Comments on levels by people who did not play them?
Archive: 22 posts
I noticed all smap posting saying play my level or H4H are done by people that do not even show up on my score board. I have a level that is a race around the world, just made it, and as long as you make it even once around the earth you will have a pretty good score, well only a couple people even have a score, and their scores are in the hundreds vs several thousands for making one loop. THey leave comments like loved you level, play mine...but if their name does not even exist on the scoreboard did they even play it? I feel like I should play a person's level if they took the time to beat mine too, but it seems like with no score, they are just spamming the level. Sure a comment like good level is nice, but if there is no proof they played it, then it just spam. Am I just being to hard on the people posting "play my level" posts on my level comments? It should be added that when a person did get a great score on my level I did take time to play their levels too as a thanks especially if they did not leave the cliche' P4P type message. Also what do you all do if you are busy creating a level and someone who added you as a friend feeps requesting to join? I feel rude ignoring them, but I am clearly designing a level. I wish they could put a stealth mode in or auto message in LBP2 when one is in design mode. I have had major errors in my levels design occur just because of the pop up or the lag from a person joining. The level OK Space Accident had the second half collapse because a person joined while I was doing the last touch right before publishing. | 2010-08-08 18:34:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
First of all, I think this should be moved to the "Everything Else Little Big Planet" Section. And if I am right, then don't worry, a mod will move it for you. I do not have any levels out yet, so I cannot say much about the P4P. It is quite silly and rude to just leave a comment without playing the level, so... When I go into the comments section I often just praise the level and leave eventual feedback on glitches I find, and I also ignore all the other comments containing everything from H4H to oysters. There is an auto reject function where you can press start, go to settings, profile settings and then there will be the option to auto reject. No one will bother you, unless they begin to send invites instead :/ | 2010-08-08 18:45:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
Thanks I just set it to auto reject. I just wish it had an option to display a message like , "Sorry working on a level right now, will be free later." Of course I send people that message then they send me envites, but they just kept sending them or I would accidently click the accept because it appeared while I was not expecting it. | 2010-08-08 20:34:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
I ask people to play my levels in the comments section A LOT, but it is just because there is no way to advertise them. I just don't feel right about just leaving a, play my level comment, so I always play through their levels first. | 2010-08-08 21:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I ask people to play my levels in the comments section A LOT, but it is just because there is no way to advertise them. I just don't feel right about just leaving a, play my level comment, so I always play through their levels first. Uh hum. Anyone remember the Level Showcase forum? ![]() | 2010-08-08 22:01:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
yeah i dont comment on a level unless iv played it. if i cant complete it due to difficulty i might leave a comment praising that the level has a lot of challenge. if i cant complete a level because its broken and clearly not play tested all that well, like when something falls apart that shouldnt and you cant go any further or the stairs are too big or something....i probably wont leave much of a comment, i might ask why on earth such a broken level though | 2010-08-08 23:11:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
The level of mine that crashed this last week right when I was publishing it because (I think because of a rewind glitch with the person that was sending me several envites in a row). Well I finally got one play, and I got the usual majoc one star with no comment, and no completed score, so I played it again (I had just played it before I pblished it), and found that the second half of the level had collapsed on the first half. Lucky my back up was still fine, so I just published over, but it would have been nice to know there was a glitch. I am always nice enough to leave comments like that or about sensors they may have forgotten to hide. I wish it kept a better record of plays, or possibly a record of star ratings too. The level I published this week had one play for two people, they finished the level twice, gave it 5 stars, but then the very next person gave it one star and left the comment boring, but they did not score or finish the level at all, but now I am off topic. I just wish you could tell if a person played your level when they spam you with a message like, "good level, come play mine." Because all I see is the fact they don't have their name on my level scoreboard, so either they didn't play my level, or did not feel like completing it, which would imply it was in fact not good. ![]() | 2010-08-09 01:26:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Moving this to everything Else LBP. But yeah, those people will not have finished your level, therefore not be on your scoreboard. Just ignore it as best you can. There are load of H4Hers and "play my lvl plz" self-promoters out there. Just keep being a responsible player yourself. I've seen worse comments (in terms of being unrelated to the level) on peoples levels that those you've mentioned. You know, as for your wish for an instant reply along the lines of "sorry, can't play now", why not update your psn status when you're going online to work on a level. As in "Busy creatin' - plz do not disturb ![]() | 2010-08-09 03:29:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
