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I'm having VERY STRANGE death related dreams!!
Archive: 34 posts
Hi. Occassionally I am having very weird dreams where I keep dying. I mean I actually feel myself getting killed in a painfree way. I'm dead for a matter of seconds I these thoughts but I just seem to dead. My first dream that happens occassionally is where I'm in a weird space, empty dark room that is endless. All around me are huge stepping stones around a very high tower. My body in my dream just keeps climbing forever to get to the top. I finally reach the top before I wake up. I just look down and simply jump. Although the weird thing is that I can feel the air rushing past my body. I mean actually physically feel it. As soon as I hit the ground I wake up. Did I just wake up before I died? Another weird dream is where I was walking along an alleyway. I was going to a supermarket and a big red bus comes out of nowhere. This bus is traveling very slowly and it keeps getting bigger and bigger when it gets closer to me. Eventually in my dream, there is no room to walk past and it squashes me. Again I physically feel squashed and numb. Then all of a sudden, this bus swerves and rolls over me. All the thoughts going through my mind are crazy. All I can remember is me saying, Its going to be ok, I'm just going to wake up and live. After I think these words, I'm in an empty space of darkness with thoughts then I wake up and my heart is pounding and I'm sweating like mad. I can hardly move and I feel like I just saved my life by waking up. Also another thing that is weird is that my dream and reality merged this morning. Just before I woke, my dad was hammering something in my dream and he said, this is the noise hammering makes [unsure why he said that in my dream] My dad started banging and I woke up and the banging was still there. It was a deliveryman that was knocking on my front door. It was like this hammering dream merged with the deliveryman knocking in reality as it was constantly afterwards. I need some answers to why this is happening and what I should do. Does this happen to anyone else? | 2010-08-07 00:44:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash Posts: 293 |
Creepy... Really creepy! Now I'm gonna dream like that tonight! Carp! I personally would run and hide into the depths of the bright side of my imagination | 2010-08-07 00:51:00 Author: Super_Clone Posts: 849 |
Man, what is it with all these morbidly themed threads lately? | 2010-08-07 00:54:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt Posts: 1477 |
There's alot of possibilities. Past lifes? Hidden memories? Maybe a warning or just a mix of what you see all day? My dad started banging and I woke up and the banging was still there. It was a deliveryman that was knocking on my front door. I have seen in many times. It's like, when your in a dream, you are mostly disconnected with the real world. But sometimes your dreams may be affected by what happens outside. Imagine a dream as being stuck in your own mind. Sometimes it stops spontanealy. Other times it stops when you suddenly wake up. But, the more interesting way to stop a dream is by dying in it. When you die, what remains? Nothing. So you are forced to wake up. And you wake up thinking you just died, because the brain can't tell the difference between dream and reality sometimes. Also, we could be all living a dream right now. Or just me, and you're from my imagination. The only way to be sure is to die. But, I don't want to take the risk | 2010-08-07 00:59:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I haven't a clue. Time of year? 2012 coming early? Lol. Hmm, though I think one person made a thread and people just followed on. Yeah I do have usually wacky dreams were I was in weird candy colourful land with huge swirly lollypops. Although it is extremely hard to decide what you want to dream. So you can't say, "Oh I'm going to dream about turtles tonight" Your mind automatically dreams of something else. You have approxiamately 5 dreams every night too. | 2010-08-07 01:00:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash Posts: 293 |
There's alot of possibilities. Past lifes? Hidden memories? Maybe a warning or just a mix of what you see all day? I have seen in many times. It's like, when your in a dream, you are mostly disconnected with the real world. But sometimes your dreams may be affected by what happens outside. Imagine a dream as being stuck in your own mind. Sometimes it stops spontanealy. Other times it stops when you suddenly wake up. But, the more interesting way to stop a dream is by dying in it. When you die, what remains? Nothing. So you are forced to wake up. And you wake up thinking you just died, because the brain can't tell the difference between dream and reality sometimes. Also, we could be all living a dream right now. Or just me, and you're from my imagination. The only way to be sure is to die. But, I don't want to take the risk I haven't had a death related past life. No one close to me has died before. My average day is LBP during my summer. Recently I'm making a dark type of medieval level though. Any hidden memories, I have forgotten as when I think now I can't remember. I'm not even emo or have a mental health issue. I should research it some more. | 2010-08-07 01:05:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash Posts: 293 |
