Help with save files!
Archive: 3 posts
Alright, so I went to show my friend a different save file, but I forgot that I last backed up my main save 3 days ago. I spent all of last night working really hard on a level, and I just lost it. But, I see that in my game data utility folder, my save from 4:07 AM ( ![]() I can't get that one to load. Argh. it always loads up the back up I had. Help me? :star: | 2010-08-09 21:16:00 Author: littlebigmeteor ![]() Posts: 396 |
But, I see that in my game data utility folder, my save from 4:07 AM (![]() I can't get that one to load. Argh. it always loads up the back up I had. Help me? :star: The timestamp on your profile in the Game Data Utility can be misleading, since (if it's anything like the Save Data one) it refers to the timestamp on the directory that the profile is stored in, which isn't necessarily updated every time the profile updates. If you've done a "Restore Profile" over the top of your main profile, and have no other backup, then there's no way to recover it. | 2010-08-09 21:28:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Alright, thank you. I guess I'll just have to start over. ![]() You can lock this now. ![]() | 2010-08-09 21:38:00 Author: littlebigmeteor ![]() Posts: 396 |
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