steampunk caverns platformer
Archive: 15 posts
steampunk caverns platformerDark-Match http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss69/nyghtcal/APhoto_4.jpgMake your way through the underground caverns and find your way back to the floating city in this steampunk inspired world! I tried to focus heavily on the visual beauty for this level i hope you guys enjoy it! http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss69/nyghtcal/APhoto_5.jpg http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss69/nyghtcal/APhoto_9.jpg http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss69/nyghtcal/APhoto_8.jpg http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss69/nyghtcal/APhoto_7.jpg http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss69/nyghtcal/APhoto_6.jpg | 2010-08-08 03:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Wow! This looks really awesome! I will check it out soon! | 2010-08-08 03:38:00 Author: psman012 ![]() Posts: 106 |
I played your level and completed it without dying. I thought the flying ship was very nicely done. Perhaps you could put point bubbles around the level and make a few harder to get to. I also think you could use the corner edit tool to clean up some unnecessary vertices to save on thermo. Not a bad level all in all. Thanks. I don't have an F4F level up that's current. I am working on one, but it will be awhile. | 2010-08-08 05:03:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
Thank you so much for the input thanatos989. I've been kinda undecided on wether I want to add more bubbles or not, my line of thought was that the bubbles kinda pull away from the levels design... But on the other hand it gives more reason to get to certain areas. It seems I will have to ponder more on that. As for the cleanup I'll be sure to touch over that soon. Once you get your F4F level up hit me up for an owed feedback <3 | 2010-08-08 05:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This was a very fun level in my opinion. Very polished visuals that are simple but appealing is what I look for in a level. Plus all the materials you picked fit well with your steam-punk theme. Gameplay was also varied and smooth. Lastly, very nice looking air-ship. Overall, 5/5! Great Work! If you get time try out one of my levels...but just for fun, you don't have to worry about a review, Thanks! | 2010-08-08 05:19:00 Author: Lockstitch ![]() Posts: 415 |
This is a solid, visually appealing level. I enjoyed playing it and did not experience any bugs. The ship was neat, and I liked all the cogs turning in the background throughout the level. The steam coming out of the pipes was also a nice effect. I do feel like the visuals got better throughout the level. It would be neat to have some turning cogs at the very beginning of the level, so right from the beginning you have as impressive visuals as at the middle and end. Great job!:star::star::star::star: . If you have a chance, please check out my level Mermaid Isle. | 2010-08-09 01:41:00 Author: pennydog ![]() Posts: 74 |
Well made level... Positives: + level design + platforming Sugguestion: - You made the level really good only thing was I fly through it maybe because challenges were lil easy? but thats not a big deal just thing you should make 1 area somewhat challenging but.. Overall Awesome Job::star::star::star::star: F4F MY LEVEL Comix Zone: Night of The Mutants | 2010-08-09 03:52:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Its a solid level! In my opinion, it only lacks some mood. I think some more dramatic music, lighting and sound effects would help. And maybe charcaters ![]() Anywho I gave it 5 stars! | 2010-08-09 20:11:00 Author: chimpskylark ![]() Posts: 335 |
Good level, i had lots of fun with it. It had fun challenges and good detail. The parts where you used the glass background was very unique and you used a good combination of materials. 5 stars If you have time please check out my level https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32710-Danger-in-The-Subway-(Remake)-parts-1-and-2 | 2010-08-10 19:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Very solid level! - Why isn't the title of the level capitalized? + Material choices + What is that grass like material doing below the gas in the first section? It looks cool, but you only see it if you die. ![]() - Minor layer annoyance on the second checkpoint. -+ Personally I don't like checkpoints in checkpoint shapes holes. It takes away more than it adds gameplay wise. (imo) - After the spikes, I would sticker over the thin layer that is behind the moving black/yellow block. Even one or two shadow stickers would make it less distracting visually. -+ On the fence about the giant gear. There is a brown rock in it that looks like an obstruction you have to clear to continue. When I see a gear, I assume it should be moving. But it looks cool. + Pipes/gas/rockets are nice throughout. - Gears rotating on their own, in their own little circle. I don't like this. I guess it's just there for decoration, but it would be cooler if one gear was rotating off another, like real gears. Like this. (http://theenergycollective.com/ClientFiles/7bb67765-fef5-48ce-af2a-bc9e230a3e0b/Gears.jpg) + LOVED the blimp. Awesome design. -+ With the end dissolve, I expected a bomb to fall because of the sticker design. Blowing stuff up is more fun than dissolving stuff in my experience, but I understand a random bomb at the end may take away from the level. Perhaps the final switch activates that giant gear in the middle of the level, which turns other gears, which opens the final scoreboard room below? Liked this level. The major thing I wanted to see was some gear on gear action (lol). If you are using a unique object (in this case the gear), you may as well squeeze everything you can out of them. ![]() The blimp pushed my rating to 5 stars. I liked your other level too so, + creator heart. My (F4F) (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=12795-F4F-quot-sound-n-space!