It' just a dream Ok I just read through these dreams and nothing seems that crazy. Maybe your becoming lucid at these moments, I'd personally try to take advantage of that and stay asleep lol. I have had sound merge years ago. The spice girls was on really loud while I slept in a friends house when I was younger. They appeared in my dream, but I woke up as they performed on a rooftop, the song was actually on and in sync. Plenty of people play sounds while they sleep to let them know they are dreaming. As for content, I am not unfamiliar with death in a dream, nothing has come of it. And I'm sure you can make yourself dream of something if you think of it enough. Dreams can be made more memorable and clear by taking a certain vitamin, not exactly sure which one though lol. Maybe your just thinking a lot about death or something, dreaming it repeatedly can't be helping either because that would make you think about it even more. Also gdn, this life isn't Inception! | 2010-08-07 01:07:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
I haven't had a death related past life. No one close to me has died before. Doesn't have to be this way. If you watch a monster movie late at night, you may have nightmares related to that movie, but you didn't saw a real monster. Some things may affect you dreams more than others. | 2010-08-07 01:13:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Like OEB said, it's just a dream. These things tend to happen, especially after you wake up then admittedly go back to sleep. | 2010-08-07 01:13:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Like OEB said, it's just a dream. These things tend to happen, especially after you wake up and admittedly go back to sleep. But they still make for some good discussion. | 2010-08-07 01:15:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
But they still make for some good discussion. Not really. To be honest, I'm starting to get annoyed by these useless threads. It's slowly turning this forum into Twitter. | 2010-08-07 01:18:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Not really. To be honest, I'm starting to get annoyed by these useless threads. It's slowly turning this forum into Twitter. Well it needs a cleanup. Remember that "Scientific Discussion" thread? | 2010-08-07 01:19:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Well it needs a cleanup. Remember that "Scientific Discussion" thread? Yes! Sadly, everybody left the thread when we ran out of things to talk about. We really know how to come up with a solution to a problem quickly! | 2010-08-07 01:25:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
So, how bouts a funny dream story?I was half asleep one night and started having a falling dream. I got very frightened and fully woke up. Not opening my eyes, I calmed myself and rolled over... and fell off the bed. I screamed SO LOUD. My entire family woke up. | 2010-08-07 01:31:00 Author: Voltergeist Posts: 1702 |
Heres some information. Five Types of Dreams by Gillian Kemp There are five different types of dreams: ordinary, lucid, telepathic, premonitory, and nightmare. They often blend and merge with one another. ORDINARY DREAMS During the day our conscious minds are active, but at night the subconscious takes over. Ordinary dreams are based on the activity of the unconscious in response to what we have seen or heard in our waking hours. Even a single thought can trigger a dream. Automatic unconscious stores of knowledge that have made an impression remain filed in the brain and unperceived until "read" by dream symbols, which are "the language of the soul." Events of the day and from years past are mirrored in the sleeping mind, as seemingly long-forgotten memories can resurface in dream imagery. The soul is particularly susceptible to the bygone memories that are brought to light through pictures in the mind's eye. In addition to being clairvoyant, dreams are also clairaudient, as we hear souls speak in our minds' ears. Clairvoyance means "clear sight." It is the supernatural ability to see people and events far away in time or location. Clairaudience means clear hearing. It is the faculty to hear with the mind's ear. Words spoken to us in our dreams should be taken literally, because such spiritual communication can show us how we should be when awake. You can get the best out of your future by understanding what a dream is saying to you pictorially and verbally. LUCID DREAMS A lucid dream is one that you can control because you are aware that you are