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Jump from too high and you die!

Archive: 17 posts

It always bothered me for some reason that you could jump from the top of the level and survive without a scratch so I fixed that! I have to pistons set to flipper motion. On one piston is the key and on the other is the switch. Each is set to a different proximity switch. The idea is that if you are going fast enough the two proximity will be activated close enough together that the key will activate the switch that emit's a piece of gas just long enough to kill you when you hit the ground! So because you go faster the higher you fall from causes the switch to activate! The farther you move the proximity switch's from each other determines how high you can survive the jump! Kinda hard to explain so I might just make a level displaying this. Tell me what you think about this! Thanks!!!!!2010-08-09 23:49:00

Posts: 385

Nice idea, but I personally would squish sackboy instead of gassing him. You can do that by emitting something invisible and heavy or on a plunger or something to squish him.2010-08-10 01:20:00

Posts: 2188

I'm still playing around with the idea so nothings permanent.2010-08-10 01:22:00

Posts: 385

Nice idea, but I personally would squish sackboy instead of gassing him. You can do that by emitting something invisible and heavy or on a plunger or something to squish him.

Do you get killed when you hit the bottom? If so, you could use pistons attached to blocks in avrious ways to also squish sackboy, maybe even by using invisible materials (such as dragon matter)
2010-08-10 05:13:00

Posts: 1578

I'm actually using that system for my lvl Great minds think alike no? 2010-08-10 07:20:00

Posts: 564

I'm actually using that system for my lvl Great minds think alike no?

I guess so
2010-08-10 18:32:00

Posts: 385

Sounds a good little idea! Congrats on working a system out that measures your speed

you should get the community in on this which would spark up loads of realistic parlour levels. I myself have done a mirrors edge level and think that with this idea it might have some competition
2010-08-17 23:56:00

Posts: 715

I've also found it peculiar how Sackboy manages such bone-crushing falls without any pain. The closest I see to death by falling is if you get flung into the ground really fast, and his head shakes violently.

I'm curious as to how you managed to get the whole system to follow sackboy left and right. Is that using a horizontal sackboy tracker as well? Pictures/demonstration level would be nice.
2010-08-24 05:43:00

Posts: 25

I've also found it peculiar how Sackboy manages such bone-crushing falls without any pain. The closest I see to death by falling is if you get flung into the ground really fast, and his head shakes violently.

Sackboy does not have bones, therefore he survives.
2010-08-24 14:41:00

Posts: 342

Very Very interesting and brilliant well done2010-08-24 23:34:00

Posts: 32

thats a good idea !!!2010-08-25 02:35:00

Posts: 197

Realistically speaking, sackboy is no more than a stuffed animal; if you threw a teddy bear off of a 5 story building, it would be fine right? Concept-wise, I have always liked the idea of a real-to-life impact > Way to go!2010-08-28 22:37:00

Unknown User

I found out measurements of the level bounderies. Since sackboy is 8cm high, and when you go to small grid mode one grid is 2cm. 2cm times 50 is 100cm. 100cm=1 meter. There are 23ish meters from side to side. Top to bottom is half. So I guess you could use math.2010-08-28 23:55:00

Unknown User

thats a cool idea...i never thought of doing that.

i always put gas, fire or electric if you fall.
2010-08-31 14:33:00

Dazzle Eyes
Posts: 35

I would like to see if you can make a sackbot that would make a spine crackling noise and bounce off the floor, technically dead because you cant move him. Maybe you can make the spine crackling by magic mouths.2011-06-29 11:50:00

Unknown User

I'm actually using that system for my lvl Great minds think alike no?

I always thought that great minds think for themselves
2011-06-29 23:20:00

Posts: 52

Just an idea, wouldn't making an invisible concertina that the sackboy falls into work? He falls into a narrow V shape and squashes to death.

Could be emited when on high ground and destroyed when on low ground. Would be hard to make a level around the system but I think it is a good mechanical method.
2011-07-18 12:37:00

Unknown User

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