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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Archive: 13 posts

With all the Scott Pilgrim buzz with the movie/game/final book/etc. I thought it'd be a perfect fit for LBP2.

For those who don't know, Scott is a 23 year-old from Toronto. He meets the love of his life, Ramona Flowers and they start dating. Little does he know, Ramona has 7 evil exes waiting to beat the guts out of him.
In order to win her heart, he must find the courage and power to defeat all 7 exes.

Basically, this could be set up like a mix between the game and the movie. There are 7 levels to go through and at the end of each level is a boss. If a fighting game is possible, there will be fighting game portions, but for now it's going to be a platformer.
If you've seen the movie, you might have noticed the special holographic "BAM!", "THONK!", and other sound-effect exclamation thingies. This is possible in LBP2 with the vacuum material to create a unique visual style.

What do you guys think?
2010-08-14 16:20:00

Posts: 1153

This sounds great! I'll help in any way I can.2010-08-14 17:34:00

Posts: 10

I've already decided to make my own after seeing the movie last night!
Oh my gosh it was the most amazing movie ever made..
Sorry I'm not helping with yours! Good luck
2010-08-14 17:41:00

Posts: 162

Awesome, good luck with yours!

So anyways, here's what I was thinking for levels.
1- Streets of Toronto (Boss: Patel)
2- Movie Set (Boss: Lee)
3- Hipster Club (Boss: Todd)
4- Ninja Train (Boss: Roxie)
5- Halloween Party (Boss: KatayangaiBot)
6- Inner Halloween Party (Boss: Katayanagi Twins)
7- Chaos Theatre (Boss: Gideon)
2010-08-14 19:15:00

Posts: 1153

I would say my plans, but I don't want to spoil it for you guys
All I can tell you is it will be revolutionary amongst other levels
2010-08-14 21:27:00

Posts: 162

So anyways, here's what I was thinking for levels.
1- Streets of Toronto (Boss: Patel)
2- Movie Set (Boss: Lee)
3- Hipster Club (Boss: Todd)
4- Ninja Train (Boss: Roxie)
5- Halloween Party (Boss: KatayangaiBot)
6- Inner Halloween Party (Boss: Katayanagi Twins)
7- Chaos Theatre (Boss: Gideon)

sooooo you're basically copying scott pilgrim vs. the world: the game?
because it seems like all you're going to do is recreate the game into LBP format
2010-08-15 11:49:00

Posts: 3365

@Shadowcrazy: Well sure, the level format almost has to be replicated. There's not really a difference in the source material either.
Also, it's going to have more emphasis on platforming and puzzle solving. There's no real leveling-up system, but when you finish a level, a screen will pop up telling you your stats and if you unlocked new power-ups, higher jumps, more damage, etc. for the next level so the player can look forward to playing with their newly unlocked toys.
2010-08-15 16:30:00

Posts: 1153

Awesome! Im probobly going to see the movie soon, so I cant help till i see it! Il go see it and come back and see if i can help!2010-08-15 17:15:00

Posts: 1990

meh, sounds ok, but i wouldnt try to replicate EVERYTHING, i mean...in the game...PAUL ROBERTSON put his own touch in that game...and fans of his films will instantly notice (todd ingram was the one that made me smile the most having seen Paul Robertson's film "Kings of Power 4 Billion%") so yeah you shouldn't replicate the entire game...just go by what the books show and add a little bit of "you" in there2010-08-15 19:12:00

Posts: 3365

meh, sounds ok, but i wouldnt try to replicate EVERYTHING, i mean...in the game...PAUL ROBERTSON put his own touch in that game...and fans of his films will instantly notice (todd ingram was the one that made me smile the most having seen Paul Robertson's film "Kings of Power 4 Billion%") so yeah you shouldn't replicate the entire game...just go by what the books show and add a little bit of "you" in there

Oh of course. Plus, I'm planning something really cool for the Katayanagi Twins fight with vacuum material.
And a vegan meter for Todd. He's only vulnerable when his vegan meter's down.
2010-08-15 20:59:00

Posts: 1153

Can't wait fore the level I love the comic2010-09-13 00:11:00

Unknown User

now since theres already a game and your remaking it, i want you to do one thing. Dont make the enemy's block to much. thats the problem i had with the game, they blocked so much it was so annoying2010-09-13 00:28:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

Yeah, I'mma make my own version of this, like Gummybear. Good luck I guess.2010-09-13 11:51:00

Prince Pixelton
Posts: 286

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