dreaming. You can also decide what to dream about before going to sleep and then dream about the very thing that you planned to. TELEPATHIC DREAMS Telepathy, known as "the language of the angels," allows the dead and the living to speak in dreamland. In this meeting place, death is no barrier, and the living cross the threshold into a heavenly sphere of existence. This mental communication can also occur mind-to-mind between two living people. We may send our own or receive others' intentional or unintentional thoughts as mental visions in dreams. Extended telepathy during sleep is a communion between two worlds, the nighttime world of the soul and the daytime world of the body. PREMONITORY DREAMS Premonitory dreams are similar to telepathic dreams in that your spirit leaves your body and ventures on a voyage of discovery. Premonitory dreams are special because they reveal the future and allow the dreamer to see truths that are not accessible in waking life. In telepathic dreams, we can also detect information about an imminent event. Dreams are the catalyst that put your body into motion to follow and fulfill your wishes and desires. NIGHTMARES Most nightmares are linked to early childhood, when we are inexperienced and therefore dependent on others. Before the age of three, we have not yet developed a sense of conscience and of right and wrong. Nightmares are representations of a suppressed, original fear commonly created by excessively strict parental or sibling moral standards and the threat of punishment in the face of innocence. In nightmares you may perceive a warning for yourself or for a loved one. To be forewarned is to be forearmed: if you first see a frightful event in a dream, you can prevent harm from happening in waking life. For example, nightmares can warn against acting on impulse, as well as show that certain feelings and emotions are unhealthy. Not all nightmares are nasty predictions or unwholesome signs. A nightmare may also relate to an old, unsolved problem that is so frightening to face that we are unable to continue to dream and the emotional terror wakes us in distress without offering a solution. Yeah I've been thinking about death lately as I find it quite interesting about what happens after you die. Also that stupid depressing worst way to die thing needs locked or away. It has been makin me worry more and my fears and phobias has made me worry too. So I'm pretty much thinking about because I'm worried like always. I'm worried a lot but I'm not sure why. | 2010-08-07 01:38:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash Posts: 293 |
Sounds hawt. | 2010-08-07 01:44:00 Author: Unknown User |
Well it depends what you think about before you go to sleep, so think about good things | 2010-08-07 01:58:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
a dream is normaly something youv forced into the very back of your mind that you dont wish to think abut, when you fall asleep, your brain starts to think about it creating a dream | 2010-08-07 06:11:00 Author: YEAH_NAH Posts: 775 |
I don't post for a day and suddenly it turns into LittleBigDeathCentral | 2010-08-07 06:29:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31845-What-do-you-think-will-happen-after-death https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32158-What-would-you-do-if-your-the-last-person-alive-on-Earth https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31937-What-fears-or-phobias-do-you-have https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32035-McDonalds-Biggest-Secret!-Must-read! https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32361-quot-Aliens-quot-are-out-there!! Gee, i'm sure this has NOTHING to do with it.... Dreams merge with reality (with all senses, maybe just one, or all 5 at once, variates on situation and dream) all the time dude, so don't worry about that. Altho i do advice you tone down on the "death" related stuff, dreams may indeed "just be" dreams, and you may not be able to get the injuries you get in a dream, but be assured, feelings such as anger, happyness, sadness, and most importantly FEAR will indeed happen in real time, and the heart WILL beat faster depending on the situation, but don't worry, unless you have a heart condition, this will probably just give you a scare (unless "too" intense, but that's really really rare.) Anywho, my advice is if you know you're in a dream (aka you're in a lucid dream) take as much advantage of it as possible, these aren't common if untrained, but awesome while they last. So don't worry too much about it, just lay low on dark negative thoughts and you'll be having your "whatever is "good" to you" dreams in no time. (Also, try not to stay awake either to avoid these, it may onlt make it worse.) | 2010-08-07 07:02:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
Any of my Dreams I have that (I see) are Strange or Unusual, I tend to Write or Draw down - who knows, It may be an Idication towards something? | 2010-08-07 14:46:00 Author: Nurolight Posts: 918 |