Uh hum. Anyone remember the Level Showcase forum? ![]() Not everyone is on LBPC, and even when people do put their level on that forum, some just don't get noticed. | 2010-08-09 04:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for moving it the post. I went and updated my status, but still ended up getting slammed with join requests, and once more it was right when I was testing out something on a new level, so it almost removed the rewind ability to undo the play test. Oh well, just hope LBP2 has a nicer way of blocking request, like an out of the office message or such. As for tags on levels, the one I worked the hardest on, that filled the meter completely even with using the corner edit tool to remove ever extra edge in every section of the level to fit it in, I got two tags, the short one, which really bugged me, it is a whole city, with an underground trolley, and the other that was on it was rubbish, which could have been their opinion, but it seemed a bit harsh. There are pics of the level in the promotion section under OK Choice, I swear it is not rubbishable, I hope they are just little big haters, and not really meaning it. | 2010-08-09 04:46:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
You need to update your status AND put on auto-reject. That way, you're not going to get ANY join requests. The only thing they can do is contact you via psn message, adn that won't mess with your testing at all. And about the tags... don't stress over it. I've seen the most brilliant levels tagged as Boring or Rubbish. Some people tag out of jealousy, some hit them randomly. Yes, it's wrong. Post your level in the Level Showcase and see what the folks here have to say about it. If you're proud of what you've done, that's the most important thing. Not everyone is on LBPC, and even when people do put their level on that forum, some just don't get noticed. True. But you've got a better chance of getting your levels played if you do F4F and actively go out and play others' F4F levels first, then direct them to yours. | 2010-08-09 05:12:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
The sad thing is I went and set the auto-reject and placed a message on my profile saying "busy working on level" and I still got hit up by my friend to play. Not sure how, but was sent join requess until it messed up what I was doing and I just quit the level and join the game. | 2010-08-09 17:45:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
I usually only take the advice from the people that left a decent level, if I cant find any support on my level comments, I go back to my level thread here. | 2010-08-09 21:59:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Yeah I tried playing other peoples and giving them advice, playing online can get ba with lag on the more full levels, or you can have the people that can't really play a level, die over and over until you are the only one left, then they try to get you to follow them to another game. I do laugh when it happens but it can get a bit old if it happens several times in a row. I tried posting on the LBP workshop forum, but only got one reply from it on a level I wan't trying to get tested, and the sad thing is I had upated the level with an emitter for the end, which made it so the race would not end, and you could not finish the level, or the race...so I don't think the person played the level. I tried posting two of my levels on here for testing, and since then I had one play on one of my levels, and no feedback. I think my levels are cursed. I did find that my auto reject had not saved for some reason, so hopefully it will stay on this time. | 2010-08-10 03:00:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
A - Ignore all "PLZ PLAY MY LEVEL," comments, most of the time just spammers that don't even bother to play yours. I understand advertising, but if they're not even gonna bother to play yours, why bother playing theirs? Let the other people reading the comments play them, that's repayment enough... (Not that there's need for any "repayment" to begin with." B - Send them a message: "I'm busy, can't play now" "I'll join ya when I'm done with this." "Srry, not now." Short messages like that work a lot of the times, tell them once and they'll be sure (most of the times, not always) to leave you alone. ![]() Hope that helps! | 2010-08-10 03:20:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I've been bothered a lot lately when I've been online. I can hardly create or play at all online. Last Friday I had my status set to unavailable, my comment said I was working on the caption contest, and I had my auto join reject set. I still got bothered! One kid actually kept sending me requests that I join him...and I kid you not, he sent at least 10 of them, plus pm's wanting me to see what he was working on. I was so upset! It's almost traumatizing to go online anymore. And talk about rude! This same kid will see me online playing with three other people and invite me to join him. The reason he wants me to join is so I can "watch" him create. Where are manners anymore? What about sending a nice pm asking nicely, and accepting the answer? Sorry for the rant, I just can't stand this anymore and I'm thinking of cutting my friends list way down. | 2010-08-10 11:36:00 Author: TheCountessZ ![]() Posts: 537 |
