods is a good thing. Which it certainly was when there was a large scarcity of food. | 2010-08-15 17:04:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Well, I'm sad to say, it has... How do I start... Well... How does a species erm... reproduce? lots of alcohol and faulty protection! | 2010-08-15 17:06:00 Author: monstahr Posts: 1361 |
Umm... That's exactly it. You enjoy it because it has been embedded in our minds (like INSTINCT) that eating fatty foods is a good thing. Which it certainly was when there was a large scarcity of food. yes its true | 2010-08-15 17:06:00 Author: Unknown User |
lots of alcohol and faulty protection! You, sir, win. Bahaha. That made my day. | 2010-08-15 17:07:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
I forget where I heard this but it is pretty cool. "Love is just a chemical that we decided to give a name." It was something like that | 2010-08-15 17:09:00 Author: Unknown User |
I forget where I heard this but it is pretty cool. "Love is just a chemical that we decided to give a name." It was something like that you mis the most important Part its primarily physic attraction to poeple based on concepts and mental Connection what causes a chemical reaction thats Love | 2010-08-15 17:14:00 Author: Unknown User |
I didnt make that quote up also What about someone in love without mental connection like someone on TV or First Sight of a person or do u not believe in that | 2010-08-15 17:17:00 Author: Unknown User |
you mis the most important Part its primarily physic attraction to poeple based on concepts and mental Connection what causes a chemical reaction thats Love Ummm, the physical and mental attraction people have towards each other also happens to be caused by chemical reactions. | 2010-08-15 17:17:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
and the chemical reactions comes from puberty I think Dont like 8=10 year olds think girls are gross | 2010-08-15 17:19:00 Author: Unknown User |
Ummm, the physical and mental attraction people have towards each other also happens to be caused by chemical reactions. No it doenst it is Caused with mental Connection between 2 persons I didnt make that quote up also What about someone in love without mental connection like someone on TV or First Sight of a person or do u not believe in that i dont beleave in love at first sight and at a defice it could be if you use somthign alot then you create love with it cause it does things you like are remember you about somthing you like | 2010-08-15 17:21:00 Author: Unknown User |
Thank you microchirp. Now that I read it seems like I just make what has been said before more fancy with big words and setting in my thoughts now and then though. Hope you don't mind! Fatty foods often taste good due to exceptionally high contents of salt, sugar, and let us not forget the almighty fat. The human mind is easy to lure as we have the instinct or implementation that says "Wow, this is darn golly nice!" and we practically just embrace whatever made our mind say that, if we do not know anything about it. For an example, when you have ... there is often some pleasure spreading around because of nerves and stuff being... err... stimulated. The food tells our tasting buds (not sure about their exact name, the things that makes you able to taste what you eat) that they taste magnificent and you should have more of it. Though you might be repelled by it when you get to know that it will severely shorten your life, and in the cases of men makes your "pride" wither and dry like a flower in in the middle of death valley (see the movie Supersize Me and you will know what I am talking about, they mention something like that linked about the ... comment above). Pain is also like this just the opposite. Nerves register pain as a jolt of unpleasant feelings where you will learn that being hurt by something (someone?) is not good and therefore you avoid it. | 2010-08-15 17:22:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
No it doenst it is Caused with mental Connection between 2 persons Everything you perceive and think ultimately leads back to a chemical reaction. Thank you microchirp. Now that I read it seems like I just make what has been said before more fancy with big words and setting in my thoughts now and then though. Hope you don't mind! Fatty foods often taste good due to exceptionally high contents of salt, sugar, and let us not forget the almighty fat. The human mind is easy to lure as we have the instinct or implementation that says "Wow, this is darn golly nice!" and we practically just embrace whatever made our mind say that, if we do not know anything about it. For an example, when you have ... there is often some pleasure spreading around because of nerves and stuff being... err... stimulated. The food tells our tasting buds (not sure about their exact name, the things that makes you able to taste what you eat) that they taste magnificent and you should have more of it. Though you might be repelled by it when you get to know that it will severely shorten your life, and in the cases of men makes your "pride" wither and dry like a flower in in the middle of death valley (see the movie Supersize Me and you will know what I am talking about, they mention something like that linked about the ... comment above). Pain is also like this just the opposite. Nerves register pain as a jolt of unpleasant feelings where you will learn that being hurt by something (someone?) is not good and therefore you avoid it. Yeah, but the main reason we're drawn to fatty and sugary foods is because it was essential to our survival. They are fantastic energy sources, which are needed to fuel our relatively large minds. They're quite power-hungry. | 2010-08-15 17:28:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Everything you perceive and think ultimately leads back to a chemical reaction. true but thaths Sounds So Cold and not loving like somthing some one would say who never experienced Love | 2010-08-15 17:30:00 Author: Unknown User |
Does that chemical reaction act for a long time? There must be something to keep you pushing over the years as a transition between the chemical releases | 2010-08-15 17:33:00 Author: Unknown User |
Yeah, but the main reason we're drawn to fatty and sugary foods is because it was essential to our survival. They are fantastic energy sources, which are needed to fuel our relatively large minds. They're quite power-hungry. Well, before it might have been essentials as food like that was hard to find. Not often did you pass a big bad bear at the size of a sumo wrestler, but now it is an everyday cost for some, which makes it even worse. Combined with the lack of proper exercise, which there was lots of in the old days as you really had to work to live. That combination though will give the fatal blow to you in most cases. EDIT (regarding the newer posts): That is probably your mind in the works. Or drugs. | 2010-08-15 17:33:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
Does that chemical reaction act for a long time? There must be something to keep you pushing over the years as a transition between the chemical releases Verry good question! | 2010-08-15 17:36:00 Author: Unknown User |
true but thaths Sounds So Cold and not loving like somthing some one would say who never experienced Love It's not really cold, it's the truth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that everything you perceive is the result of a chemical reaction. Even if there was, why should we ignore the truth? | 2010-08-15 17:46:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
true but thaths Sounds So Cold and not loving like somthing some one would say who never experienced Love Not at all, and it directly links back to the OP - the idea that teenage emotions don't "count" because they are driven by hormones... Which is nonsense, because it's true for everyone. Of course teenagers feel love, it's exactly the same sensation an adult feels. And the same goes for all of our emotions - this thread is like asking if kids can feel anger, sadness, happiness..... etc. For example, teenagers are generally quite susceptible to depression due to hormonal factors and it could be argued that the reasons for why they feel that way are not so important (in some cases), but that doesn't change what they feel, which is very, very real. wrt the chemical reaction lingering - it doesn't - your body produces the chemicals as a response to the person you love, either through sensory stimulus or memory. | 2010-08-15 17:48:00 Author: rtm223 Posts: 6497 |
What chemicals are involved in site? Just nerves with light recepters picking one of three colours that can be combines and reaches the brain @Rtm I chose love because there are lots of adults that think kids dont feel real love its just hormones wanting to.... mate... | 2010-08-15 17:49:00 Author: Unknown User |
Not at all, and it directly links back to the OP - the idea that teenage emotions don't "count" because they are driven by hormones... Which is nonsense, because it's true for everyone. Of course teenagers feel love, it's exactly the same sensation an adult feels. And the same goes for all of our emotions - this thread is like asking if kids can feel anger, sadness, happiness..... etc. Teenagers are generally quite susceptible to depression due to hormonal factors and it could be argued that the reasons for why they feel that way are not so important (in some cases), but that doesn't change what they feel, which is very, very real. he? oh wait he was talking against microchirp | 2010-08-15 17:50:00 Author: Unknown User |
Not at all, and it directly links back to the OP - the idea that teenage emotions don't "count" because they are driven by hormones... Which is nonsense, because it's true for everyone. Of course teenagers feel love, it's exactly the same sensation an adult feels. And the same goes for all of our emotions - this thread is like asking if kids can feel anger, sadness, happiness..... etc. For example, teenagers are generally quite susceptible to depression due to hormonal factors and it could be argued that the reasons for why they feel that way are not so important (in some cases), but that doesn't change what they feel, which is very, very real. wrt the chemical reaction lingering - it doesn't - your body produces the chemicals as a response to the person you love, either through sensory stimulus or memory. Well said. That is for the most part my belief on the whole issue. | 2010-08-15 17:59:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
