LBPZX Airship - new airship
Archive: 13 posts
Hey guys I've finally finished and published the new airship that I've been working on its called the LBPZX airship, just search up @huntedstorm and it'll be there I have also taken the time to put some other neat stuff inside the level, a lighthouse, speed boat and a boat containing some neat helicopters that I threw up a while ago. JYADS, YEAH_NAH, sackcreator42(correct numbers?) have all had a great time messing round with the airship (we may of picked the speed boat up with the airship...) its great for role playing, recreating the Hindenburg, messing round in create mode and all the stuff in between! its defiantly a blast to play with in multi player (although it can have a lil difficulty flying with 4 players) if you don't know how to fly it go all the way to the back of the 2nd floor and grab. well hope you like it ![]() ![]() I have 1 picture and more will be coming soon -control room http://img822.imageshack.us/i/aphotoe.jpg/ | 2010-08-07 09:05:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
Would be appreciated if you could upload some pictures on the level/airship. | 2010-08-07 09:15:00 Author: Mr Nive ![]() Posts: 137 |
So glad its up now ![]() :star::star::star::star::star: <3 | 2010-08-07 21:45:00 Author: AA_BATTERY ![]() Posts: 1117 |
its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the first one, GO PLAY IT NOW!!!! :star::star::star::star::star: <3 | 2010-08-07 21:58:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
I'll upload some pictures tomorrow night meanwhile, check out my next project: LBP Project:Top-down shooter, play create share style (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32530-Play-Create-Share-top-down-shooter-style) | 2010-08-08 10:59:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
I like the design but some chat bubbles with flight instructions would definately help out people who would have a hard time figuring it out ![]() | 2010-08-09 16:41:00 Author: travis54449 ![]() Posts: 52 |
I wonder what the next blimp will be called. Maybe the LBPZX Airship 2? ![]() | 2010-08-10 04:27:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
I like the design but some chat bubbles with flight instructions would definately help out people who would have a hard time figuring it out ![]() It does. If you go right to the left on the second floor you will find a bit of grabable material next to the book case. Grab it and viola! You have a guide to flying huntedstorm's awesome blimp. Hope this explains it. ![]() | 2010-08-11 11:08:00 Author: AA_BATTERY ![]() Posts: 1117 |
It does. If you go right to the left on the second floor you will find a bit of grabable material next to the book case. Grab it and viola! You have a guide to flying huntedstorm's awesome blimp. Hope this explains it. It's good to see some instructions, but you should probably add a chat bubble right when you come out of the checkpoint saying something like " Grab the book in the blimp to read the instructions on how to pilot it. " | 2010-08-11 15:59:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
sorry for forgeting about this (slaps forehead) anyway, i'll be adding a chat bubble near by giving you the location of were the book case is. that and, i'm getting pictures now, probably up tomorrow ![]() hope you are all enjoying the level so far! | 2010-08-13 11:53:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
Awesome thanks. I do think there should be some way to make it faster to get from the bottom floor to the top floor and vice versa so when I get to the platform with the parachutes, I can still be up high. Also, the scenery's is okay but could be better. I actually have some ideas for the scenery and I think I might be able to help. If you could let me take a picture of your newest blimp when it's done, (if you make another one) I'll work on the scenery on my moon and make sure it's not too hard but it's still a good challenge. (I'd have you send it but I've had lots of problems with getting gifts except when I'm online, playing little big planet so that's why I need to save it as an object. Then, when the scenery's complete, there are two options. 1. I save the scenery as an object, and since I have trouble sending things, I'll go to your moon and place it and place your blimp or you can. 2. I have the scenery and the object together and I publish it copyable but I don't want others to get it to claim as their own so I lock the level. Then I put the key down in a blank level on the moon and you get in playmode (unless you can only unlock a level with a key for a published level but I'm not sure. If you don't want me to, tht's fine. But if you do, I think #1 will be easier and faster, | 2010-08-13 13:27:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
2. I have the scenery and the object together and I publish it copyable but I don't want others to get it to claim as their own so I lock the level. Then I put the key down in a blank level on the moon and you get in playmode (unless you can only unlock a level with a key for a published level but I'm not sure. this method doesn't work in a my moon level from personal discovery. The key itself has to be in a published level even if it is just a key level with a code or sticker switch. This will make the key valid and therfore unlock the level | 2010-08-14 01:08:00 Author: AssassinatorRFC ![]() Posts: 715 |
Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me assassinator. | 2010-08-14 02:27:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
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