Personally, I don't have much tolerance for that kind of spam-inviting. One invite- totally cool. Two in a row - still okay ( I might not have seen the first, or something). It's after that, that I get a little testy about it. If Some one on my list is being a nuisance, I will check to see if I've already sent them a format "Twice is enough" message. If I have, then I drop them from my list. It may sound a little harsh, but if they continue after receiving the first message, then it has probably become a habit with them. Also, I can use all the space I can get on my friends list, since I've been lucky enough to meet a LOT of nice people who are fun to play with, and don't have etiquette issues. | 2010-08-10 12:10:00 Author: swanbrown ![]() Posts: 898 |
Lol, that was exactly what happened to me. A few times when completing my level I pulled out the router so I would be left alone. I sent long emails explaining to one of the people and they still would hit me up. This last itme the person jmped in before I could exit what I was working on and started to mess with all the items I had, all I could think was oh great, saved it, backed it up, did all I could do to keep the level from being ruined, and now one of my friends is about to ruin it for me. It was sad but a bit funny (I lost my first three levels completely to data corruption so I am a bit nervous about that). It would be cool if LBP 2 had an option for turn off PM while designing level. I | 2010-08-11 00:48:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
There's people who troll around the new level search h4hing without playing. I'll publish a level and see 3 hearts and 1 play. I'll check the comments and sure enough someones left a h4h comment. The only time I leave comments on a level without playing it is to ask people that spam there levels to stay on page 1 to stop. | 2010-08-11 13:34:00 Author: CENTURION24 ![]() Posts: 266 |
I still can't tell if the scoreboard works, I have a level that should always allow the person tome complete it, and I get feed back from a person, but they do not show up on the scoreboard at all. It just seems like part of the issue may be LBP. | 2010-08-11 18:05:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
I've been bothered a lot lately when I've been online. I can hardly create or play at all online. Last Friday I had my status set to unavailable, my comment said I was working on the caption contest, and I had my auto join reject set. I still got bothered! One kid actually kept sending me requests that I join him...and I kid you not, he sent at least 10 of them, plus pm's wanting me to see what he was working on. I was so upset! It's almost traumatizing to go online anymore. And talk about rude! This same kid will see me online playing with three other people and invite me to join him. The reason he wants me to join is so I can "watch" him create. Where are manners anymore? What about sending a nice pm asking nicely, and accepting the answer? Sorry for the rant, I just can't stand this anymore and I'm thinking of cutting my friends list way down. Yeah I know right? So many immature kids that do that stuff. But please do keep in mind that most of the online LBP community has alot of kids so they don't even know what rude is yet. They develop physically before they develop emotionally. My suggestion for you is to cut down your friends list and only accept requests from mature players and if you have a mic and so do they, even better. Shows you that they are actually "real". Ask their age too, I usually only except people that are higher than age 16 but it depends on how they act ingame. Some young players are mature and respectful. Good luck to you. | 2010-08-11 21:10:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
I try to be forgiving of the very young, you can tell it is them because they run off cliffs and such when they join a game. I do think some of the people that hit me up while playing must be younger, one started insult my friend who was on line playing the game. The person kept calling him a girl, not sure how that is a put down, but then again I am not 10. Today while responding to some feed back on a level, I asked one of the spammers if he claimed he played my level, why wasn't he on the score board. He left me a post claiming it was faster to quit than to wait for the end, and something else about incase he messed up. So I guess now I have my answer, they are infact not finishing the level, and most likely not even playing it. I think he hit up my level and marked it bad at the same time. I think from now on I will stop reviewing levels for feed back for people that never even try to finish mine. Sorry just a bit annoyed by giving people feed back on levels that have more plays than all twenty plus of mine combined. Then again perhaps if I spent all that time on one level it would be amazing!...yeah, I am guessing I may also need skill and not jsut time. | 2010-08-11 23:35:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
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