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spIECL - (sack-portable Incendairy Explosive Cartrige Launcher)

Archive: 11 posts

So, I'm here to showcase my spIECL - (an AT4- style launcher).

It looks sweet, has reload animations, is fairly lightweight, and shoots an explosive fireball.


It is contained in a simple level (Search spIECL) with the logic visable, and some targets to shoot.


This is the logic in create

It contains the logic for 3 imputs - hold, tap, and double-tap. Holding causes you to reload (with logic to prevent you from reloading if you don't need to). Tapping fires (logic prevents you from firing while reloading). And double-tapping lets you raise or lower the launcher to shoot close or far targets.

Again, i have it published in a level for everyone to try out, have fun! (Search @Fishrock123 or spIECL)
(Feedback is very welcome!)

F4F: I will try to do any posted, but I do not guarantee same-day service.
2010-08-13 20:39:00

Posts: 1578

Looks nice. I'll have to give it a try later.2010-08-13 20:49:00

Posts: 2188

Looks like some hefty thinking took place behind that logic
The gun itself looks awesome and I really want to see it in action
2010-08-14 00:54:00

Posts: 715

Do you have that gun in a level?
if so i want to try it out!!!!
2010-08-14 00:56:00

Posts: 2442

Just played it, the thing looks pretty solid, i like it very nice job, gave it a 5 star, only one thing though, you should make a whole level with that thing2010-08-14 01:01:00

Posts: 2135

Looks like some hefty thinking took place behind that logic
The gun itself looks awesome and I really want to see it in action

Simpler than it looks, really. It's the hold/tap/2tap part that's complex.... Rest is a delay, a set-reset- emitter, an AND, a toggle, and... Something that I'm not sure what it's called (it's really simple though).

Do you have that gun in a level?
if so i want to try it out!!!!
Yes, search '@Fishrock123' or 'spIECL' and my level should show up.

Just played it, the thing looks pretty solid, i like it very nice job, gave it a 5 star, only one thing though, you should make a whole level with that thing

Maybe after I finish my upcoming level.... (Check the Logo on the target vehicle...)
2010-08-14 02:56:00

Posts: 1578

Nice looking launcher!
How is it that people can build so small?
I swear, I shrink detailed objects, cardboard goes invisible.
Try to emit it smaller, still goes invisible.

Then I look at the detail in Ayneh's creations, and I go insane
trying to figure out how he manages to get cardboard so small with out going invisible.


Well, after playing the level, I thought the launcher was smaller (XD),
but still. Lol.
2010-08-14 09:54:00

Posts: 195

Nice looking launcher!
How is it that people can build so small?
I swear, I shrink detailed objects, cardboard goes invisible.
Try to emit it smaller, still goes invisible.

Then I look at the detail in Ayneh's creations, and I go insane
trying to figure out how he manages to get cardboard so small with out going invisible.


Well, after playing the level, I thought the launcher was smaller (XD),
but still. Lol.

Cutouts, and a tiny bit of corner editing.... The launcher was never any bigger than it is now...

I dunno how to explain it, but if you add me I can try to show you...
2010-08-14 15:45:00

Posts: 1578

What you can do is make the object bigger, take a picture of it, slap it on some cardboard and corner edit it to match the sticker (pretty sure that's what Fishrock meant by "cutouts). That's how Ayneh did her Ak47 (I had to unsticker it to be sure).2010-08-14 18:47:00

Posts: 2188

What you can do is make the object bigger, take a picture of it, slap it on some cardboard and corner edit it to match the sticker (pretty sure that's what Fishrock meant by "cutouts). That's how Ayneh did his Ak47 (I had to unsticker it to be sure).

No, I mean cutouts the way Anyeh and Cin do their vehicles.

My IECL is can be taken apart into some 10 or so parts.
2010-08-14 21:16:00

Posts: 1578

Cutouts, and a tiny bit of corner editing.... The launcher was never any bigger than it is now...
I dunno how to explain it, but if you add me I can try to show you...

Ahh, ok, sure, add me up, always looking for friends to create with. (:

What you can do is make the object bigger, take a picture of it, slap it on some cardboard and corner edit it to match the sticker (pretty sure that's what Fishrock meant by "cutouts). That's how Ayneh did her Ak47 (I had to unsticker it to be sure).

Ohh really? I guess I should have tried that out. XD
2010-08-14 23:38:00

Posts: 195

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