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Slot machine

Archive: 23 posts

"Slot machine" by Maniacolus

Yes, I've created a slot machine with 3 different prizes!
And I've made it possible for you to see the logic behind while playing too.

There are 2 combinations that will reward you and 1 combination that will harm you.

3 ducks = bubbles!
3 frogs = prize bubbles!
3 lobsters = bombs!

Oh, and be patient.


2010-08-14 03:50:00

Unknown User

Do you have any pics of it??
If so can you show it?
2010-08-14 03:53:00

Posts: 2442

No sorry. I actually don't know how to do that.2010-08-14 03:55:00

Unknown User

No sorry. I actually don't know how to do that.

If you have a PSP (I know, everyone got rid of them) it's really simple to export to the XMB, and then transfer to the PSP and then to the computer.
2010-08-14 04:03:00

Posts: 143

No sorry. I actually don't know how to do that.

In lbp take a picture of it(there is an option to do this in the sticker section)
when you take the pic go to the page that i think it says "my pictures" of the sticker section and look for your pic
when you find it press square in top of the pic and a little menu should pop up with various options
look for the option that says export to ps3 press that option
when the pic is exported go to the picture menu in your ps3 and save the pic in a usb flash drive
when it's saved in your flash drive insert the usb in your pc
when it's in go to this (tinypic.com) page to upload your pic
when you upload your pic copy the code that has the [img] thing and paste it in the reply thing here at the forum
post it and there you have it!!!

if you don't have a flash drive you can log in LBP central by using the internet browser in your ps3
and from there upload te image as an atachment
2010-08-14 04:06:00

Posts: 2442

Thanks alot! I'm gonna go take that picture then! brb...2010-08-14 04:08:00

Unknown User

Thanks alot! I'm gonna go take that picture then! brb...

You're welcome!!!
anytime you need help you know where to go!!!
2010-08-14 04:10:00

Posts: 2442

Theres a much easier way.

In LBP when you take a picture; press "Square" then "Upload to HDD"
Then go to your XMB and go to "Photo Gallery". Go to the picture and press Triangle and "Upload"

You can upload to Facebook or Picasa (Try Picasa out!) Or if you have a gmail account already; you'll automatically have a picasa account. and just upload it there!
Go to the image on your computer the press right click > Copy image location, then paste it here.

It's like a photobucket for the PS3 and I love it!
2010-08-14 04:12:00

Posts: 315

Is there a way to do it without a USB storage device? I seem to have misplaced it.........2010-08-14 04:20:00

Unknown User

Theres a much easier way.

In LBP when you take a picture; press "Square" then "Upload to HDD"
Then go to your XMB and go to "Photo Gallery". Go to the picture and press Triangle and "Upload"

You can upload to Facebook or Picasa (Try Picasa out!) Or if you have a gmail account already; you'll automatically have a picasa account. and just upload it there!
Go to the image on your computer the press right click > Copy image location, then paste it here.

It's like a photobucket for the PS3 and I love it!

Ah, thank you!

I haven't even downloaded that software for some reason... On it now! We'll have pictures in about 5 minutes!
2010-08-14 04:23:00

Unknown User



There you go!
2010-08-14 04:36:00

Unknown User

Awesome man!!!!
do you have in level??
2010-08-14 04:42:00

Posts: 2442

Awesome man!!!!
do you have in level??

Well, yeah. Search for "Slot machine" or search for my name; Maniacolus.
2010-08-14 04:43:00

Unknown User

Well, yeah. Search for "Slot machine" or search for my name; Maniacolus.
Awesome man!!!
I'll play it later!!
2010-08-14 04:45:00

Posts: 2442

Cool, thanks!2010-08-14 04:46:00

Unknown User

That looks splendid; I got to try that out!!2010-08-14 04:54:00

Posts: 315

Looks like a nice idea. Instead of emitting the icons you should put them on a solid block with a piston with flipper motion. This would give a better indication that the reels are rotating2010-08-15 01:08:00

Posts: 715

Looks like a nice idea. Instead of emitting the icons you should put them on a solid block with a piston with flipper motion. This would give a better indication that the reels are rotating

On a side note; what was the flipper motion meant for again?
I don't think I've ever used that feature..
2010-08-15 02:22:00

Posts: 315

Why do people never just link to the long tutorial I wrote for uploading pictures ?

Check it please, it's in my signature. I describe different ways to do it without a USB stick.

Well, awesome slot machine! I like the idea of death, bubbles, or prizes.
2010-08-15 03:08:00

Posts: 3251

On a side note; what was the flipper motion meant for again?
I don't think I've ever used that feature..

Flipper motion is a setting where it goes to one of the ends of the range and flips to the other instantly and then returns to the end at the specified speed. This is good for music and jump pads that work without sensor switches
2010-08-17 01:08:00

Posts: 715

thats A-LOT of logic how long did it take you to make?

anyways it looks awesome ill check it out tomorrow
2010-08-18 01:17:00

Posts: 376

thats A-LOT of logic how long did it take you to make?

anyways it looks awesome ill check it out tomorrow

It took one full day, but it's not quite perfect yet. It still needs some fine tuning. It works but it's not perfect.
2010-08-18 11:11:00

Unknown User

then tweek it up dude? lol, my logic is small, search up chain reaction and it should by by one of my names : gamerboy537 or bonhee12010-08-21 20:40:00

Posts: 54

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