i had a weido dream yesterday, started with that i was at a party with my family and we where about to eat in 4 hours, i for no reason what so ever walked right out to the woods and got lost, i had this feeling all along "why won't they look for me? do they hate me?" and somehow i can't remember im back and all is eating dinner without me, suddenly we are apparently in a school and are about to start when a crreepy guy moves around and says "ok they are gone now.." but then a HUGE bee with bird wings shows up and flies around the class room, the guy says "oh no! there's one left! don't let it touch you or else it will start build a beehive on you!" everyone starts panic and runs around in circles, then i woke up and see this bee in my room flying around, i get panic again and runs out of my room and see a strange light outside the window, it's in the middle of the night and the entire town is covered in fogg, yet it feels like the sun should've rised looong ago, i look at the light outside the window, it's a tower with a lamp blinking, then suddenly i woke up again wih the sun in my eyes... for real.. and now im here... for real i hope... | 2010-08-07 15:10:00 Author: >er. Posts: 785 |
Is there any chance you were thinking about Chuck Norris before you went to bed? | 2010-08-07 17:33:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
maybe theres something in your life you are trying to escape from? | 2010-08-07 17:46:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
I remember the animal channel was on and it was about sharks and while that was happeneing my family was talking about going to church or not. I was sleeping at the time and in my dream there was Sharks going to church. | 2010-08-07 18:00:00 Author: Unknown User |
Haha! Shark week! Although that's Discovery channel... I now have a image of Great Whites in blue (strange, I know) tuxes walking through my church (Its a real big catholic church) | 2010-08-07 18:32:00 Author: Super_Clone Posts: 849 |
Ok, so I'm not too sure about the actual meaning of the dreams, but I know that all dreams are always somehow based (even if not very much) on real life occurences. Your brain cannot just make something up. Which is why it is impossible to die in dreams. You always wake up just before, or as you said, whilst 'dying'. This is because you don't know what it is like to die so it jsut wakes up. | 2010-08-07 19:00:00 Author: Plasmavore Posts: 1913 |
Ok this is something not to be posted on LittleBigPlanetCentral. | 2010-08-07 19:01:00 Author: extreme2fl Posts: 86 |
Ok this is something not to be posted on LittleBigPlanetCentral. Why? Last time I checked this was the GENERAL CHAT area, where you can TALK ABOUT ANYTHING as long as it's appropriate. KThxBye. | 2010-08-07 19:12:00 Author: Unknown User |
I Had a dream i got blown up by an atom bomb, i felt the heat but i didnt feel any pain. | 2010-08-07 21:06:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
I love dreaming.. and in my dreams, i feel everything! When i'm in an awesome dream and i wake up, i can fall asleep and decide to continue it! What i'm trying to say is that most of the time, you can control your dreams. if you want a cake, just think about it and it will appear! it works for me oh and if a dream is going bad, i just close my eyes and i wake up automaticly! | 2010-08-08 04:15:00 Author: Kaboom Posts: 172 |
I get killed in my dreams all the time. Only a few days ago I was pounced on by a black leopard. | 2010-08-08 06:17:00 Author: Ayneh Posts: 2454 |
I love dreaming.. and in my dreams, i feel everything! When i'm in an awesome dream and i wake up, i can fall asleep and decide to continue it! What i'm trying to say is that most of the time, you can control your dreams. if you want a cake, just think about it and it will appear! it works for me oh and if a dream is going bad, i just close my eyes and i wake up automaticly! Man! Lucky you! You know, most of the time I'm aware that I'm dreaming, but I don't even try to control the dream. Everything just goes randomly. Like the cake thing, even if I'm like "Oh, I'm in a dream" I don't even think of how I can do whatever I want. : | I rarely have good dreams. They're all either very strange or a nightmare. And I don't remember a lot of them either. | 2010-08-08 07:30:00 Author: TheZimInvader Posts: 3149 |
I never seem to die in my dreams. Instead I've recently had a bunch of dreams were I'm doing the killing. Generally though my dreams are complete mess of ideas. During the dream they make complete sense but when I wake up and run them through my mind they just consist of a chain of totally unrelated events. I usually wait untill I have a dream that makes some sort of sense before I start to control it. Last night was a good dream, I killed a person too | 2010-08-08 09:09:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
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