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A (Big) List

Archive: 30 posts

Hi. It's me, Cell! I thought I might tell you all about what I would like to see added in LBP PSP sometime soon.

1. Customizable My Pod
The area where you can dress up your sackperson is not an acceptable excuse for a My Pod. Adding a My Pod would add an extra sense of creativity to the game. Whatever though. I made an acceptable My Pod on my PSP, so I guess that's good enough for now.

2. Decorations
What happened? Decorations were completely omitted without any good reason! This was unexcusable.

3. Camera Utilization
On the PS3, a large amount of creativity comes from the ability to take pictures of things in real life. The PSP camera could be used to do the same, but with an even larger variety of what you could do with it, such as taking pictures outside! It is a good idea, no?

4. Snapshots
I reminded myself of the Screenshot ability on the PS3 while writing #3. This could come in handy too! Especially Photo Booths. It would be fun!

5. Water
This is a big one. Water would come in very handy though! It doesn't have to be a technical marvel of graphics! And if physics become a problem, why not simply make it as if it were Super Mario Bros. on NES? It sounds good to me!

6. More Character Enhancements
Only a Jetpack? Come on! Add some new things, like a Tetherless Jetpack!

7. The Paintinator
I know this probably falls under the same category as the previous one, but I felt I needed to expand on this. The Paintinator is very useful in LBP on PS3. Making a variety of it on the PSP would be very smart. If control is a problem, why not use L and the analog stick or DPad to aim? L is never used in the game after all (aside from menus)!

8. Favorite Color
This isn't really iffy, but on the PS3 it allowed you to change the color of score bubbles and clothing items, and even your Popit. It would be nice to incorporate this feature in the PSP game.

9. Stickering your Sackperson
Mainly for the same reasons as #8.

10. Multiplayer
Okay, I know that Cambridge said that it was impossible, but recently I heard that multiplayer will most likely be coming in a future patch due to new techniques in memory conservation. Multiplayer is a big part of LBP PS3, so it would help a lot on the PSP. Voice and text chat with it would be great as well!
11: Lighting
Nuff said.

12: Weather
This might be a bit hard to understand. I mean like, rain or snow or similar things.

13. Shockbombs and Explosives
Now for most situations, Shockbombs and Micro Bombs will work just fine. However, the normal PS3 variety, Explosives, can destroy parts of weaker material, a feature that the Shockbomb does not have. Having both Shockbombs and Explosives would make for some interesting levels. By the way, an easy way to differentiate the two:
Shockbomb: Blue Icon
Explosive: Red Icon

14. Music options
One of the cool things about LBP PS3 is the ability to mess with most music tracks, changing what parts play and what parts don't. This feature was removed in LBP PSP, and this hurts some tracks, especially the DLC PS3 music. This would not be a bad feature.

15. Some DLC Ideas
Or rather, just one. One word: MediEvil. Why doesn't a DLC pack for MediEvil exist yet? It was one of Sony Cambridge's best games, and would make a good DLC pack. Things that could/should be included if they ever do it are:
A night background
Music tracks from MediEvil I and II
Daniel Fortesque costume
Sword Character Enchancement

I can already imagine it...Tell me, am I drooling?

16. Sackbots
Alright alright, I know that it's LBP PSP, not LBP 2, but a simple variety of the Sackbot wouldn't hurt at all. Not having the microchips or anything, just simple behaviors and the ability to dress them up like Sackboy. The Creature Brains are hard to work with.

17. Resizable Tools Bag/Premade Objects
The fact that you can't resize objects like the Magic Eyes, Magic Mouths, Creature Brains or any sort of Switch is really annoying. What fun is a little Magic Eye that's almost microscopic on a huge character?

18. Stickerable Magic Mouths
This is really self-explanatory.

Well, that's all for today. Please feel free to post about these suggestions and post your own!
2010-08-09 05:06:00

Posts: 102

Yay a post to talk about things Thanks for this! i agree with everything you said, with the water they could easly do that just by making sackboy move like he it swimming in a blue clear material its not like waters that big.2010-08-09 05:27:00

Posts: 1668

Thanks, Sketch! That means a lot, it really does.2010-08-09 05:40:00

Posts: 102

Not a problem. you talked about the paintinator on the other thred and that would be realy cool but if thats not possable they could just make a sword that works like the paintinator so you could bash down wall and stuff 2010-08-09 05:50:00

Posts: 1668

Rain and other things wouldn't hurt either...Hmm.2010-08-09 06:22:00

Posts: 102

I have another thing to add to the list Magic mouth colour change and resize2010-08-09 06:39:00

Posts: 1668

How about resizing switches?2010-08-09 07:06:00

Posts: 840

How about resizing switches?

I think they should let us resize objects and tools. The ability to change the color of the pop-it and sackboys zipper would be great.
I thought about weather back in January, but I didn't know about this site then and forgot to post it when I did. I see that it is possible, but rain, hail, and snow can be created by emitters that only emitt when sackboy is near(proximity switches).
The only lighting possible(in my eyes), is the global lighting. I believe that fog is possible, and hue, color scheme, and the night/day can definitely be done. They said that fancy lighting isn't possible, as in physical light objects. I believe that they could make fancy lighting but I also see why they aren't implementing it into the game(it is way to complicated to explain). Neon materials could "replace" lights because neon material(or glowing material) dosn't "emit" light(if you see what I mean).
I think that they could implement water into the game even if it has to be low quality(I don't think anyone cares).
The paintinator dosn't seem possible, until they let us sticker the sides of materials(if they ever let us).
I never heard about multiplayer actualy being posible, but i thought it would be posible from the begining(even if it takes up 1gb of space, i dont care).
That pretty much covers what is in the OP.

