The Ultra-Sack Series!
Archive: 1 post
The Ultra-Sack Series!arklon http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultraconfrontation.jpgMy ungoing super hero series which follows the adventures of Ultra-Sack as he battles to save LBP from the forces of evil. A light bubbly comical series poking fun at comic books and super heroes. Howdy guys I thought I would make a thread for a series I have got going called Ultra-sack. So far there are three adventure levels and one survival level in the series. I decided just to make one big thread for them all other then just make three seperate threads heh. Ultra-Sack episode 42: A Dark Plot! This is the first level in my series and was one of my early levels where I was just learning to make decent levels but this still remains one of my favorites and follows Ultra-sack as he tries to stop a horrible plot hatched by his Nemises Baron Von Bear. http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultracity.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultrachopper.jpg Adventures of Ultra-Sack: The rise of Creator Chaos! The second adventure has Ultra-Sack trapped in an alternate world created by sinister new villian and he finds himself having to join forces with his Nemises Baron Von Bear in order to escape and foil a sinister new plot! http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultra-sackcopter.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultra-sack2gargoyle.jpg Adventures of Ultra-Sack: Till Death Do We Join! The Third adventure of Ultra-Sack has him fighting the morbid Suicidal Twit who has gotten his hands on some kind of doomsday device and its up to Ultra-Sack to stop him before he manages to use it and pull off the biggest murder/suicide in history! http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultralodge.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultrasewers.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultramobile.jpg The Ultra- Sack Bomb Survival Challenge! I had been dying to make a Ultra-Sack Mini-game and I ended up making this odd and very difficult Survival Challenge. Its set up as a virtual training exorcise and the gameplay of the level itself is set up after the old Atari game where you had to catch bombs dropped by an escaped convict. If you wanna check this one out its on a seperate PSN called Ultra-Sack http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ulter-sacksupercomputer.jpg http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll67/James112_photo/ultra-sacksurvivor.jpg | 2010-08-11 15:07:00 Author: arklon ![]() Posts: 33 |
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