Gough Whitlam
Archive: 6 posts
Edward Gough Whitlam, born 11 July 1916, was the twenty first Prime Minister of Australia. He was a member of the Australian Labor Party in which he helped lead into government after decades of Liberal rule. Gough Whitlam, as he was mostly known, spent his time as a government official in contribution to Australia's post war development. He proposed and established various policies showcasing his demands for social reform. Such policies varied from being mainly about the people of Australia, General Education amongst the children of Australia, the treatment of Aboriginals, and most importantly, Multiculturalism within Australia. Whitlam aimed to achieve high as a leading Prime Minister. One of his most noted works was the establishment of the aforementioned policies. Under his rule as PM, the government had made many changes. Gough Whitlam's main priority was that of the conscripted soldiers. With that in mind, he set out to end the conscription policy that was robbing mothers of their sons and their future, whatever that may be. Prime Minister Whitlam also had issues with the treatment of women in the industrial and economic world. He believed that equal pay for women was in order, if Australia was to ever eventually cancel out the issues of sexism from its firm roots. The government, under Mr Whitlam's control, also funded government and non-government schools in order to sprout the seeds of education within Australia, and let it flourish among its children. The government also provided resources and supplies to schools nationwide in order to better realize Gough Whitlam's dream of fair and equal education. Aboriginals, before the Labor Part ever came into power, were treated with little to no equality, even though Australia was rightfully their native land. After Whitlam came into power, he established a ministry for Aboriginal rights and affairs, which therefore provided helpful in the regaining of land rights to the Aboriginal people. Prime Minister Whitlam banished tertiary fees in order to attract more students to learn in universities around Australia. He also raised pensions to further suit the needs of Australian citizens. One of his more controversial acts, was that of the passing of the Family Law Act, which allowed women to divorce their husbands for no reason. This helped women escape terrible situations which were not filed under any violation of human rights. He also made a very large effort in banning racial and discriminatory actions, thus establishing Australia as a more multicultural and place, therefore attracting more migrants and increasing the country's population. After the aforementioned changes had been made official, Australia was a totally different place in the eyes of the average working class citizen. Prime Minister Gough's dedication had helped young men and women to enjoy the benefits of a great education. He has helped mothers feel secure about their sons' future. He has aided Aboriginals in recovering their stolen lands. He has helped women into equal pay withing the workplace. Truly, Whitlam changed the face of Australia. I couldn't access Microsoft Word in order to write my short essay, so I decided to use this forum to type up my essay, and check for spelling errors. So then I thought, should I just click Submit, it's not gonna hurt me...Eh, why the hell not! | 2008-10-19 10:44:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
That is too much to read. ![]() | 2008-10-19 10:56:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
Then just read the spoiler xD | 2008-10-19 11:00:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
God save the Queen because nothing will save the Governor General. Cheers QuozL | 2008-10-19 12:05:00 Author: QuozL ![]() Posts: 921 |
to much to read and spoilers don't open on my ps3 lol | 2008-10-19 12:14:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
to much to read and spoilers don't open on my ps3 lol Well here's what it says... "I couldn't access Microsoft Word in order to write my short essay, so I decided to use this forum to type up my essay, and check for spelling errors. So then I thought, should I just click Submit, it's not gonna hurt me...Eh, why the hell not!" | 2008-10-19 14:30:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
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