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A Bipedal Mech

Archive: 3 posts

I made a walking, two-legged mech which is perfectly balanced on flat terrain. It uses no downloaded packs besides the free Creator Pack 1, so anyone can unlock and use it. I have several interchangeable guns for the mech, and I have invented a deceptively simple "trigger" mechanic to fire the specific gun you have equipped with a single switch.

Everything for my mech is unlockable, including the guns, and I have problem with anyone modifiying my mech as long as you give me some credit for building it. I also usually accept gun suggestions. The level's name is "MK2 Mech".
2010-08-12 18:57:00

Unknown User

I dont really know how to judge this mech without seeing it so but it sounds pretty awesome, i gotta see this2010-08-13 06:50:00

Posts: 2135

Sounds pretty impressive with interchangable Weapons is there one on each arm or is there just one at the front?2010-08-14 00:59:00

Posts: 715

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