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Explosion-Powered Car... with a turret!

Archive: 3 posts

OBJECT NAME: Explosion powered car
LEVEL NAME: Explosion powered car - by SnackboyLBP
OTHER: My second object... have fun!
It has a turret, explosion powered movement, and motor bolt powered movement! in other words its a 3 player vehicle! yaay!
The scoreboard is on the opposite side of the level
Have fun, and if u did, please hearts and rate accordingly!
constructive criticism along with mean criticism appreciated, lol
2010-08-13 16:49:00

Posts: 155

Fun to use
Original too, don't listen to joskus.
2010-08-14 14:54:00

Posts: 128

If only the turret was exposion powered..2010-08-16 18:19:00

bob is named bob
Posts: 64

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