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LBP1 DCS! [1 or 2 player battle]

Archive: 5 posts

its basically a level that involves 1 or 2 players fighting eachother (or an AI) With DC (Left goes left ,Right goes right, Jump= Special attack and R1= fire! its a work in progress and isn't published yet. and its a Flippin' Cool production... wich is the names of the two creators MrFlip360 (me) and mrcool776 (a friend) combined! LOL its pretty fun just need to work on the movements and i got the score system under control think of it like a pong match but instead of controling bars you controll spaceships that fire! to win you must destroy the other player! tell me what you think and give some suggestions! thank you :star::star::star::star: <3 2010-08-06 22:30:00

Posts: 83

Well i tihnk that this idea would work better on LBP 2 but if you can get it to work then power to you! 2010-08-08 02:44:00

The master mind
Posts: 37

Well i tihnk that this idea would work better on LBP 2 but if you can get it to work then power to you!
actually... you make a greatpoint because when i started making this i had my doubts but it works better than i expected! and YES i will create a battle pong in lbp2 (Aform of the classic "Pong" game on like the first system except you can fire turrets and you have health!"
2010-08-09 05:25:00

Posts: 83

I'm curious as to how it works. Like what's the mechanism that transfers control from Sackboy to the device? Is it anything like mine (see my vehicle tools thread in my sig)? Anyway, if it works well, then it could be pretty cool: mine works alright but is a bit sluggish so it's not great for quick reflex arcadey type games. Will yours work in a moving vehicle, or does it need to be stationary to remain accurate?2010-08-09 08:32:00

Posts: 2188

I'd like to see how this works out as well. I'd argue my control functions for my mecha are the closest thing to how DCS actually operates (albeit very limited) since you can use R1 and circle, but considering DCS is used in various forms in LBP2, this'll be an interesting object to follow.2010-08-09 19:41:00

Posts: 1476

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