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Formula One (F1)

Archive: 8 posts

Hey fellow sackboys and sackgirls , thought I'd see what's everyone's ideas on formula one is personally this year has been one of the more exciting F1 especially with the ending climax that is to see if Hamilton will hold his nerve to win the title that eluded him last year.

What are your ideas on F1? How could it be improved? Favorite drivers/teams? And if you don't like it why ?
2008-10-18 02:47:00

Posts: 447

Motorsport of any kind is one of my main passions in life, I was 6 months old when my Dad took me to my first F1 race This season has been exciting but I really wish they would just let them race and leave all the rubbish out of the stewards room.

Cheers QuozL
2008-10-18 03:08:00

Posts: 921

Motorsport of any kind is one of my main passions in life, I was 6 months old when my Dad took me to my first F1 race This season has been exciting but I really wish they would just let them race and leave all the rubbish out of the stewards room.

Cheers QuozL

Oh cool which race did you go to??? Yeah the stewards have had quite a big say nwadays and kind of have molded the season but with two races to go I would just love to see driver against driver and see how they stack up. Any personal favorites QuozL : Past or Present?
2008-10-18 03:19:00

Posts: 447

Louis Hamilton FTW!2008-10-18 03:23:00

Posts: 3154

I may be from the States, and I may be from Texas, but oddly enough, I'm a pretty big F1 fan. And consequently, Ferrari, as well. But yeah, Hamilton is a very remarkable driver. But I've gotta say that I like Massa. I really wasn't that familiar with him until he made the Ferrari #2 slot, and I was rather surprised at their choice. But these last couple years, he's really been doing an outstanding job. (Again, it's sometimes difficult to tell which driver is in which slot.)

F1 really has become a lot more interesting the past couple seasons. I guess it's because the playing field is a lot more level. And so the predictability of previous years has gone out the window. But hey, all the better if you're a fan!
2008-10-18 05:32:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

yea true true and Louis Hamilton is good to be the first black driver also

but this f1 looks alot closer then the past 2
2008-10-18 05:34:00

Posts: 3154

Oh cool which race did you go to??? Yeah the stewards have had quite a big say nwadays and kind of have molded the season but with two races to go I would just love to see driver against driver and see how they stack up. Any personal favorites QuozL : Past or Present?

It was the 1965 British Grand Prix at Siverstone won by Jim Clark. As for favourite drivers, Fangio, Moss, Clark, Denny Hulme, Jack Brabham, Lauda, Mansell, Prost, Senna, Rene Arnoux, Schumi, Irvine, Rubens for being a true gentleman and from the past couple of seasons Alonso (though he can be a prat), Glock, Vettel, Kimi (Mr personality but man can the dude party away from the track), Hamilton (though he needs to pull his head in lately).

Other than that I am a mad rally fan and Marti and I regularly take part in tarmac rallies here in this


Cheers QuozL
2008-10-18 05:48:00

Posts: 921

I'm also a really big motorsport fan, though lean more heavily towards things with 2 wheels, WSBK being my favorite. For F1, I'm throwing my bets behind Lewis Hamilton. He's an impressive driver and his consistency has been good. Plus, he's from the UK too, so, you know.2008-10-18 07:42:00

Posts: 1084

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