Journey of a Thousand Inches
Archive: 2 posts
Journey of a Thousand InchesRasumii This level is better than all of my other levels. It changes scenes throughout the level. First comes a temple, then a jungle, and finally a winter part. Had to cut level short because Thermo got too high. This is my first well created level. All my other levels weren't that great. Anyway this level starts out in a temple that has traps. This part would be the hardest out of the three, and the gems hidden in this level aren't that hard to find except the red diamond. Then after you find a teleporter that teleports you to a jungle. The Jungle is dangerous and has a plant monster that lies in wait. After you do all the Jungle stuff, comes a winter part. This part I think has the best music out of all of the places. Anyway it snows and you have to find the Ice King. If you have the old littlebignetwork sticker, use it on the checkpoint on the snowmans hand. (Keep in mind that this is an extra part only LBN people can access.) There is a battleground for paint fights. There are forts and a paintinator in the middle of the battlefield. On to the main story part. You find the Ice King, but he teleports you to a place where you get to choose your next destination. You could go straight to the end, play a minigame, see the people who helped create the level, or get prizes depending on how many gems you have found. Anyway I hope you have a fun time playing my level and tell me what you think! | 2010-08-12 16:59:00 Author: Rasumii ![]() Posts: 63 |
I love the feautures at the end where you choose 4 options! haha. But I did get annoyed at 2 parts. 1 is when you have to jump from the logs. It was tough to get on the second set of logs, and the 2nd one is the jumping electricity thing. Kind of far spawn especially if you die from the last part >.< The level is well made and different (which I love) +Hearted and 5 starred. As a F4F favor; please try out my new "pollen maiden" mini-game! ty | 2010-08-12 18:33:00 Author: Count ![]() Posts: 315 |
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