lol Too long to quote. En nu in goed nederlands, want je zinsopbouwen zijn nogal waardeloos Ik ben het er alsnog niet mee eens, je drijft je eigen perspectief te veel door. dus.. deze conversatie is afgesloten /dutch. The sub tasted great. En ik had het niet andersom, ik bedoelde het bewust zo. | 2010-08-15 18:24:00 Author: Luos_83 Posts: 2136 |
theres a differents between "to like" someone and realy loving someone. And at the age of 13 i think its most of the time that they like eachother. But if two 13-year olds realy LOVE eachother, then who are we to say its not real love?! | 2010-08-15 18:40:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
En nu in goed nederlands, want je zinsopbouwen zijn nogal waardeloos Ik ben het er alsnog niet mee eens, je drijft je eigen perspectief te veel door. dus.. deze conversatie is afgesloten /dutch. The sub tasted great. En ik had het niet andersom, ik bedoelde het bewust zo. Dat betekend dat ik gelijk heb je begrijpte niet eens wat je zel zij Lol Christianity FTW! | 2010-08-15 20:16:00 Author: Unknown User |
Wow, interesting topic O.o But no, I don't think so. It may just be infatuation. And I wonder how many of the yes voters are in that age group themselves vs how many of the few adult members here voted no. What kind of demographic does this site even have to begin with. For a slighter better guess and record of variation, there should have been at least 4 options in the poll. -I'm under 18 and think yes -I'm under 18 and think no -I'm over 18 and think yes -I'm over 18 and think no I'm 24 btw. And did someone bring up the old argument about ages ago kids got married? If so, back then it was arranged by the parents for financial and land gains. Marriage back then was never about 'love'. It very much was a contract and agreement of terms, much like it still is today, only more exaggerated back then when everyone was farmers or estate holders. | 2010-08-15 20:36:00 Author: Iudicium_86 Posts: 167 |
@ludicium_86: Yeah, that was brought up... Swanbrown quickly cleared that up before I had the chance to, though. | 2010-08-15 20:42:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
I think I facepalmed into another dimension. Its amazing how the majority of people didn't even take the time to see if what they are posting was discussed already, or if they did they just went bashing in with blind opinions and nothing to back them up. Kudos to the people who took the time to read through yesterdays posts and form logically sound discussion. | 2010-08-15 20:46:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
I think I facepalmed into another dimension. Its amazing how the majority of people didn't even take the time to see if what they are posting was discussed already, or if they did they just went bashing in with blind opinions and nothing to back them up. Kudos to the people who took the time to read through yesterdays posts and form logically sound discussion. WAT Typingtypingtyping | 2010-08-15 20:57:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Ummh. We don't understand dutch. Not yours or Luos's posts in dutch. Anyone of us (including me) that can't read dutch that is. Anyway you can't go christianity ftw in any way. Plus it is already hard to read what you write in english (no offence) though I think I get a little of what you write. And so many tell you because no one likes someone else boasting about beliefs. It would get this thread locked right away, and I like the discussions here. D: | 2010-08-15 21:28:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
Nope i wont use it Ummm, ok... It would be extremely helpful, though... Might I inquire as to the reason why? Anyways, back on topic... Somebody brought up the demographics of the people answering the questions. I too am interested in this. I haven't personally voted because I sort of feel that it depends strongly upon what a person defines as "love" and whatnot... I would suspect that most people in the age group of the question would vote "yes", while more adults would probably vote "no". But, I also think that there would be a significantly higher percentage of adults who vote "yes" than teenagers who voted "no". I suspect most people in the age group in question would feel that they have something to prove. I would also bet that a lot of the adults have umm, sympathy towards the teenagers... Perhaps being placed in a similar spot in their past. | 2010-08-15 22:08:00 Author: microchirp Posts: 412 |
Well, that was a big cleanup.... And I know I got sloppy in places but it's mostly just stuff on topic now.... And some dutch... Which may or may not be on topic, I don't really care. Hows about we keep it on topic from here on then please? And for the record, I'm 25 | 2010-08-16 00:29:00 Author: rtm223 Posts: 6497 |
:/ <3 you rtm | 2010-08-16 00:59:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
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