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Just a unique use of the three-dee glitch. In my level telescopic. I got 3d coming from the background into the playing area that can kill you and then continue out into the for ground. Basically you build the bullet/projectile in every layer. Then you emit them sequentially. I got like a white and red rectangle that starts in the back and emits off itself tot he next layer until it reaches the playing field. where it emits a gas and produces a sound. then continues into the foreground emitting the white and red rectangles again.

I use the same principle in reverse order starting in the playing filed. I have a cannon that shoots into the background layers. on the final layer that emits back i have a key that can activate a key switch if it hits the enemy. Where the enemy is equipped with key switches to detect hits.

my limitations is that in the background layers you cannot have overlapping movement, so i make my can shot out of gas with with a decoration on it. which give a pretty good effect.

as my friend noted if you designed enemies in the background using all invisible gass and decorations you can have lots of overlapping movement. with enemies in different layers (then you would need to emit different color keys in different layers to track hits in different layers.).

i made a simple application using the effect but can see using the effect in much more complexity.

i had them emitting off of each other so in the end i only had one emitter in level per 3d shot. But my friend suggested giving each layer of a single 3-d shot its own emitter and then you can have greater control of the speed of the 3d-shot by using a piston with the a key activating them in order (of course then you will have to refine the length of emittion when adjusting the speed, resulting in a more complicated process but gives you the ability to tweak the speed afterwords). This differes from my telescoping set up where i have it move one layer each time it emits so the speed is fixed after creation (i had tried different speeds by moving one layer at a time verses three layers at a time. this can be seen in my level as the projectiles coming at you are one layer and your cannons that shoot back shoot three layer projectiles and move much faster than what is coming at you.)
2010-08-10 23:02:00

Posts: 384

Do you have anything published for us to see this?2010-08-11 17:31:00

Posts: 143

I didn't think you could put decorations on gas???2010-08-11 18:19:00

Posts: 5338

I didn't think you could put decorations on gas???

I was thinking the same thing, but I was more curious about seeing what this concept looked like.
2010-08-11 19:23:00

Posts: 143

Do you have anything published for us to see this?
you can search my psn "deboerdave" to find it ... telescopic (survival challenge)
also i put a thread on the level showcase if any feedback on the level itself here:
telescopic (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32772-telescopic)

I didn't think you could put decorations on gas???

you cant put the decorations directly on gas but you can put switches and logic keys on gas and can put decorations on those.
so if you use thin gas which is invisible and put a red key or something like that then you can set it to invisible and place decorations on it.
a friend had that set up in their level i was looking at.
2010-08-11 20:48:00

Posts: 384

A friend = Jaeyden?

He showed me the other day, but I completely forgot. Nice workaround.
2010-08-11 20:52:00

Posts: 5338

you cant put the decorations directly on gas but you can put switches and logic keys on gas and can put decorations on those.
so if you use thin gas which is invisible and put a red key or something like that then you can set it to invisible and place decorations on it.
a friend had that set up in their level i was looking at.

That's pretty smart. I don't usually use gas because I hate the sound effects with it. Hopefully LBP2 gives an option to make something silent.
2010-08-11 21:09:00

Posts: 143

@ comphermc ... yeah that was Jaeyden that showed me too

@ Rottinghouse ... i dont recall noticing gas making noise except on death by gas (maybe i am mistaken), but anyways i have you seen the thin gas object someone made. it is completely invisible and editable. and takes up a thin layer. i have found it quite useful for forcing the play to not be able to switch layers and for my custom music tracker to mount speakers on it and let it follow you.
2010-08-11 21:32:00

Posts: 384

It makes a buzzing fly noise, I used it for clouds in "Haunted Zombie Adventure", but I don't use it very often at all. I try not to used glitched items either because I'm worried they won't work in LBP2... although I do like the "mirror glass" even though that's not much of a glitch.2010-08-11 22:24:00

Posts: 143

I was actually thinking of using this effect for something much simpler - a long tunnel lighting up or growing dark.

Sounds like you've put the 3D to really good use and neat effect - I'll have to check it out.

By the way - how do you make thin gas - that would have been helpful in my last level.
2010-08-11 23:29:00

Posts: 1230

you cant put the decorations directly on gas but you can put switches and logic keys on gas and can put decorations on those.

That's freakin' brilliant!!
2010-08-12 09:45:00

Posts: 2188

I was actually thinking of using this effect for something much simpler - a long tunnel lighting up or growing dark.

Sounds like you've put the 3D to really good use and neat effect - I'll have to check it out.

By the way - how do you make thin gas - that would have been helpful in my last level.

i dont know how to make it. i got it from someone else while in co-create. but you can probably do a search for it or find it in a glitch material levl.
2010-08-12 20:49:00

Posts: 384

I was thinking is there a way to do this productivley because I had the same idea with a bowling alley

I'll be sure to check it out
2010-08-17 01:16:00

Posts: 715

I was actually thinking of using this effect for something much simpler - a long tunnel lighting up or growing dark.

Sounds like you've put the 3D to really good use and neat effect - I'll have to check it out.

By the way - how do you make thin gas - that would have been helpful in my last level.

I now for a fact that Aya042 has thin gas as a prize in his "Garden of Goodies" level.
2010-08-17 03:03:00

Posts: 387

great idea 2010-08-17 08:40:00

Posts: 775

I was thinking is there a way to do this productivley because I had the same idea with a bowling alley

I'll be sure to check it out

i think you could make a few different objects to make a ball go into the background, like one straight , one curve left and one curve right; and then be able to move a slider with the emmiteres on it to aim the shot. But as far as it hitting a selection of pins and making them fall into each other would be quite tricky (maybe they could be made of disolve in different layers and just disappear but a system to set off chain reactions would take quite a bit of thought.). Another note about emiters is they have that gass that lingers after it disappears unless you use glass. In my example the rectangle shots coming at you are made of glass so they dont give off that effect.
2010-08-17 20:37:00

Posts: 384

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