-quot-An-experiment-in-navigating-via-sound-%28with-pictures!%29) | 2010-08-10 23:28:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Thank you all for all the awesome feedback! To answer few of your questions/ concerns midnight_heist: -The "grass like" material in the 1st section is actually the ground level from the background theme =p -The giant gear is actually meant to look like it fell through the ceiling blocking the path giving a visual reason to go down and through the smaller tunnel. If you stop just after the checkpoint, the camera will pan over so you can see all of it. The brown rock is a piece of the "debris" from when the gears crashed through the ceiling. -The gears rotating were originally intended to be far more detailed, but when I put them all together I ran into a serious lag issue so I was forced to simplify them. Sabre_: -It was my intention to make this level decently easy for a few reasons; I wanted it to be more of a fun visual experience that all players could enjoy without running into challenge issues or frustrations. My other reasoning was to familiarize myself with the level style before starting on a more challenging level (which I am currently working on). Pennydog: - I was hoping to give the feel of it slowly getting more complex and less "natural" looking ending with the feeling of a "man made" terrain once you get to the floating city. Again thank you all for the advice and opinions, it means a great deal to me and helps me to become the best creator I can be. <3 | 2010-08-11 01:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thank you all for all the awesome feedback! To answer few of your questions/ concerns midnight_heist: -The "grass like" material in the 1st section is actually the ground level from the background theme =p -The giant gear is actually meant to look like it fell through the ceiling blocking the path giving a visual reason to go down and through the smaller tunnel. If you stop just after the checkpoint, the camera will pan over so you can see all of it. The brown rock is a piece of the "debris" from when the gears crashed through the ceiling. -The gears rotating were originally intended to be far more detailed, but when I put them all together I ran into a serious lag issue so I was forced to simplify them. Sabre_: -It was my intention to make this level decently easy for a few reasons; I wanted it to be more of a fun visual experience that all players could enjoy without running into challenge issues or frustrations. My other reasoning was to familiarize myself with the level style before starting on a more challenging level (which I am currently working on). Pennydog: - I was hoping to give the feel of it slowly getting more complex and less "natural" looking ending with the feeling of a "man made" terrain once you get to the floating city. Again thank you all for the advice and opinions, it means a great deal to me and helps me to become the best creator I can be. <3 Yeah I totally understand the reasoning for it being easy because if its frustrating or have any issues many people would give up and quit but yea awesome level ![]() | 2010-08-11 01:53:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Love the look. You picked some great materials, and I think they go quite well together. Well done on that. Maybe have some movement in the gears at the beginning? I think the first real issue (and a small one) that I came to was that there should be more checkpoints on the jetpack part, if only one or two. Maybe just for the "special" players like myself. ![]() I love how the gears became shuriken at one point! (Even though they murdered me) I'm a little confused as to why you gave me a second jetpack on a chain and then immediately took it away from me. I like what you did with the rockets, using them as steam. I know that's not new, but you've implemented it well. Ooh, ooh, I think you should put something on top of the first (only?) elevator. I got up there and thought it would be wonderful to have a point box on top. That was a pretty good looking airship! My friend, who is sporadically watching me, said "Whoa, that's cool," so you've got another good opinion on it. Good job on that! Around that point your level started looking really fantastic, and I loved the switch in music. The ending was well done, too! So often the scoreboard seems neglected, but not yours. Loved the room with the trapdoor and the decorations in the score room itself. I agree with chimpskylark, some lighting, maybe some sound, and some characters would definitely be something to try experimenting with! Great job! :star::star::star::star::star: and a <3! | 2010-08-11 03:06:00 Author: Ryhas ![]() Posts: 179 |
very cool, i'll definitely will have to check out your level, its good to see fellow steampunkers on lbp and lbpc. i'm looking foward to playing your level | 2010-08-12 20:35:00 Author: calyst_aayla ![]() Posts: 217 |
I might just have to check this out. I'm new to LBPC and I'm a really big steampunk fan. | 2010-11-03 22:07:00 Author: Minisak ![]() Posts: 4 |
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