So as a sum(in mythbusters terms for what is possible)
Water: plausible
Paintinator: busted
Global lighting: confirmed
Fancy lighting: busted
Resizing objects and tools: plausible
Changing the color of things: confirmed
Multiplayer: plausible

Waiting for someone to read the longest post I have ever posted,
2010-08-09 17:47:00

Posts: 2333


I'm just kidding. Anyway, wasn't there a bunch of tutorial videos showing global lighting among other things that weren't used? It might help if someone could post that.

The emitters thing could be done, but it would take a bunch of wiring. I'll try this without the sensor switches and see what I get.

What really sucks is the fact that there isn't anybackground whatsoever that has a plain night setting. A Blank Background with black instead of blue sky would work fine!

Magic Eyes need some work done on them, they need to be rezizable and have a larger range of detection.

Gotta add this stuff now.
2010-08-12 22:42:00

Posts: 102

Nice suggestions, tho you're pretty much asking LBP PS3 on PSP m8, and I just don't think the game can handle it. 2010-08-12 22:48:00

Posts: 6707

Well, that's true.2010-08-12 23:00:00

Posts: 102

I think everything what you said is what LBP PSP needs.2010-08-12 23:27:00

Posts: 734

I think everything what you said is what LBP PSP needs.

I completely agree with you. I garentee that water is possible and we will see it. If we don't, we all should pelt acecreator with soggy apricots.
2010-08-13 02:32:00

Posts: 2333

I Think they should make a shape that you can turn into water. so you get a big squere, go to Tweak mode, select water, select water colour and done! easy.2010-08-13 03:52:00

Posts: 1668

The way water was handled in the PS3 was just stupid. You should be able to spawn water like a material, or do something similar to what Sketch said.

Anyone here know what MediEvil is?
2010-08-13 04:16:00

Posts: 102

MediEvil the ps1 game?2010-08-13 05:03:00

Posts: 1668

Thats the one. Best PS1 game ever made IMO. It was developed by Sony Cambridge, which is why I think it would make an awesome LBP pack.2010-08-13 05:41:00

Posts: 102

I have played it, it was awsome game.2010-08-13 10:54:00

Posts: 734

good ideas it would b cool if theyd put attachable objects n lighting 2 it would be awesome 2 bad i cant play ma psp got broken planning on buying another one soon ... got so many ideas ...2010-08-29 08:24:00

Posts: 41

I really want multiplayer. It would make LBP PSP so much more EPIC. Do you guys think they'll make the fourth button on my pod a multiplayer button?2010-08-31 20:09:00

Posts: 1328

I really want multiplayer. It would make LBP PSP so much more EPIC. Do you guys think they'll make the fourth button on my pod a multiplayer button?

I think they will make multiplayer, cause medal of honor heroes 1/2 is multiplayer, and its a old game...
I got it and multiplayer works really good so why not lbp multi?
2010-09-01 07:11:00

Posts: 4

Even the Nintendo Ds game can have 4 player online and thats a big game and its on the Ds! the did say it was going to be multiplayer when they were making it and then we got the new's that they were removing it. i was so hoping it was going to be multiplayer2010-09-01 07:40:00

Posts: 1668

Guys LittleBigPlanet is already trying it's hardest to even turn on. Imagine how unstable it will be with only two people in a level. AND NEVER COMPARE MEDAL OF HONOR TO LITTLEBIGPLANET!!! Did you ever play Euphoric Physics? Try doing that on your shoddy hit-detection, graphically shamefull game's engine and watch your psp burst to flames. For PSP standards this game should have exploded by now. This game surpasses every other PSP game in all aspects and if you guys would stop complaining for a second you would see what a wonderful job Cambridge and MM did with all the limitations of the PSP. So Cambridge, thanks for giving us such a great game. I truly appreciate all your hard work.

2010-09-01 08:13:00

Posts: 211

Well, of course I want multiplayer, but no doubt it may be too big for PSP.

What I am waiting for is Medievil Pack and more character enhancements... Global Lighting and Water will too come in handy...

2010-09-01 08:19:00

Posts: 174

Im not Complaining at all i am just saying multiplayer is fun. Its not like i said the game is nothing without 2 player mode.2010-09-01 08:21:00

Posts: 1668

My point is that do you think they didn't try putting water/lighting? MedEvil Pack sounds cool though! 2010-09-01 08:55:00

Posts: 211

when did i say that they didn't try?2010-09-01 09:01:00

Posts: 1668

When did you say they did?
Lack of evidence is evidence lacking.
2010-09-01 09:07:00

Posts: 211

When did you say they did?
Lack of evidence is evidence lacking.

ill tell you when, when i played this level and liked it so much i created some awsome levels and also called it the best psp game ever.
2010-09-01 09:14:00

Posts: 1668

What we should do now is just wait for cambridge to announce something new. because if we are like 'omg water will maybe come out! omg or maybe multi or maybe much new'! and if it never come out, u will be unhappy, so just wait...patience...2010-09-02 09:23:00

Posts: 4

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